Vorbeimarsch der deutschen Ortsbevölkerung an den ermordeten und auf Befehl der 95. Infanterie-Division exhumierten Zwangsarbeiter in Suttrop. Fototext: "German mother shields eyes of son as she walks with other civilians past row of exhumed dead Russians outside town of Suttrop. A common grave contained bodies of 57 Russians shot and killed by Nazis. Among victims were women and one infant child. Recovery of bodies was done under Supervision of 95th Infantry Division of U.S. Ninth Army", Freigabe durch den Field Press Censor am 05.05.1945. | 1945-05-03
Objekt: NARA, Washington | SC 205629 Sharetts, Vernon M., US-Army Signal Corps
URL: http://www.westfaelische-geschichte.de/med2787
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