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3rd Comenius meeting (by skevi, Cyprus) PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Paraskevi Christoforou   
Friday, 23 November 2007

Hi there,


My name is Skevi. I am from Cyprus and I am the natural talent of ice-skating as Vasos said.


About one month ago I was participated to the third Comenius meeting. I was reluctant at first but I decided to go.

In the weeks leading up to the special day various preparations had been made. Meetings were held to inform our parents and us about the traveling. Forms were printed and distributed to participants so they could see details about their host families. Also the mascot was made.


It was a clear autumn night , when we shook our hands to our parents and our trip began. ….

After arriving at Kellokosken ylaaste ja Lukio,  Hanna (my helpful hostess ) took me on a whirlwind tour of  Kellokoski

 The week was a huge success. The welcome performance was really great and Finnish were very pleasant and gave us the glad hand.  All the activities were fantastic and I really enjoyed them. The dictionaries, the disco, the excursions were unforgettable experiences of lifetime.


To cut a long story short, I spent a interesting week in Finland and managed to soak up a lot of Finnish culture and history thanks to Hanna her captivating stories. Although I only spent a short time there, I feel I left Finland with a vivid insight int Finnish life.


Participating in this event also gave me sense of personal satisfaction for having face up my fears about different. I highly recommend this experience.

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