Heliand HS Cgm 25 (nach Edition Schmeller 1830; Verszählung nach Edition Sievers 1878; Fittenzählung durch die üblichen römischen Ziffern markiert)

<2r> [...] <in HS: ersten sieben Zeilen und Anfang achte Zeile ausradiert>
85-111thoh ansorgun hugi· that sie erbiuuard
egan nimostun acuuarun im barnolos· Than scolda he gibod
godes tharan hierusalem· so oft so is gigengi gistod· that inatorht
lico tidi gimanodun· so scolda he at them uuiha uualdandes geld helag
bi huueruan heuancuninges· godes iungarskepi· gern uuas he fuido
that he it thurh ferhtan hugi frummean mosti·
<II.> Tho uuard thiu tid cuman that thar gitald habdun uuisa man mid
uuordun· that scolda thana uuih godes zacharias bisehan· Tho
uuard thar gisamnod filu thar te hierusalem iudeono liudio uuerodes
te them uuiha thar sie uualdand god suuido theolico thiggean scoldun
herron is huldi· that sie heuancuning ledes aleti· Thea liudi stodun
umbi that helaga hus· endi geng im the gi herodo man anthana uuih
innan· that uuerod othar bed umbi thana alah utan ebreoliudi·
huuan er the frodo man gi frumid habdi uualdandes uuilleon
So he tho thana uuiroc drog aldaf tar them alaha· endi umbi thana
altari geng mid is rocfatun rikiun thionon fremida ferhtlico
fraon sines godes iungarskepi gerno suuido mid bluttru hugi. <2v>
[...] <in HS: ersten vier Zeilen ausradiert>
117-144uualdanda uuerde· endi thin uuord so self· thin thionost is im an
thanke· that thu sulica githaht haues an is enes craft· Ic is engil
bium gabriel bium ic hetan· the gio for goda standu anduuard
for them alouualdon· ne si that he me an is arundi huarod sen
dean uuillea· Nu hiet he me anthesan sid faran· hiet that ic
thi gicuddi· that thi kind giboran fon thinera alderu idis odan
scoldi uuerdan anthesero uueroldi uuordun spahi· That ni scal an
is liua gio lides anbitan uuines an is uueroldi· so habed im uurdgi
scapu metod gimarcod· endi maht godes· het that ic thi thoh sagdi·
that it scoldi gisid uuesan heuan cuninges· het that git it
heldin uuel tuhin thurh treuua· Quad that he im tiras so filu
an godes rikea forgeuan uueldi· He quad that the godo gumo
iohannes te namon hebbean scoldi· gibod that git hetin so
that kind than it quami· quad that it kristes gisid· anthesaro
uuidun uuerold· uuerdan scoldi is selbes sunies· endi quad
that sie sliumo herod an is bodskepi bede quamin· Zacha
rias tho gimahalda· endi uuid selban sprac drohtines engil· endi
im thero dadeo bigan uundron thero uuordo· Huuomag that
giuuerdan so quad he aftar an aldre· It is unc al te lat· so te gi
uuinnanne. so thu mid thinun uuordun gisprikis· huuanda uuit <3r>
144-179habdun aldres er efno tuentig uuintro an unero uueroldi· er than
quami thit uuif te mi· than uuarun uuit nu atsamna antsibunta uuin
tro gibenkeon endi gibeddeon· sidor ic sie mi te brudi gecos· so uuit thes
an uncro iugudi gigirnan nimohtun· that uuit erbiuuard egan mostin
fodean an uncun flettea nu uuit sus gifrodod sint· habad unceldi
binoman elleandadi· that uuit sint anuncro siuni gislekit endi anuncun
sidun lat· flesk is unc antfallan· fel unsconi· is unca lud giliden
lik gitrusnod· sind uncaandbari odarlicaron mod endi megincraft
so uuit giu so managan dag uuarun anthesero uueroldi so mi thes uun
dar thunkit· huuo it so giuuerdan mugi· so thu mid thinun uuordan
gisprikis· <III.> Tho uuard that heuencuninges bodon harm an is mode
that he is giuuerkes so uundron scolda· endi that ni uuelda gihuggean
that ina mahta helag god· so alaiungan so he fon erist uuas selbo gi
uuirkean of he so uueldi· Skerida im tho te uuitea that he ni mahte
enig uuord sprekan gimahlien mid is mudu· er than thi magu
uuirdid fon thinero aldero idis erl afodit kind iung giboran cunnies
godes uuanum te thesero uueroldi· than scalt thu eft uuord sprekan
hebbean thinaro stemna giuuald· Ni tharft thu stum uuesan· len
gron huila· Tho uuard it san gilestid so giuuordan te uuaron
so thar an them uuiha gisprak engil thes alo uualdon· uuard ald
gumo spraca bilosit thoh he spahan hugi bari an is breostun·
Bidun allan dag that uuerod for them uuiha endi uundrodun
alla bi huui he thar so lango lof salig man suuido frod gumo fraon
sinun thionon thorfti· so thar er enig thegno nideda than sie <3v>
179-214thar at them uuiha uualdandes geld· folmon frumidun
Tho quam frodgumo ut fon them alaha· erlos thrungun nahor mi
kilu· uuas im niud mikil huat he im sodlikes seggean uueldi·
uuisean te uuaron· He nimohta tho enig uuord sprecan giseggean
them gisidea· butan that he mid is suidron hand uuisda them uuero
da· that sie uses uualdandes lera lestin· Thea liudi forstodun·
that he thar habda <in HS: ahabda, erstes a getilgt> gegnungo godcundes huat for sehen selbo
thoh he is nimahti giseggean uuiht· giuuisean teuuaron· Tho hab
da he uses uualdandes geld gilestid· al so is gigengi uuas gimarcod
mid mannun· Tho uuard san aftar thiu maht godes gicudid·
is craft mikil· uuard thiu quan ocan idis an iraeldiu· scolda im
erbiuuard suido godcund gumo gibidig uuerdan· barn an burgun·
Bed aftar thiu that uuif uurdigiscapu· skred the uuintar ford
geng thes geres gital· Iohannes quam an liudeo lioht· lik uuas im
sconi· uuas im felfagar· fahsendi naglos· uuangun uuarun im uulitige <in HS: erstes i übergesetzt ergänzt>·
Tho forun thar uuiseman snelle tesamne thea suasostun mest· uun
drodun thes uuerkes bi hui it gio mahti giuuerdan so that uundar
so aldun· tuém· odan uurdi. barnanburgun· niuuari that it gibod
godes selbes uuari· afsuobun sie garo that it elcor so uuanlic uuer
dan nimahti· Tho sprak thar en gifrodot man the so filo consta
uuisaro uuordo· habde giuuit mikil· fragode niutlico huuat
is namo scoldi uuesan· anthesaro uueroldi· mithunkid an is uuisu
gilic iac anis gibarea· that he si betara than uui· so ic uuani that ina
usgegnungo· fon himila selbo sendi· Tho sprac san aftar thiu <4r>
215-249modar thes kindes· thiuthana magu habda· that barn an ire barme
Her quam gibod godes quad siu fernungere· furmon uuordu gibod
that he iohannes bi godes lerun hetan scoldi· that ic anminumu hugi
ni gidar uuendean mid uuihti· of ic is giuualdan mot· Tho sprac en
gelhert man the ira gaduling uuas· Ne het er giouuiht so quad he
adalboranes uses cunnies eftho cnosles· uuita kiasanim odrana niud
samna namon· he niate of he moti· Tho sprac eft the frodo man the
thar consta filo mahlian· Nigibu ic that te rade quad he rinco ne
genun· that he uuord godes uuendean biginna· ac uuita is thana fader
fragon the tharod so gi frodod sitit uuis an is uuinseli· thoh he ni
mugi enig uuord sprecan· thoh mag he bi bocstabon bref geuuir
kean· namon giscriban· Tho he nahor geng· legda im ena boc an
barm· endi bad gerno uuritan uuislico uuordgimerkiun· huat sie
that helagabarn hetan scoldin· Tho nam he thiu bok an hand· endi
an is hugi thahte suido gerno te gode· Iohannes namon uuislico gi
uuret· endi aftar mid is uuordu gisprac suido spahlico· habda im
eft is spraca giuuald· giuuitteas endi uuisun· that uuiti uuas
tho agangan· hard harmscare· the im helag god mahtig macode
that he eft an is modsebon godes niforgati· than he im eft
sendi is iungron to·
<IV.> Tho ni uuas lang aftar thiu· ne it al so gilestid uuard· sohe mancun
nea managa huila god alomahtig forgeben habda· that he is
himilisc barn herod te uueroldi is selbes sunu se[n]dean <in HS: ausradiert, erkennbar eher u> uueldi· te
thiu that he her alosdi alla liudstemnia uuerod fon uuitea· <4v>
249-281Tho uuard is uuisbodo an galilea land gabriel cuman· engil thes
alo uualdon thar he ene idis uuisse munilica magad maria uuas siu
heten uuas iru thiorna githigan· sea en thegan habda ioseph gimahlit
godes cunnies man· thea dauides dohter· that uuas so diurlic uuif
idisantheti· thar sie the engil godes an nazareth burg· binamon selbo
grotte geginuuarde· endi sie fon gode quedda· Hel uuis thu maria
quad he· thu bist thinun herron liof· uualdande uuirdig· huuand
thu giuuit habes· idis enstio fol· thu scalt for allun uuesan uuibun
giuuihit· Nehabe thu uuecan hugi· ne forhti thu thinun ferhe
Nequam ic thi te enigun freson herod· nedragu ic enig drugi
thing· Thu scalt uses drohtines uuesan modar mid mannun endi
scalt thana magu fodean· thes hohon heban cuninges· the scal
heliand te namon egan mideldiun· Neo endi nikumid thes uui
don rikeas· the he giuualdon scal· mari theodan·
Tho sprac im eft thiu magad angegin· uuid thana engil godes·
idiso sconiost allaro uuibo uulitigost· Huo mag that giuuer
den so quad so quad <sic> siu· that ic magu fodie· Ne ic gio mannes
niuuard uuis· an minera uueroldi· Tho habde eft is uuord
garu· engil thes alouualdon· thero idisiu tegegnes· An thi scal helag
gest fon heban uuange cuman· thurh craft godes· than scalthi kind
odan uuerdan anthesaro uueroldi uualdan des craft· scal thi fon them <ganze Zeile nur in HS, Edition Schmeller nimmt sie nicht auf>
hohoston hebancuninge scadouuan mid skimon· Niuuard sconiera
giburd· ne so mari mid mannun· huand siu kumid thurh maht godes
anthese uuidon uuerold· <5r>
281-314Tho uuard eft thes uuibes hugi aftar them arundie al gihuorben
an godes uuilleon· thanc ic her garustandu quad siu te sulicun
ambahtskepi· so he mi egan uuili· Thiu bium ic theotgodes· Nu ik
theses thinges gitruon· uuerde mi aftar thinun uuordun al so is
uuilleo si· herron mines· nismi hugi tuifli· neuuord ne uuisa·
So gifragn ik that that uuif antfeng that godes arundi gerno suido
mid leohtu hugi· endi mid gilobon godun· endimid hluttrun
treuun· uuard the helago gest· that barn anira bosma· endi siu an ira
breostun for stod· iac an ire sebon selbo· sagda them siu uuelda that
sie habde giocana thes alouualdon craft helag fon himile· Tho uuard
hugi iosepes is mod gidrobid· the im er thea magad habda thea idis
anthettea· adalenosles· uuif· giboht im te brudiu· He afsof that siu
habda barn undar iru· ni uuanda <in HS: letztes a übergesetzt korrigiert aus e> thes mid uuihti· that iru that uuif
habdi· giuuardod· so uuarolico <in HS: erstes o übergesetzt ergänzt>· Ni uuisse uualdandes tho noh· blidi
gibodskepi· Ni uuelda <in HS: a übergesetzt korrigiert aus e> sia <in HS: a übergesetzt korrigiert aus e> imo <in HS: o übergesetzt ergänzt> te brudi[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> tho halon· imo <in HS: o übergesetzt ergänzt> te hiuuon· ac
bigan im tho an is hugi thenkean· huo he sie so forleti· so iru thar
niuurdi ledes uuiht· odan arbides· Niuuelda sie aftar thiu mel
don for menigi antdred that sie manno barn libu binamin· so
uuas than thero liudeo thau thurh then aldon eu· ebreo folkes·
so huilik so thar anunreht idis gihiuuida· that siu simbla thana
bedskepi huggean scolda fri· mid ira ferhu· Ni uuas gio thiu
femea so god· that siu mid them liudiun leng libbien mosti·
uuesan undar them uueroda· Bigan im the uuiso man <in HS: über n zweites N übergesetzt> suido
god gumo Ioseph an is moda thenkean thero thingo· huo he thea <5v>
314-345thiornun tho listiun forleti· Tho niuuas lang te thiu· that im thar
androma quam drohtines engil hebancuninges bodo· endi het
sie ina haldan uuel· minnion sie an is mode· Ni uuis thu quad he
mariun uured· thiornun thinaro· siu is githuungan uuif· Ne
forhugi thu sie te hardo· thu scalt sie haldan uuel· uuardon ira an
thesaro uueroldi· lefti inca· uuinitreuua ford· so thu dadi· endi
hald incan friundskepi uuel· Ne lat thu sie thi thiu ledaron
thoh siu undar ira lidon egi· barn an ira bosma· It cumid thurh
gibod godes· helages gestes fon heban uuanga· that is iesu krist
godes egan barn uualdandes sunu· thu scalt sie uuel haldan
helaglico· Ne lat thu thi thinan hugi tuiflien· merrean thina
mod githaht· Tho uuard eft thes mannes hugi giuuendid
aftar them uuordun· that he im te them uuiba genam· tethera
magad minnea· Antkenda maht godes· uualdandes gibod·
uuas im uuilleo mikil· that he so helaglico haldan mosti· bisor
goda sie an is gisidea endi siu so subro drog al te huldi godes
helagna gest godlican gumon· ant that sie godes giscapu· mahtig
gimanodun· that siu ina an manno lioht allaro barno bezt
brengean scolda·
<V.> Tho uuard fon rumuburg rikes mannes obar alla thesa irmin
thiod octauianas ban· endi bodskepi· obar thea is bredon
giuuald cuman· fon them kesure cuningo gihuilicun hemsittean
diun· so uuido so is heritogon obar al that landskepi liudi gi
uueldun· hiet man that alla thea elilendiun man iro odil <6r>
345-379sohtin helidos iro handmahal an gegen iro herron bodon· quami
te them cnosla gihue thanan he cunneas uuas giboran fon them
burgiun· That gibod uuard· gilestid· obar thesa uuidon uuerold
uuerod· samnoda· te allaro· burgeo· gihuuem· Forun thea bodon
obar all thea· fon them kesora cumana uuarun· bokspaha uueros· endi
an bref scribun. suido niudlico· namono gihuilican. ia land ia liudi·
that im nimahti· alet tean man <in HS: über n zweites N übergesetzt>· gumono sulica gambra· so im scolda
geldan <in HS: a aus e übergesetzt korrigiert>· gihue· helido· fon is hobda· Tho giuuet im oc mid is
hiuuisca· ioseph the godo· so it god mahtig· uualdand· uuelda· sohta
im thiu· uuanamon hem thea burg an b(et)hleem· thar iro beidero
uuas thes helides handmahal· endi oc thera helagun thiornun
mariun thera godun· Thar uuas thes· mareon· stol· an· er dagun·
adalcuninges· dauides· thes· godon· than· langa the he· thana dru ht
skepi· thar· erl· undar· ebreon· egan mosta· haldan· hohgisetu
sie uuarun· is· hiuuiscas· cuman fon· is· cnosla· cunneas· godes· bediu
bi giburdiun· Thar gifragn ic· that sie thiu· berhtun· giscapu
mariun gimanodun· endi maht godes· that· iru· anthem· sida sunu
odan uuard· giboran an bethleem. barno strangost· allaro cuningo
craf tigost· cuman uuard· the mareo mahtig an manno lioht· so
is er managandag. bilidi uuarun endibogno· filu· giuuorden· an
thesero uueroldi· Tho uuas it all giuuarod so· so it er spaha· man
gisprocan habdun· thurh. huilic odmodi. he thit erdriki herod
thurh is selbes craft sokean uuelda· managaro mundboro·
Tho ina thiu modar nam biuuand ina miduuadiu· uuibo sconiost <6v >
380-415fagaron fratahun· endi ina mid iro folmon tuuem legda lioflico luttilna
man that kind an ena cribbiun· thoh he habdi craft godes manno
drohtin· Thar sat thiu modar biforan uuif uuacogeandi· uuardoda
selbo· held that helaga barn· niuuas ira hugi tuuifli thera magad· ira
modsebo· Tho uuard managum cud obar thesa uuidon uuerold
uuardos ant fundun thea thar ehuscalcos uta uuarun uueros an
uuahtu· uuiggeo gomean fehas aftar felda· gisahun finistri antuue
telatan an lufte· endiquam lioht godes· uuanum thurh thiu uuol
can· endi thea uuardos that bifeng anthem felda· Sie uurdun
an forhtun tho· theaman an ira moda· gisahun thar mahtigna
godes engil cuman· the im tegegnes sprac· het that im thea uuar
dos uuiht ne antdredin· ledes fon them liohta· Ic scal eu quad
he liobora thing suido uuarlico uuilleon seggean· cudean·craft
mikil· Nuis krist giboran an thesero selbun naht· salig barn
godes· anthera dauides burg· drohtin the godo· that is mendislo·
mannocunneas· allaro firiho fruma· thar gi ina fidan mugun
an bethlemaburg· barno rikiost· Hebbiad that te tecna that
ic eu gi tellean mag uuarun uuordun· that he thar biuundan
ligid that kind an enera cribbiun· thoh he si cuning obar al
erdun endi himiles· endi obar eldeobarn· uueroldes uualdand·
Reht so he tho that uuord gisprac· so uuard thar engilo te them
enun unrim cuman· helag heriskepi fon heban uuanga· fagar
folc godes· endi filu sprakun· lof uuord manag liudeo herron·
Af hobun tho helagna sang· tho sie eft te heban uuanga uundun· <7r>
415-451thurh thiu uuolcan· thea uuardos hordun· huo thiu engilo craft
alomahtigna god· suido uuerdlico uuordun louodun· Diuri
da si nu quadun sie drohtine selbun an them hohoston himilorikea
endi fridu an erdu firiho barnun god uuilligun gumum· them
the god ant kennead· thurh hluttran hugi·
Thea hirdios for stodun that sie mahtig thing gimanod habda
blidlic bodskepi· giuuitun im te bethleem thanan nahtes sidon·
uuas im niud mikil· that sie selbon krist gisehan mostin· <VI.> Habda
im the engil godes al giuuisid· torhtun tecnun· that sie im to
selbun te them godes barne gangan mahtun· endi fundun san
folco drohtin liudeo herron· Sagdun tho lof goda uualdande mid
iro uuordun· endi uuido cuddun obar thea berhtun burg· huilic
im thar bilidi uuard fon heban uuanga helag gitogit fagaran
felde· that fri al biheld an ira hugiskeftiun helag thiorna· thiu
magad an ira mode· so huat so siu gihorda thea mann sprecan·
fodda ina tho fagaro friho scaniosta thiumodar thurh minnea· ma
nagaro drohtin helag himilisc barn· Helidos gispracun an them
ahtodon daga erlos managa· suido glauua gumon· mid thera godes
thiornun that he heleand te namon hebbean scoldi· so it the godes
engil gabriel gisprac uuaron uuordun endi them uuibe gibod bodo
drohtines· tho siu erist that barn antfeng uuanum te thesero uue
roldi· uuas iru uuilleo mikil· that siu ina so helagna haldan mosti·
fulgeng im tho so gerno that ger furdor skred· unt that that fridu
barn godes fiartig habda dago endi nahto· tho scoldun sie <7v>
451-486thar enadad frummean· that sie ina te hierusalem forgeban scoldun
uualdanda te them uuiha· so uuas iro uuisa than· thero liudeo landsidu
that that ni mosta forlatan negen idis undar ebreon ef iru at erist
uuard sunu· a fodit ne siu ina simbla tharot te them godes uuiha
forgeban scolda· Gi uuitun im tho thiu godun tuue ioseph endi
maria·bediu fon bethleem· habdun that barn mid im helagna krist
sohtun im hus godes an hierusalem· thar scoldun sie is geld frummean
uualdanda atthem uuiha uuisa lestean iudeo folkes· Thar fundun
sea enna godan man aldan at them alaha adalboranan· Thea habda
at them uuiha so filu uuintro endi sumaro gilibd an them liohta
Oft uuarhta he thar lofgoda mid hluttruhugi· habda im helagna
gest saliglican sebon· simeon uuas he hetan· Im habda giuuisid
uualdandas craft langa huila· that he nimosta er thit lioht ageban
uuendean af thesero uueroldi· er than im the uuilleo gistodi· that
he selban krist gisehan mosti· helagna hebancuning· Tho uuard
im is hugi suido blidi anis briostun tho he gisah that barn cuman
[...] <in HS: ganze Zeile ausradiert>
gon gode thes he ina mid is ogun gisah· geng im tho tegegnes· endi
ina gerno antfeng ald mid is armun al antkende bocan endi
bilidi· endi oc that barn godes helagna heban cuning· Nu ic thi herro
scal quad he gernobiddean nu ic sus gigamalod bium· that thu thinan
holdan scalc nu hinan huerban latas· anthinan fridu uuarun faran
thar er mina fordrun dedun uueros fon thesero uueroldi· numi the
uuilleo gistod dago liobosto that ic minan drohtin gisah· holdan <8r>
486-521herron· so mi gihetan uuas langahuila· Thu bist lioht mikil allun
elithiodun theaer thes alouualdon craft ne antkendun· Thina
cumi findun te doma endi te diurdon drohtin fromin auarun israhelas
eganumu folke· thinun liobun liudiun listiun talde tho the aldoman
an them alaha idis thero godun· sagda sodlico huo iro sunuscolda obar
thesan middilgard managun uuerdan· sumun te falle· sumum te frobru
firiho barnun· them liudiun te leoba theis lerun gihordin· endi them
te harma the horien niuueldin· kristas leron· Thu scalt noh quad he
cara thiggean harm anthinumu herton· than ina helidobarn uuapnun
uuitnod· that uuirdid thi uuerk mikil· thrim tegitholonna· Thiu
thiorna al forstod uuisas mannas uuord· Thoquam thar oc en
uuif gangan ald· innan· them alaha· anna uuas siu hetan· dohtar
fanueles· siu habde ira drohtine uuel githionod te thanca· uuas iru
githuungan uuif· siu mosta aftar ira magad hedi· sidor siu mannes
uuard erles anthehti edili thiorne so mosta siu mid ira brudigu
mon bodlo giuualdan sibun uuintar samad· Tho gifragn ic that
iru thar sorga gistod that sie thiu mikila maht metodes te delda
uured uurdi giscapu· Tho uuas siu uuidouua aftar thiu at them
fridu uuiha fior endi antahtoda uuintro an iro uuerold so siu nia
thana uuih niforlet· ac siu thar ira drohtine uuel dages endi nahtes
gode thionode· Siu <in HS: u scheinbar zu a korrigiert> quam thar oc gangan to anthea selbun tid
san antkende that helage barn godes· endi them helidon cudde
them uueroda aftar them uuiha uuilspel mikil· quad that im nerian
das ginist ginahid uuari helpa bebencuninges Nu is the helago krist <8v>
522-555uualdand selbo anthesan uuih cuman te alosienne thea liudi· the her
nu lango bidun·an thesara middilgard· managa huuila thurftig thioda
so nu thes thinges mugun mendian man cunni manag· fagonoda
uuerod aftar them uuiha gihordun uuilspel mikil fongode seggean
That geld habde tho gilestid thiu idis an them alaha· al so it im an
ira euua gibod· aendi at thera berhtun burg bok giuuisdun· helagaro
hand giuuerk· Giuuitun im tho te hus thanan fon hierusalem
Ioseph endi maria helag hiuuiski· habdun im heben kuning simbla te
gisida sunu drohtines· managaro mundboron· so it gio mari niuuard
than uuidor anthesaro uueroldi· butan so is uuilleo geng hebencu
ninges hugi· <VII.> thoh thar than huilic helag man krist antkendi·
thoh niuuard it gio te thes kuninges hobe them mannun gimarid
thea im an iro modsebon holde niuuarun· ac uuas im so bihalden
ford· mid uuordun endimid uuerkun· ant that thar uueros ostan
suido glauua gumon gangan quamun· threa te thero thiodu
thegnos snelle an langan uueg obar that land tharod· folgodun
enun berhtun bogne· endi sohtun that barn godes mid hluttru
hugi· uueldun im hnigan to gean im te iungrun· dribun im
godes giscapu. tho sie herodesan thar rikean fundun an is seli sittien
slid uurdean kuning modagna mid is mannun· simbla uuas he
mordes gern· Tho quaddun sie ina cusco an cuning uuisun
fagaro an is flettie· endi he fragoda san· huilic sie arundi uta
gibrahti· uueros an thana uurac sid· huueder lediad gi
uundan gold tegebu· huilicun gumuno· te hui gi thus an <9r>
555-587ganga kumad gifaran an fodiu· Huat ginet uuanan ferran sind erlos
fon odrun thiodun· Ic gisiu that gi sind edili giburdiun· cunnies fon
cnosle godun Nio her er sulica cumana ni uurdun eri fon odrun
thiodun· sidor ik mosta thesas erlo folkes giuualdan· thesas uuidon
rikeas· Gi sculun mi te uuarun seggean for thesun liudio folke·
bi huui gi sin te thesun lande cumana Tho spracun im eft tegegnes
gumon ostronea uuordspahe uueros· Vui thi te uuarun mugun qua
dun sie use arundi odo gitellien giseggean sodlico· bi huui· uui quamun
anthesan sid herod· fon ostan thesaro erdu· Giu uuarun thar adalies
man· god sprakea gumon thea us godes so filu helpa gihetun· fon heben
cuninge uuarum uuordun· [Than uuas] <in HS: ausradiert, aber erkennbar> thar en uuittig man· frod
endi filu uuis forn uuas that giu use aldiro ostar hinan· thar
niuuard sidor enigman sprakono so spahi· mahte rekkien spel
godes· huuand im habde for liuuan liudio herro that he mahte
fon erdu up gihorean uualdandes uuord· bithiu uuas is giuuit
mikil thes thegnes githahti· Tho he thanan scolda afgeben
gardos· gadulingo gimang·forlaten liudio drom sokien lioht
odar· tho he im is iungron het gangan nahor erbiuuardos·
endi is erlun tho sagde sodlico that al sidor quam· giuuard· an
thesaro uueroldi· tho sagda he that her scoldi cuman enuuis
cuning mari endi mahtig anthesan middilgard· thes bezton
giburdies· quad that it scoldi uuesan barn godes· quad that he
thesero uueroldes uualdan scoldi gio te euuandaga erdun endi
himiles· he quad that an them selbon daga the ina saligna <9v>
588-620an thesan middilgard modar gidrogi· so quad he that ostana scoldi
skinan himiltungal huit sulic so uui her nehabdin er· undar tuisc
erda endi himil odar huerigin· ne sulic barn· ne sulic bocan· het that
thar tebedu forin threa man fon thero thiodu· het sie thenkean uuel
huan er sie gisauuin ostana upsido gean that godes bocan gangan
Het sie garuuuian san· het that uui im folgodin· so it furi uurdi
uuestar obar thesa uuerold· Nu is it al giuuarod·so cuman
thurh craft godes· the cuning is gifodit giboran· bald·endi strang
uui gisahun is bocan skinan· hedro fon himiles tunglun· so ic uuet
that it helag drohtin marcoda mahtig selbo· Uui gisahun morgno
gihuilikes· blican thana berhton sterron. endi uui gengun aftar
them bocna herod uuegas endi uualdas huuilon· That uuari us
allaro uuilleono mesta· that uui ina selbon gisehan mostin· uuissin
huar uui ina sokean scoldin· thana cuning anthesumu kesurdoma
saga[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> us· undar huilicumu he si thesaro cunneo afodit·
Tho uuard herodesa innan briostun harm uuid herta· bigan im
is hugi uuallan· sebo mid sorgun· gihorde seggean tho· that he
thar obar hobdon egan scoldi craftagoron cuning cunnies godes
saligoron undar them gisidea. Tho he samnon het so huuat so an hieru
salem godaro manno allaro spahoston spracono uuaru· endianiro
brioston bok craftes mest uuissun· te uuarun· endi he sie mid uuor
dun fragn suuido niudlico nid hugdig man cuning thero liudio
huar krist giboran an uueroldrikea uuerdan scoldi fridugumono
bezt· Tho sprak im eft that folc angegin that uuerod uuarlico <10r>
620-653quadun· that sie uuissin·garo that he scoldi an bethleem giboran
uuerdan· so is an usun bokun giscriban uuislico giuuritan· so it
uuarsagon· suuido glauua gumon bi godes crafta filu uuise man
furn gifpracun· that scoldi fon bethleem burgo hirdi liof landes uuard
an thit lioht cuman· riki radgebo the rihtien scal iudeono gumske
pi· endi uuesan is geba mildi· obar middilgard· managun thiodun
<VIII.> [T]ho <in HS: Platz für T-Initiale ausgespart, jedoch nicht gefüllt> gifragn· ic· that san aftar thiu slid mod cuning· thero
uuar sagono uuord them uurekkiun sagda· thea thar an elilendie
erlos uuarun ferran gifarana· endi he fragoda aftar thiu huan sie an
ostar uuegun erist gisahin thanacuning sterron cuman cumbal liuhtien
hedrofon himile· sie niuueldun is im tho helen uuiht· acsagdun
it im sodlico Tho het he sie anthana sid faran· het that sie ira arundi
al undar fundin· umbi thes kindes cumi· endi the cuning seluo gibod
suido hardlico herro iudeono them uuisun mannun· er than sie forin
uuestar ford that sie im eft gicuddin· huar he thana cuning scoldi· so
kean· an is seldo· quad that he thar uueldi mid is gisidun to bedan
te them barne· Than hogda he im te banon uuerdan uuapnes eggiun
than eft uualdand god thahte uuid them thinga· he mahta athengean
mer gilestean anthesum liohte· that is noh lango· skin gicudid
craft godes· Tho gengun eft thiu cumbl ford· uuanum undar
uuolcnun· Tho uuarun thea uuison man fusa te faranne·
Giuuitun im ford thanan balda an bodskepi· uueldun that barn
godes· seluon sokean· Sie nihabdun thanan gisideas mer·
butan that sie thrie uuarun· Uuissun im thingo gisked· <10v>
654-686uuarun im glauue gumon· the thea geba leddun· Than sahun sie
so uuislico undar thana uuolcnes skion up te them hohon himile
huo forun thea huuiton sterron antkendun sie that cumbal go
des· thiu uuarun thurh krista herod giuuarht te thesero uueroldi
thea uueros aftar gengun folgodun ferahtlico· sie frumide the
mahte ant that sie gisahun sid uuorige man· berht bocan godes·
blec an himile· stillo gistanden· the sterro liohto sken huuit ouar
them huse thar that helage barn uuonode an uuilleon· endi ina
that uuif biheld thiu thiorne githiudo· Tho uuard thero thegno
hugi blidi an iro briostun· bi them bocna for stodun· that sie that
fridubarn godes· funden habdun· helagna hebencuning·
tho sie anthat hus innan mid iro gebun gengun gumon ostronea
sid uuorige man· san antkendun thea uueros uualdand krist·
thea uurekkion fellun te them kinde an kneobeda· endi ina
an cuninguuisa godan grottun· endi im thea gebadrogun· gold
endi uuihrog bigodes tecnun· endi myrra thar mid· Thea
man stodun garouua holde for iro herron· thea it mid iro
handun san fagaro antfengun· Tho giuuitun im thea
ferhaton man seggi te seldon sid uuorige gumon an gastseli·
thar im godes engil slapandiun an naht suueban gitogde
gidrog in an drome also it drohtin self uualdand uuelde
that im thuhte that man im mid uuordun gibudi· that sie
im thanan odran uueg erlos forin lidodin sie te lande
endi thana ledan man· herodesan eft ni sohtin· modagna <11r>
686-719cuning· Tho uuard morgan cuman uuanum te thesero uueroldi
tho bigunnun thea uuison man seggean iro suebanos· seluon antken
dun uualdandes uuord· huuand sie giuuit mikil barun an iro briostun
badun alo uualdon heron heuencuning· that sie mostin is huldi
ford giuuirkean is uuilleon· quadun that sea im habdin giuuendit
hugi iro mod· morgan huuem· Tho forun eft thie man thanan· erlos
ostronie al so im the engil godes uuordun giuuisde· namun im uueg
odran fulgengun godes lerun· ni uueldun themu iudeo cuninge umbi
thes barnes giburd bodon ostronie sid uuorige man seggian niouuiht
ac uuendun im eft an iro uuillion· <IX.> Tho uuard san aftar thiu
uualdandes godes engil cumen iosepe te spracun· sagde im an
suuefne slapandium an naht bodo drohtines that that barn
godes slidmod cuning· sokean uuelda ahtean isaldres; Nu scaltu
ine an aegypteoland ant ledean· endi undar them liudiun uuesan
mid thiu godes barnu· endi mid theru godan thiornan uunon
undar themu uuerode unt that thi uuord cumae herron thines
that thu that helage barn· eft te thesum land scepi ledian motis
drohtin thinen· Tho fon them droma ansprang ioseph an is
gestseli endi that godes gibod san· ant kenda· Giuu(et) im an than
sid thanen the thegan mid theru thior<in HS: i übergesetzt ergänzt> non· sohta im thiod odra
obar bredan berg· uuelda that barn godes fiundun antforian·
tho gifrang aftar thiu herodes the cuning· thar he an is rikea
sat· that uuarun thea uuison man· uuestan gihuuorban ostar
an iro odil endi forun im odran uueg· uuisse that sie im that <11v>
719-752arundi eft niuueldun· seggian an is seldon Tho uuard im thes
an sorgun hugi mod mornondi· quad that it im thie man dedin
helidos te hondun tho he so hriuuig sat· balg ina an is briostun
quad that he is mahti odran rad betaron githenkien· nu ic is aldar
can uuet is uuinter gitalu· nu ic giuuinnan mag that he obar
thesaro erdu ald ni uuirdit· her undar thesum heriscepi
Tho he so hardo gibod herodes obar is riki· het tho is rinkos faran
cuning thero liudio het that sie kinda so filo thurh iro hand
magen hobdu binamin so manag barn umbi b(et)hleem· so filo
so thar giboram uurdi an tuem gerun atogan· Tionon fru
midun thes cuninges gisidos· tho scolda thar somanag kindisc
man sundiono los· ni uuard sid nog e· giamar licara forgang
iungaro manno· armlicara dod· idisi uuiopun· modar managa
gisahun iro megi spildian· ni mahte siu im nio giformon· thoh
siu mid iro fadmon tuem iro egan barn armun biuengi liof
endi luttil thoh scolda it simbla that lif geban the magu for
theru modar menes nisahun uuities thie uuam scadon uuapnes
eggiun· fremidun firin uuerc mikil· fellun managa magu
iunge man thia modar uuiopun kind iungaro qualm cara uuas
an b(et)hleem hofno hludost· thoh man im iro herton an tue
snidi mid suerdu· thoh ni mohta im gio serara dad uuerdan
anthesaro uueroldi uuibun managun brudiun an bethleem·
gisahun iro barn biforan kind iunge man qualmu sueltan blodag
an iro barmun thie banon uuit nodun unsculdige scole· ni biscribun <12r>
752-788giouuiht thea man umbi menuuerk uueldun mahtigna krist seluon
aquellian· Than habde ina craftag god gineridan uuid iro nide· that
inan nahtes thanan an aegypteo land· erlos antleddun <in HS: antleddum, letzter m-Bogen getilgt> gumon mid iose
pe· anthana groneon uuang· an erdono beztun· thar en ahafliutid
nilstrom mikil nord to seuua flodo fagorosta·thar that fridubarn
godes uuonoda an uuilleon· antthat uurd fornam herodes thana
cuning· that he forlet eldeobarn· modag manno drom· Tho scolda
thero marca giuuald egan is erbiuuard· the uuas archelaus hetan· heri
togo helmberandero· the scolda umbi hierusalem iudeono folkes uuerodes
giuualdan· Tho uuard uuord cuman thar anegypti ediliun manne
that he thar te iosepe godes engil sprac· bodo drohtines· het ina eft
that barn thanan ledien te lande· Nu habad thit lioht afgeuen quad
he· herodes the cuning· he uuelde is ahtien giu· freson is ferahas·
nu maht thu an fridu ledien that kind undar euuacunni· nu the
cuning nilibod· erl obarmodig· Al antkende iosep godes tecan·
geriuuide ina sniumo the thegan mid thera thiornun· Tho sie thanan
uueldun bediu mid thiu barnu· lestun thiu berhton giscapu uualdandes
uuillion· al so he im than mid is uuordun gibod·
<X.> Giuuitun im tho eft an galilealand ioseph endi maria· helag hiuuiski
hebencuninges· uuarun im annazarethburg thar the neriondio
krist uuohs undar them uuerode· uuard giuuitties ful· an uuas imu
anst godes he uuas allun liof modarmagun· he ni uuas odrun man
nun gilih· the gumo an sinera godi· Tho he gertalo tuueliui
habde· tho uuard thiu tid cuman· that sie that te hierusalem iudeo <12v>
788-822liudi iro thiodgode thionon scoldun· uuirkean is uuilleon.
Tho uuard thar anthana uuih innan thar te hierusalem iudeono
gisamnod mancraft mikil thar maria uuas self an gisidea endi iru
sunu habda godes enag barn· Tho sie that geld habdun erlos an
them alaha· so it an iro euua gibod gilestid te iro land uuisun· tho
forun im eft thie liudi thanan· uueros an iro uuillion endi thar
an the(m) uuiha afstod mahtig barn godes so ina thiu modar thar
ni uuissa te uuaron ac siu uuanda that he mid them uueroda ford
fori mid iro friun dun· Gifrang aftar thiu eft an odrun daga adal
cunnies uuif salig thiorna that he undar them gisidia niuuas· uuard
mariun tho mod ansorgun· hriuuig umbi ira herta tho siu that
helagabarn nifand undar them folca filu gor noda thiu godes
thiorna· Giuuitun im tho eft te hierusalem iro sunu sokean
fundun ina sittean thar anthem uuiha innan thar the uuisa man
suuido glauuua gumon angodes euua lasun endi linodun huo sie
lof scoldin uuirkean mid iro uuordun· them the thesa uuerold
giscop· thar sat undar middiun mahtig barn godes krist alouualdo
sois thea nimahtun antkennian <in HS: i übergesetzt ergänzt> uuiht the thes uuihaes thar
uuardon scoldun· endi fragoda sie firo uuitlico uuisera uuordo·
sie uundradun alle· bi huui gio so kindiscman sulica quidi mahti
mid is mudu gimenean· Thar ina thiu modar fand sittean
under them gisidea· endi iro sunu grohta uuisan under them
uueroda· sprac immid ira uuordun tho· Huui uueldes thu
thinera modar manno liobosto gisidon sulica sorgo· that ic thi <13r>
822-856so seragmod idis armhugdig escon scolda undar thesun burgliu
diun· Tho sprac iru eft that barn angegin uuisun uuordun·
Huuat thu uuest garo quad he that ic thar girisu thar ic birehton
scal uuonon an uuilleon· thar giuuald habad min mahtig fader·
Thie man nifor stodun thie uueros anthem uuiha· bi huui <in HS: h übergesetzt ergänzt> he so
that uuord gisprac gimenda mid is mudu· Maria albiheld [gi] <in HS: ausradiert, aber erkennbar>
barg an ira breostun sohuuat so siu gihorda ira barn sprecan
uuisaro uuordo· Giuuitun im tho eft thanan fon hierusalem
ioseph endi maria· habdun im tegisidea sunu drohtines allaro
barno bezta thero the iogiboran uurdi magu fon modar hab
dun im thar minnea to· thurh hlutran hugi endi he so gihorig
uuas godes egan barn gaduling magun thurh is odmodi aldron
sinun· ni uuelda an is kindiski tho noh is craft mikil mannun
marean· that he sulic megin ehta giuuald anthesaro uueroldi
ache im an is uuilleon bed githiudo undar thero thiodu thritig
gero er than he thar tecan enig togean uueldi seggean them gi
sidea that he selbo uuas anthesaro middilgard manno drohtin· hab
da im so bihalden helag barn godes uuord endi uuisdom· ende allaro
giuuitteo mest tulgo spahan hugi· nimahta is an is spracun man uuer
dan an is uuordun giuuar· that he sulic giuuit ehta thegan sulica
githahti· ache im so githiudo bed torhtarotecno· Niuuas noh than
thiu tid cuman that he ina obar thesan middilgard marean scolda
lerian thie liudi· huuo sie scoldin iro gilobon haldan uuirkean
uuilleon godes uuissun that thoh managa liudi aftar them landa <13v>
856-891that he uuas anthit lioht cuman· thoh sie ina cudlico ankennian ni
mahtin· er than he ina selbo seggean uuelda
<XI.> Than uuas im iohannes fon is iugud hedi auuahsan anenero uuos
tunni· thar niuuas uuerodes than mer· butan that he thar encora
alouualdon gode thegan thionoda forl(et) thioda <in HS: o aus e korrigiert> gimang· manno
[...] <in HS: ausradiert> uard im mahtig cuman anthero uuostunni uuord
fonhimila godlic stemna godes endi iohannae gibod that he cristes
cumi endi is craft mikil obar thesan middilgard marean scoldi· h(et)
ina uuarlico uuordun seggean that uuari heban riki· helido bar
nun anthem landscepi liudiun ginahid· uuelono uunsamost·
im uuas tho uuilleo mikil· that he fon sulicun saldun seggean
mosti· giuu(et) im tho gangan al so iordan flot uuatar an uuilleon·
endi them uueroda alllan dag· aftar them landscepi them liudiun
cudda that sie mid fastunniu firinuuerc manag iro selboro
sundia bottin that gi uuerdan hrenea quadhe hebanriki
is ginahid manno barnun· nu latad an euuan modsebon euuar
selboro sundea hreuuan· ledas that gi anthesun liohta fremidun
endi minun lerun horead· uuendeat aftar minun uuordun·
ic eu an uuatara scal gidopean diurlico thoh ic euua dadi ne mu
gi euuar selbaro sundea alatan. that gi thurh min handgiuuerc
hluttra uuerdan ledaro gilesto· ac the is an thit lioht cuman
mahtig temannun· endi undar eu middiun sted· thoh gi ina
selbun gisehan niuuillean the eu gidopean scal an euues drohti
nes namon anthana halagon gest that is herro obar al· he mag <14r>
891-920allaro manno gihuuena men githahteo sundeono sicoron· so
huene so so salig mot uuerden anthesaro uueroldi· that thes
uuilleon habad· that he so gilestea so he thesun liudiun uuili gi
bioden· barn godes· Ic bium an is bodskepi herod anthesa uue
rold cumen· endi scal im thana uueg rumien· lerean thesa
liudi· huuo sea sculin iro gilobon haldan thurh hluttran hugi·
endi that sie an hellea ni durbin faran· an fern that heta
thes uuirdid so fagan an is mode man te so managaro stundu
So huue so that men forlatid gerno thes gramon anbusni
so mag im thes godon giuuirkean· huldi heben cuninges· so
huue so habad hluttra treuua up te them alomahtigon gode
erlos managa bithem lerun tho liudi uuandun uueros uuarlico
that that uualdand krist selbo uuari· huuanda he so filu sodes
gisprac· uuaroro uuordo· Tho uuard that so uuido cud obar
that forgebana land· gumono gihuuilicum· seggiun at iro
seldun· Tho quamun ina sokean tharod fon hierusalem iudeo
liudio bodon· fon theru burg· endi fragodun ef he uuari that
barn godes· that her lango giu quadun sie liudi sagdun uueros
uuarlico· that he scoldi anthesa uuerold cuman·
Iohannes tho gimahalde endi te gegnes sprac· them bodun
baldlico· Nibium ic quad he that barn godes· uuar uualdand
krist· ac ic scal im thana uueg rumien· herron minumu· Thea
helidos frugnun thea thar anthem arundie erlof uuarun· bodon
fon hierusalem· Ef thu nibist that barn godes· bist thu than thoh <14v>
920-952helias· the her an erdagun uuas undar thesumu uuerode he is
uuiscumo eft an thesan middilgard· Saga us huuat thu manno
sis· Bist thu enig the her uuari uuisaro uuarsaguno· huuat
sculun uui them uuerode fon thi seggean tesodon· Neo her er
sulig niuuard anthesun middilgard man odar cuman dadiun
so mari· Bihuui thu her dopisli fremis undar thesumu folke
ef thu tharo forasagono enhuuilic nibist· Tho habde eft garo
iohannes the godo glau anduuordi· Ic bium forabodo fraon mines
liobes herron· Ic scal thit land recon· thit uuerod aftar is uuillion
Ic hebbiu fon is uuorde midmi stranga stemna· thoh sie her ni
uuillie for standan filo uuerodes anthesaro uuostunni· Nibium
ic miduuihti gilih drohtine minumu· he is mid is dadiun so strang· so
mari endi so mahtig· that uuirdid managun cud uuerun aftar thesaro
uueroldi· that ic thes uuirdig nibium that ic moti an is giscuoha
thoh ic si is egan scalc an so rikiumu drohtine theareomon antbin
dan· So mikilu is he betara than ic· nis thes bodon gimaco enig
obar erdu· nenu aftar ni scal uuerdan anthesaro uueroldi
Hebbiad euuan uuillion tharod liudi euuan gilobon· than eu
lango scal uuesan· euuahugi hromag· than gi helli githuuing·
forlatad ledaro drom· endi sokead eu lioht godes· upodes hem
egan <in HS: hegan, h getilgt> riki· hohan heben uuang· Ne latad euuan hugi
<XII.> So sprac tho iung gumo bigodes lerun mannun temardu
manag samnoda thar te bethania barn israheles· quamun <15r>
952-988thar te iohannesae cuningo gisidos liudi te lerun endi iro gilobon
antfengun· He dopte sie dago gihuuilikes· endi im iro dadi log
uuredaro uuillion· endi lobode im uuord godes· herron sines· heben
riki uuirdid quad he garu gumono sohuuem so ti gode thenkid·
endi anthana heleand uuili hluttro gilobean· lestean is lera·
Tho niuuas lang te thiu that im fon galilea giuuet godes egan barn
al so he mid thero thiodu thritig habdi uuintro an is uueroldi· tho
he an is uuilleon quam thar iohannes an iordanes strome allan lan
gan dag liudi manage dopte diurlico· Rehto so he tho is drohtin
gisah holden herron· so uuard im is hugi blidi thes im thea uuilleo
gistod· endi sprac im tho mid is uuordun to suuido god gumo· Io
hannes te kriste· Nu cumis thu te minero dopi drohtin fromin
thiodgumono bezto· so scolde ic te thinero duan· huuand thu bist
allaro cuningo craftigost· Krist selbo gibod uualdand uuarlico
that he nispraki thero uuordo than mer· Vuest thu that us so
girisid quad he allaro rehto gihuuilig te gifulleanne forduuardes
nu· an godes uuilleon· Iohannes stod dopte allandag druhtfolc
mikil· uuerod an uuatere· endi og uualdand krist heranheben
cuning handun sinun an allaro bado them bezton· endi
im thar te bedu gihneg an cneo craftag krist· up giuuet· fagar
fon them flode· fridubarn godes· liof liudio uuard· So he
tho that land afstop· so anthlidun tho himiles doru· endi
quam the helago gest· fon them alouualdon obane te kriste·
uuas iman gilicnissie iungres fugles diurlicara dubun· endi· sat <15v>
988-1025im uppan uses drohtines ahslu <in HS: h übergesetzt ergänzt>· uuonoda imobar them uualdandes
barne· Aftar quam thar uuord fon himile· hlud fon them hohon radu
ra· en grotta thane heleand selbon krist· allaro cuningo bezton· quad
that he ina gicoranan habdi· selbo fon sinun rikea· quad that im
the sunu licodi bezt allaro giboranaro manno· quad that he im uuari
allaro barno liobost· That moste iohannes tho also it god uuelde
gisehan· endi gihorean· he gideda it san aftar thiu mannun mari
that sie thar mahtigna herron habdun· Thit is quad he heben cunin
ges sunu· en alouualdand· thesas uuilleo ic urcundeo uuesan an
thesaro uueroldi· huuand it sagda mi uuord godes· drohtines stemne
tho he mi dopean het uueros an uuatare· so huuar so ic gisahi uuar
lico thana helagon gest· endi helean managa manno mendadi· he
habad maht fongode that he alatan mag· liudeo gihuuilicun saca
endi sundea· thit is selbo krist godes eganbarn gumono bezto
fridu uuid fiundun· Uuala that eu thes mag frah mod hugi uuesan
anthesaro uueroldi· thes eu the uuilleo gistod· that gi so libbeanda·
thana landes uuard selbon gisahun· Nu mot sliumo sundeonolos
manag gest faran an godes uuilleon tionon atomid· the mid
treuuon uuili· uuid is uuini uuirkean· endi an uualdand krist
fasto gilobean· that scal te frumun uuerden gumono so huuilicun
so that gerno dot·
<XIII.> So gefragn ic that iohannes tho gumono gihuuilicun loboda them liu
diun lera kristes· herron sines· endi hebenriki tegiuuinnanne uuelono
thane meston salig sinlif· Tho he im selbo giuuet aftar ther[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> <16r>
1025-1062dopislea drohtin the godo an ena uuostunnea uualdandes sunu· uuas
im thar anthero enodi erlo drohtin· lange huuila ne habda liudeo
than mer seggeo te gesidun also he im selbo gicos uuelda is thar
latan costan craftiga uuihti· selbon satanasan· the gio an sundea
spenit· man an men uuerk· He consta is modsebon uuredan uuil
leon· huuo he thesa uuerold erist anthem anginnea irmin thioda
bi suec mid sundiun· tho he thiu siniun tuue adaman endi euan
thurh untreuua forledda mid luginun· that liudiobarn aftar
iro hinferdi hellea sohtun· gumono gestos· Tho uuelda that god
mahtig uualdand uuendean· endi uuelda thesum uuerode for
geben hoh himilriki· Bethiu he herod helagna bodon is sunu· senda
that uuas satanase tulgo harm an is hugi· afonsta hebanrikies
man cunnie· uuelda tho mahtigna mid them selbon sacun
sunu· drohtines· them he adaman an· erdagun darnungo bidrog
that he uuard is drohtine led· bisuuec ina mid sundiun· so uuelda
he tho selban don helandean krist· than habda he is hugi fasto
uuidthana uuamscadon· uualdandes barn· herte so giherdid·
uuelda hebenriki liudiun gilestean· uuas im the landes uuard· an
fastun fiortig nahto manno drohtin· so he thar mates ni antbet
than langa ni gidorstun im dernea uuihti· nidhugdig fiund nahor
gangan· grotean inagegin uuardan· uuande that he god enfald
for utar mancunnies uuiht mahtig uuari· heleg himiles uuard
So he inatho gehungrean let· that ina bigan bithero menniski· moses
lustean· aftar them fiuuartig dagun· the fiund nahor geng mirki· <16v>
1062-1094menscado· uuanda that he man enuald uuari uuissungo· sprac im
tho mid is uuordun to· grotta ina the ger fiund· Ef thu sis godes
sunu quad he· be huui ni hetis thu than uuerdan ef thu giuuald
habes allaro barno bezt· brod af thsun stenun· geheli thinna hungar·
Tho sprak eft the helago crist· Nimugun eldibarn quad he enual
des brodes liudi libbien· ac sie sculun thurh lera godes uuesan an
thesero uueroldi· endi sculun thiu uuere frummien thea thar uuerdad
ahludid fonthero helogun tungun· fonthem galme godes· that
is gumono lif· liudeo sohuuilikes· so that lestean uuili· that fon
uualdandes uuorde gebiudid· Tho bigan eft niuson endi nahor
geng un hiuri fiund· odru sidu· fandoda is frohan· that fridu
barn tholode· uuredes uuilleon· endi im giuuald forgaf· that
he umbi is craft mikil coston mosti· let ina tho ledean thanaliud
scadon· that he an hierusalem te them godes uuiha· alles oban
uuardan up gi setta anallaro huso hohost· endi hosc uuordun
sprac the gramo thurh gelp mikil· Ef thu sis godes sunu quad
he· scrid ti te erdu hinan· Gescriban uuas it giu lango an bocun
geuuriten· huuo giboden habad is engilun alomahtig fader
that sie thi at uuege gehuuem· uuardos sindun· haldad thi
undar iro handun· huuat thu huuargin ni tharft mid thinun
fotun an felis bespurnan anhardan sten·
[Th]o <in HS: ausradiert, T erkennbar> sprac eft the helago crist allaro barno bezt· So is oc an bocun
gescriban quad he that thu te hardo niscalt herran thines
fandon· thines frohan· that nist thi alloro frumono neg[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> <17r>
1095-1127Let ina tho anthana thriddean sid· thana thiodscadon gibrengen
uppan enan berg· then hohon· thar ina the balo uuiso let al obar
sehan irmin thiode uuonot saman uuelon· endi uuerold riki·
endi alsulic odes· so thius erda bihabad fagororo frumono· endi
sprac im tho the fiund angegin· quad that he im that al so god
lic forgeben uueldi hoha heridomos· ef thu uuilt hnigan temi
fallan te minun fotun· endi mi for frohan habas· bedos te minun
barma· than latu ic thi brucan uuel alles thes oduuelon· thes
ic thi hebbiu giogit hir· Tho niuuelda thes ledan uuord lenge
ron huuile horean the helago crist· ache ina fon is huldi for
dref· satanasan forsuuep· endi san aftar sprac allaro barno betz <sic>
quad that man bedon scoldi up te them alomahtigon gode endi im
enum thionon suuido thiolico thegnos managa· helidos aftar is
huldi· thar is thiu helpa gelang manno gehuuilicun· Tho giuuet
im the menscado suuido seragmod satanas thanan· fiund undar
ferndalu· uuard thar folcmikil fon them alo uualdan obana
te criste godes engilo cumen thie im sidor iungardom scoldun
ambaht scepi aftar lestien thionon thiolico so scal man thiodgode
herron aftar huldi hebancununge <in HS: letztes e getilgt>
<XIV.> Uuas im them sin uueldi salig barn godes lange huile unt that
im tho lioboro uuard· that he is craft mikil cudien uuolda
uueroda te uuillion· Tho for let he uualdes hleo enodies ard
endi sohte im eft erlo gemang mari megin thiode endi manno
drom· Geng im tho bi iordanes stade thar ina iohannes antfand <17v>
1128-1163that fridubarn godes· frohan sinan helagana hebencuning· endi
them helidun sagda iohannes isiungurun· tho he ina gangan
gesah· thit is that lamb godes· that thar losean scal af thesaro
uuidon uuerold uureda sundea mancunneas· men mari drohtin
cuningo craftigost· Krist imford giuuet an galileoland· godes
egan barn· for im te them friundun· thar he afodit uuas tirlico atogan
endi talda mid uuordun krist undar is cunnie cuningo rikeost huuo
sie scoldin iro selboro sundea botean· het that sie im iro harmuuerc
manag hreuuan letin· feldin iro firindadi· Nu is it al gefullot so
so hir alde man er huuanna spracun· gehetun eu te helpu heben
riki· nu is it giu ginahid thurh thes neriandan craft· thes motun
gi neotan ford· so huue sogerno uuili gode theonogean· uuirkean
aftar is uuilleon· Tho uuard thes uuerodes filu· thero liudeo
anlustun· uurdun im thea lera cristes so suotea them gisidea he
began im samnon tho gumono te iungoron godoro manno· uuord
spaha uueros· Geng im tho bienes uuatares stade thar thar habda
iordan aneban galileoland enna segeuuarhtan· thar he sittean
fand andreas <in HS: n übergesetzt und um 90° gedreht ergänzt> endi petrus· bi them ahastrome bedea thea gebro
dar· thar sie anbred uuatar suuido niutlico netti thenidun
fiscodun im an them flode· thar sie that fridubarn godes· bi thes
sees stade selbo grotta het that sie im folgodin· quad that he im
so filu uuoldi godes rikeas forgeben· al so git hir an iordanes strome
fiscos fahat· so sculun git noh firihobarn halon te incun handun
that sie an hebenriki thurh incalera lidan motin faran folc <18r>
1163-1197manag· Tho uuard fro mod hugi bediun them gibrodrun· antken
dun that barn godes· lioban herron· forletun al saman andreas endi
petrus· so huuat so sie bi theru ahu habdun geuunstes bithem uua
tare· uuas im uuilleo mikil· that sie mid them godes barne gangan
mostin· samad an is gisidea· scoldun saliglico lon antfahan· so dot
liudeo so huuilic so thes herran uuili huldi githionon geuuirkean is
uuilleon Tho sie bithes uuatares stade furdor quamun tho fun
dun sie thar enna frodan man sittean bithem seuua endi is suni
tuuene· iacobus endi iohannes· uuarun im iunga man· satun im
thage sunfader an enumu sande uppen· brugdun endi bottun be
dium handun thiu netti niudlico· thea sie habdun nahtes er forsli
ten anthem seuua· Thar sprac im selbo to salig barn godes· het that
sie anthana sid midim iacobus endi iohannes· gengin bedie kind
iunge man· Tho uuarun im kristes uuord souuirdig anthesaro
uueroldi· that sie bithes uuatares stade iro aldan fader enna forletun
frodan bithem flode· endi al that sie thar fehas ehtun nettiu endi
neglit skipu· gecurun im thana neriandan krist helagna te herron
uuas im is helpono tharf· tegithiononne· so is allaro thegno gehuuem
uuero anthesero uueroldi· Tho giuuet im the uualdandes sunu
mid them fiuuariun ford endi im tho thana fifton gicos· krist· an
enero copstedi cuninges iungoron modspahana man· mattheus
uuas he hetan· uuas im ambahteo edilero manno· scolda thar
te is herron handun antfahan tins endi tol· treuua habda
he goda· adal andbari· forlet al saman gold endi silubar <18v>
1197-1231endi geba managa diurie medmos· endi uuard im uses drohtines man·
cos im the cuninges thegn crist teherran milderan medgebon
than er is mandrohtin uuari anthesero uueroldi· feng im uuodera
thing langsamoron rad· Tho uuard it allun them liudiun cud
fon allaro burgo gihuuem· huuo that barn godes samnode gesi
dos· endi selbo gesprac somanag uuis lic uuord· endi uuares so filu
torhtes gitogde· endi tecan manag geuuarhte anthesero uue
roldi· Uuas that an is uuordun scin iac an is dadiun sosame that
he drohtin uuas himilisc herro· endi tehelpu quam anthesan
middilgard manno barnun· liudiun te thesun liohta· <XV.> Oft gededa
he that anthem lande scin· than he thar torhlic· somanag tecan
giuuarhte· thar he helde mid is handun halte endi blinde· losde
af theru lefhedi liudi manage af sulicun suhtiun· so than allaro suua
roston anfiriho barnun fiund biuurpun· tulgo langsam leger. Tho
forun thar thie liudi to allaro dago gehuuilikes thar usa drohtin uuas
selbo undar them gisidie· unt that thar gesamnod uuard meginfolc
mikil managoro thiodo· thoh sie thar alle begelicumu gelobon ni
quamin uueros thurh enan uuilleon· sume sohtun sie that uualdan
des barn armoro manno filu· uuas im ates tharf· that sie im thar at
theru menigi mates endi drankes thigidin at theru thiodu· huuand
thar uuas manag thegan sogod thie ira alamosnie <in HS: zweites a übergesetzt ergänzt> armun mannun
gernogabun· Sume uuarun sie im eft iudeono cunnies· fegni folc
skepi· uuarun thar geuarana tethiu that sie uses drohtines dadio
endi uuordo· faron uuoldun· habdun im fegnien hugi uureden <19r>
1231-1264uuillion uuoldun uualdand crist aledien them liudiun that sie is
leron nihordin ne uuendin aftar is uuillion· suma uuarun sie
im eft so uuise man uuarun im glauuue gumon endi gode uuerde
alesane undar them liudiun· quamun im tharod be them leron
cristes· that sie is helag uuord horien mostin linon endi lestien·
habdun mid iro gelobon te im fasto gefangen· habdun im ferhten
hugi uuurdun is thegnos te thiu that he sie anthiod uuelon aftar
iro endagon up gebrahti an godes riki· He so gerno antfeng man
cunnies manag endi mundburd gihet te langaru huilu endi mah
ta so gilestien uuel· Tho uuard thar megin so mikil umbi thana
marion crist liudio gesamnod· Tho gisahe fon allun landun cuman
fon allun uuidun uuegun uuerod te samne iungaro liudio· is lof
uuas so uuido managun gemarid· Tho giuuet im mahtig selb an en
na berg uppan barno rikiost sundar gesittien· endi im selbo gecos
tuuelifi getalda treuuaftaman godoro gumono· thea he im te
iungoron ford allaro dago gehuuilikes· drohtin uuelda an is
gesidskepea· simblon hebbean· Nemnida sie tho binaman
endi het sie im tho nahor ganga· andreas endi petrus· erist
sana gebrodar tuuene· endi bedie mid im iacobus endi io
hannes· sie uuarun gode uuerde· mildi uuas he im an is
mode· sie uuarun enes mannes suni bedie bigeburdiun
sie cos that barn godes· gode te iungoron· endi gumono fi
lu mariero manno· mattheus endi thomas· iudasas
tuuena· endi iacob odran is selbes suuiri· sie uuarun fon <19v>
1264-1299suuestron tuuem cnosles cumana· krist endi iacob gode gadu
lingos· Tho habda thero gumono thar theneriendo krist niguni
getalde· treuuafte man· tho het he oc thana tehandon gangan selbo
mid them gisidun· simon uuas he hetan· het oc bartholomeus an
thanaberg uppan faran far them folke adrum· endi philippus mid
im· treuuafte man· Tho gengun sie tuueliui samad rincos tetheru
runu· thar the radand sat managoro mundboro the allumu man
cunnie uuid hellie gethuuing helpan uuelde formon uuid them
ferne· so huuem so frummien uuili so lioblica lera· so he them liudiun
thar thurh is giuuit mikil uuisean hogda·
<XVI.> Tho umbi thana neriendon krist nahor gengun sulike gesidos
so he im selbo gecos uualdand undar them uuerode· stodun uuisa
man gumon umbi thana godes sunu· gerno suuido uueros an uuil
leon· uuas im thero uuordo niut thahtun endi thagodun huuat
im thesoro thiodo drohtin uueldi uualdand selb uuordun cudien
thesum liudiun telobe· Than sat im the landes hirdi geginuuard
for them gumun godes eganbarn· uuelda mid is spracun spah
uuord manag lerean thea liudi· huuo sie lof gode anthesum uue
roldrikea uuirkean scoldin Sat im tho endi suuigoda endi sah sie
an lango· uuas im hold an is hugi helag drohtin mildi an is mode
endi tho is mund antloc uuisde mid uuordun uualdandes
sunu manag marlic thing endi them mannum sagde spa
hun uuordun them the he te theru spracu krist alouualdo
gecoran habda· huuilike uuarin allaro Irminmanno gode <20r>
1299-1325uuerdoston gumono cunnies· sagde im tho te sode· quad that thie
salige uuarin· man anthesoro middilgard thie her an iro mode
uuarin arme thurh odmodi them is that enniga riki suuido
helaglic anheban uuange sinlib fargeben quad that oc salige
uuarin madmundie man· thie motun thie marion erde of sittien
that selbi riki· quad that oc salige uuarin thie hir uuiopin iro
uuammun dadi· thie motun eft uuillion gebidan frofre aniro
rikia· Salige <in HS: e aus a korrigiert> sind oc the sie hir frumono gelustid rincos that
sie rehto adomien· thes motun sie uuerdan anthem rikia
drohtines gefullit thurh iro ferhton dadi· sulicoro motun
sie frumono <in HS: erstes o aus u korrigiert> bicnegan thie rincos thie hir rehto adomiad· ne
uuilliad an runun besuuican man thar sie at mahle sittiad· sali
ge sind oc them hir mildi uuirdit hugi an helido briostun· them
uuirdit the helego drohtin mildi mahtig selbo· Salige sind oc
undar thesaro managon thiodu· thie hebbiad iro herta gihrenod·
thie motun thane hebenes uualdand sehan an sinum rikea Quad
that oc salige uuarin thie the <in HS: h übergesetzt ergänzt> fridusamo undar thesumu folke
libbiod endi niuuilliad eniga fehta geuuirken saca mid iro
selboro dadiun· thie motun uuesan suni drohtines genemnide
huuande he im uuil genadig uuerden· thes motun sie niotan
lango selbon thes sines rikies· Quad that oc salige uuarin thie rin
cos the rehto uueldin endi thurh that tholod rikioro manno heti
endi harmquidi· them is oc an himile godes uuang forgeben endi
gestlic lib aftar te euuandage so is io endi nicumit uuelan <20v>
1325-1357uunsames· So habde tho uualdand crist for them erlon thar
ahto getalda salda gesagda <in HS: g aus l korrigiert>· mid them scal simbla gihuue himilriki
gehalon· ef he it hebbien uuili· ettho he scal to euuandaga aftar
tharbon uuelon endi uuillion sidor he these uuerold agibid erd
libi gescapu· endi sokit im odar lioht so liof so led so he mid
thesun liudiun her giuuercod anthesoro uueroldi al so it
thar tho mid is uuordun sagde crist alouualdo cuningo ri
kiost godes egen barn iungorun sinun· Geuuerdat oc so
salige quad he thes iu saca biodat liudi aftar theson lande
endi led sprecan· hebbiad iu te hosca· endi har mes filu ge
uuirkiad anthesoro uueroldi· endi uuiti gefrummiad felgiad
iu firinspraka endi fiundscepi· lagniad iuuua lera dot iuledes
so filu· harmes thurh iuuuen herron· thes latad gi <in HS: gi übergesetzt ergänzt> euuanhugi
simbla lib anlustun· huuand iu that lon stendit an godesrikia
garu· godo gehuuilikes mikil endi manag fald· that is iu te medu
fargeben· huuand gi her erbiforan arbid tholodun uuiti
anthesoro uueroldi· Uuirs is them odrun gibidat grimmora
thing· them the her god egun· uuidan uuerold uuelon· thie
for slitat iro uunnia her· ge niudot sie genoges· sculun
eft narouuaro thing aftar iro hinferdi helidos tholoian· than
uuopiat thar uuan scefti thie her er an uunnion sin· libbiad
anlustun ne uuilliad thes farlatan uuiht men githahtio·
thes sie an iro modspenit ledoro gilestio· than im that lon cumid
ubil arbetsam ·than sie is thane endi sculun sorgondi <in HS: r übergesetzt ergänzt> gesehan· <21r>
1357-1390than uuirdid im ser hugi thes sie thesero uueroldes sofilu uuillean
fulgengun man an iro modsebon· Nu sculun gi im that men
lahan· uuerean miduuordun· al so ic giu nu geuuisean mag
seggean sodlico gesidos mine uuarun uuordun· that githesoro
uueroldes· nu ford sculun salt uuesan sundigero manno betien
iro baludadi· that sie anthat betara thing folc farfahan endi for
latan fiundes giuuerk· diubules gedadi· endi sokean iro drohtines
riki· so sculun gi mid iuuuon lerun liudfolc manag uuendean
aftar minon uuilleon· Ef iuuuar than auuirdid huuilic
farlatid thea lera thea he lestean scal· than is im so them salte· the
man bi sees stade uuido te uuirpit than it te uuihti nidog ac it
firiho barn fotun spurnat gumon an greote· so uuirdid them
the that godes uuord scal mannum marean· Ef he im than latid
is mod tuuehon· that· hine uuillea mid hluttro hugi te heben
rikea spanen mid is spracu endi seggean spelgodes ac uuenkid
thero uuordo· than uuirdid im uualdand gram mahtig modag
endi sosamo manno barn· uuirdid allun than irminthiodun
liudiun alethid· ef is lera nidugun·
<XVII.> So sprac he tho spahlico endi sagda spelgodes· lerde the landes
uuard·liudi· sine mid hluttru hugi· helidos stodun gumon umbi
thana godes sunu gerno suido uueros· an uuilleon· uuas im thero uuor
do niut· thahtun endi thagodun· gihordun thesoro thiodo drohtin
seggean eu godes eldibarnun· gihet im hebenriki· endi te them heli
dun sprac· Oc mag· ic iu seggean gesidos mina uuarun uuordun <21v>
1390-1426that githesoro uueroldes nuford sculun lioht uuesan· liudio barnun
fagar mid firihun· obar folc manag· uulitig endi uuansam· nimugun
iuuua uuerk mikil biholan uuerdan mid huuilico gi sea hugi cudeat
than mer the thiu burg nimag thiu anberge stad ho holm klibu
biholen uuerden· uurisilic giuuerc· Nimugun iuuuauuord than mer
anthesoro middilgard mannum uuerden iuuuadadi bidernit· dot
so ic iu leriu· latad iuuua lioht mikil liudiun skinan manno barnun
that sie farstandan iuuuan modsebon iuuua uuerc endi iuuuan uuil
leon· endi thes uualdandgod mid hluttro hugi· himilscan fader lobon
anthesumu liohte· thes he iu sulica lera fargab· Ni scal neoman lioht
the it habad liudiun dernean te hardo behuuelbean· ac he it hoho scal
an seli settean· that thea gesehan mugin allagelico thea thar inna sind
helidos an hallu· than halt nisculungi iuuua helag uuord anthesumu
landskepea liudiun dernien· helid cunnie farhelan· ac ge it
hoho sculun bredean that gibod godes that it allaro barno gehuuilic
obar althit land skepi liudi farstanden· endi so gefrummien so it
an forndagun tulgo uuise man uuordun gespracun than sie thana
aldan euu· erlos heldun· endi oc sulicu suuidor so ic iu nu seggean
mag· alloro gumono gehuuilic gode thionoian· than it thar anthem
aldom euua gebeode· Niuuaniat gi thes mid uuihtiu· that ic bi thiu
anthesa uuerold quami· that ic thana aldan eu irrien uuillie· fellean
undar thesumu folke· eftho thero forasagono uuord uuidar uuerpen
thea her sogiuuarea man barlico gebudun· Er scal bethiu te
faran himil endi erde thiu nubihlidan standat· er than thero <22r>
1426-1460uuordo uuiht biliba unlestid· anthesumu liohte thea sie thesum
liudiun her uuarlico gebudun· Niquam ic anthesa uuerold te thiu
that ic feldi thero forasagono uuord· ac ic siu fullien scal okion endi
nigean eldibarnum thesumu folke te frumu· that uuas forn ge
scriban· anthem aldon eo· gehordun it oft sprecan uuord uuise
man· so huue so that anthesoro uueroldi gidot that he athrana
aldru· bi neote libu bilosie· them sculun liudiobarn dod adelean·
Than uuilleo ic it iu diopor nu furdur bifahan· So huue so ina
thurh fiundskepi man uuidar odrana an is mod sebon bilgit
an is breostun· huuand sie alle gebrodar sint· salig folc godes· sib
beon bitengea man mid magskepi· than uuirdit thoh huue odru
mu an is mode so gram· libes uueldi ina losien· of he mahti gilestien
so· than is he san afehi·. endi is thes ferahas scolo· alsulikes urde
lies so the thar uuas the thurh is handmegin hobdo bilosde· erl
odarna· Oc is anthem eo gescriban uuarun uuordun sogi uuiton
alle· that man is nahiston scal niutlieo minnian an· is mode· uuesen
is magun hold· gadulingun god· uuesen is geba mildi· frahon is friun
da gehuuane· endi scal is fiund hatan uuider standen them mid stri
du· endi mid starcu hugi· uuerean uuidar uuredun· Than seggeo
ic iu nu te uuaron fullicur for thesumu folke· that gi iuuua fiund scu
lun minneon an iuuuomu mode· so samo so gi iuuua magos· dot· an
godes namon· dot im godes filu· togeat im hluttran hugi holda treuua·
liob uuidar ira lede· that is langsam rad· manno sohuuilicumu so
is mod te thiu·gefliit uuidar is fiunde· Than motun gi thea fruma· <22v>
1460-1495egan· that gi motun heten hebencuninges suni· is blidi barn· Ne
mugun gi iu betaran rad geuuinnan anthesoro uueroldi· Than
seggio ic iu te uuaron oc barno gehuilicum· that gi nemugun mid
gibolgono hugi iuuuas godes uuiht te godes husun uualdande far
geban· that it imu uuirdig si teantfahanne· so lango so thu fiund
skepies uuiht uuider odran man inuuiht hugis· er scalt thu thi sim
bla gesonien uuid thana sacuualdand· gemodi gimahlean· sidor
maht thu medmos thina te them godes altere ageban· than sind
sie themu godan uuerde hebencuninge· mer sculun giaftar is hul
di thionon godes uuilleon fulgan than odra iudeon duon· ef gi
uuilleat egan euuan riki· sin lib sehan· Oc scal iu seggean noh· huuo
it thar anthem aldon eo gebiudid· that enig erl odres idis ni bi
suuica· uuif mid uuammu· Than seggio ic iu te uuaron oc that thar
man is siuni mugun suuido farledean an mirki men· ef hi ina
latid is mod spanen that he beginna thero girnean· thiu imu ge
gangan ni scal· than habed he an imu selbon san sundea geuuarhta
geheftid an is hertan helliuuiti· Ef than thana man is siun uuili
ettha is suidare hand farledien is litho huuilic an ledan uueg
than is erlo gehuuem odar betara firihobarno· that he ina fram
uuerpa endi thana lid losie af lichamon· endi ina ano cuma
up te himile· than he so mid allun te them inferne huuerbe mid
so helun an helligrund· Than menid thiu lefhed that enig liudeo
niscal farfolgan is friunde ef he ina an firina spanit suas man an
saca· than ne si he imu eo so suuido an sibbiun bilang· ne iro <23r>
1495-1528magskepi so mikil· ef he ina anmord spenit bedid balu uuerco
betera is imu than odar· that he thana friund fanimu fer far uuer
pa mithe thes mages· endi nihebbea thar eniga minneato· that he
moti eno up gestigan hohimilriki· than sie helli gethuing bred balu
uuiti· bedea gisokean· ubil arbidi·
<XVIII.> Oc is an them eo gescriban uuarun uuordun so gi uuitun alle
that mi the <in HS: e aus a korrigiert>· men hedos mancunnies gehuuilic ni forsuerie ina selbon
huuand that is sundie temikil farledid liudi an lethan uueg· Than
uuilleo ic iu eft seggean that san ni suerea neoman enigan edstaf
eldibarno· ne bihimile themu hohon· huuand that is thes herron
stol· ne bi erdu thar undar huuand that is thes alouualdon fagar
fotscamel· nec enig firihobarno nesuuerea bi is selbes hofde
huuand he nimag thar ne suuart ne huuit enig har geuuir
kean· butan so it the helago god gemarcode mahtig· Be thiu
sculun midan filu erlos eduuordo· so huue so it ofto dot so
uuirdid is simbla uuirsa· huuand he imu an giuuardon nimag
bi thiu scal ic iu nu te uuarun uuordun gibeodan that gi neo
ne suerien suuidoron edos meron met mannun· butan so ic iu
mid minun her suuido uuarlico scal uuordun gebeodan ef
man huuemu saca sokea biseggea that uuare quede ia geb
it si· gea thes thar uuar is· quede nen af it nis· latan im genog
an hiu So huat so is mer obar that man gefrummiad socumid it
fan ubile eldibarnun that erl thurh untreuua odres niuuili
uuordo gelobian· Than seggio ic iu te uuaron oc huua it thar <23v>
1528-1558an them aldon eo gebiudit· so huue so ogon genimid odres man
nes losid af is lichaman ettha is lidu huilican· that he it eft mid is
selbes scal san antgelden midgelicun lidion· than uuillio ic iu lerian
nu that gi so ni uurecan uureda dadi ac that gi thurh odmodi al
gethologian uuities endi uuammes· so huat so man iu anthesoro
uueroldi gedoe· doe alloro erlo gehuilic odrom manne frume
endi gefori· so he uuillie that im firiobarn godes angegin doen·
Than uuirdit im godmildi liudio so huilicum so that lestien uuili·
erod gi arme man deliad iuuan oduuelon undar thero thurftigon
thiodu· nerokead <in HS: zweites e übergesetzt ergänzt> huuedar gi is enigan thanc antfaan ef tho lon·
anthesoro lehneon <in HS: leohneon, erstes o getilgt> uueroldi· ac huggeat te iuuuomu leobon
herran thero gebono tegelde that sie iu god lono mahtig mund
boro· so huuat so gi is thurh is minnea gidot· Ef thu than gebo
gean uuili godun mannun fagare fehoscattos· thar thu eft frumo
no hugis mer antfahan· te huui habas thu thes eniga meda fon gode
et tha lon· anthemu is liohte· huuand that is lehni feho· so is thes
alles gehuuat the thu odrun geduos· lithun te leobe· thar thu hugis
eft gelic neman· thero uuordo endi thero uuerco· te huui uuet thi
thes usa uualdand thanc thes thu thin so bifilhis erdi antfais· eft
than thu uuili· iuuuan uuelon geban githem mannun the ina iu
anthesoro uueroldi nelonon· endi rumeat te iuuues uualdandes ri
kea· Te hlud ni do thuut than thu mid thinun handun bifeleas
thina alamosna themu· armon manne· ac im thurh odmodien hugi
gerno thurh godes thanc· than most thu ef[...] <in HS: ausradiert> <24r>
1558-1589lioblic lon· thar thu· is lango bitharft fagaroro frumono· so huuat
so thu is so thurh ferhtan hugi· darno gedeleas so is usumu drohtine
uuerd· Ne galbo thu far thinun gebun te suuido· noh enig gumono
nescal that siu im thurh that idale hrom eft niuuerde ledlico far
loren· thanna thu scalt lon nemen fora godes ogun godero uuerco·
Oc scal ic iu gebeodan· than gi uuilliad te bedu hnigan endi
uuilliad te iuuuomu herron helpono biddean that he iu alate ledes
thinges thero sacono endi thero sundeono thea gi iu selbon hir uure
da geuuirkead· that gi it than for odrumu uuerode niduad· nimaread
it far menigi· that iu these man nilobon nidiurean thero dadeo·
that gi iuuues drohtines gibed· thurh that idala hrom al ne farleosan
Ac than uuillean te iuuuomo herron helponobiddean thiggean theo
lico· thes iu is tharf mikil that iu sigidrohtin·sundeono tomea· than
dot gi that so darno· thoh uuet it iuuue drohtin self helag an himile
huuand imu nis biholan neouuiht· neuuordo neuuerco· He latid
it than geuuerdan so so gi ina than biddiad thangi te thero bedo
hnigad mid hluttru hugi·
Helidos stodun gumon umbi thana godes sunu· gerno suuido
uueros an uuilleon· uuas im thero uuordo niut· thahtun endi
thagodun· uuas im tharf mikil that sie that eft gehogdin· huuat
im that helaga barn an thana forman sid filu mid uuordun torh
tes getalde· Tho sprac im eft en thero tuuelifio angegin glauuuo
ro gumono· te the godes barne· <XIX.> Herro the godo quad he
us [ ] <in HS: ausradiert> is thinoro huldi tharf te giuuirkenne thinna uuilleon <24v>
1589-1624endi oc thinoro uuordo so self alloro barno bezt· that thu us bedon
leres· iugoronthine so iohannes duot diurlic doperi dago gehuui
licas is uuerod mid uuordun· huuo sie uualdand sculun godan gro
tean· do thinun iungoron so self gerihti us that geruni·
Tho habda eft the rikeo garu san aftar thiu sunu drohtines· god
uuood angegin· Than gi god uuillean uueros mid iuuuon uuordun
uualdand grotean· allaro cuningo craftigostan· than quedad gi
so ic iu leriu· Fadar is usa firiho barno· the is an them hohon himi
larikea· Geuuihid si thin namo· uuordo gehuuilico· Cuma
thin craftag riki· Uuerda thin uuilleo obar thesa uuerold al so
sama an erdo· so thar uppa ist an them hohon himilrikea· Gef
us dago gehuuilikes rad· drohtin thegodo· thina helaga helpa·
Endi alat us hebenes uuard managoro mensculdio· al so uue
odrum mannum doan· Ne lat us farledean letha uuihti so ford
an iro uuilleon so uui uuirdige sind· Ac help us uuidar allun ubi
lon dadiun· So sculun biddean than gi te bede hnigad· uueros
mid iuuuom uuordun· that iu uualdand god ledes alate an leut
cunnea· ef gi than uuilliad alatan liudeo gehuuilicun thero
sacono endi thero sundeono the sie uuid iu selbon hir uureda ge
uuirkeat· than alatid iu uualdand god· fadar alamahtig firin
uuerk mikil managoro mensculdeo· Ef iu than uuirdid
iuuua mod te starc that gi ne uuilleat odrun erlun alatan uue
ron uuamdadi· than ne uuil iu oc uualdand god grim uuerc
fargeban· ac gi sculun is geld niman suido ledliclon· telanguru <25r>
1624-1655huuilu alles thes unrehtes thes gi odrum hir gilestead anthesumu liohte
endi than uuid liudeo barn thea saca ne gisonead· er gi anthana
sid faran· uueros fon thesoro uueroldi· Oc scal ic iu te uuarun
seggean· huuo gi lestean sculun lera mina· than gi iuuua faston
nea· frummean uuillean· minson iuuua mendadi· than niduad
gi that te managom cud· ac midad is far odrun mannum· thoh
uuet mahtig god uualdand iuuuan uuillean· thoh iu uuerod
odar liudiobarn nelouon· He gildid is iu lon aftar thiu· iuuua
helag fadar an himilrikea· thes ge im mid sulicum odmodea
erlos theonod· so ferhtlico undar thesumu folke· neuuilleat
feho uuinnan erlos an unreht ac uuirkead up te gode man
aftar medu· that is mera thing than man hiran erdu odoclibbea
uuerold scattes geuuono· Ef gi uuilliad minun uuordun horean
than ne samnod gi hir sinc mikil silobres ne goldes anthesoro
middilgard· methom hordes· huuand it rotat hir an roste
endi regin theobos far stelad· uurmi auuardiad· uuirdid that
giuuadi farslitan· tigangid the glot uuelo· lestead iuuua godon
uuerc· samnod iu an himile hord· that mera· fagara feho scat
tos· that nimag iu· enig fiund beniman neuuiht anuuen
dean· huuand the uuelo standid garu iu te gegnes so huat
so gi godes tharod anthat himilriki hordes gesamnod· he
lidos thurh iuuua handgeba· endi hebbead tharod iuuuan
hugi fasto· huuand thar ist alloro manno gihuues mod ge
thahti· hugi endi herta· thar is hord ligid sinc gesamnod· <25v>
1655-1684Nis eo so salig man that mugi anthesoro bredon uuerold bediu
anthengean· ge that hi anthesoro erdo odog libbea· anallun
uuerold lustun uuesa· gethoh uualdand gode to thanke getheono
ache scal alloro thingo gihuues· simbla odar huuedar en farla
tan· ettho lusta thes lichamon· ettho lib· euuig· Be thiu ni gor
not gi umbi iuuua gegaruuui· ac huggead te gode fasto· nemor
nont an iuuuomu mode· huuat gi eft an morgan sculin etan· eftho
drinkan ettho anhebbean uueros te geuuedea· It uuet al· uual
dand god· huues thea bithurbun thea im hir thionod ·uuel folgod
iro frohan uuilleon· Huuat githat bi thesun fuglun mugun uuar
lico undar uuitan thea hir anthessero uueroldi sint· farad anfedar
hamun sie nicunnun enig feho uuinnan· thoh gibid im drohtin
god dago gehuuilikes helpa uuidar hungre· Oc mugun· gi an iuuuom
hugi marcon uueros umbi iuuua geuuadi. huuo thie uurti sint
fagoro gefratoot· thea hir an felde stad berhtlico gebloid· Ne
mahta the burges uuard salomon the cuning· the habda sinc
mikil· methom hordas mest thero the enig man ehti· uuelono
geuunnan endi allaro geuuadeo cust· thoh nimohte he an is
libe thoh he habdi alles theses landes geuuald auunnan sulic
geuuadi so thiu uurt habad thiu hir an felde stad· fagoro gegari
uuit· lilli mid so lioblicu blomon· Ina uuadit the landes uual
dand her fan hebenes uuange· mer is im thoh umbi thit
helido cunni· liudi sint im lioboron mikilu· thea he im an the
sumu lande geuuarhte uualdand an uuilleon sinan· bethiu ne <26r>
1684-1712thurbun gi umbi iuuua geuuadi sorgon· negornot umbi iuuua gegariuui
te suuido· god uuili is alles radan· helpan fan hebenes uuange· ef
gi uuilliad aftar is uuillion theonon· gerot gi simbla erist
thes godes rikeas· endi than duat aftar them is godun uuercun
romod gi rehtoro thingo· than uuili iu the rikeo drohtin gebon
mid alloro godu gehuuilicu· ef gi im thus fulgangan uuillead· so
ic iu te uuarun hir uuordun seggeo·
<XX.> Ne sculun gi enigumu manne unrehtes uuiht derbies ade
lean· huuand the dom eft cumid obar thana selbon man
thar siu im te sorgon scal uuerdan· them te uuitea the hir mid
is uuordun gesprikid· unreht odrum Neo that iuuuar enig ne
dua gumono anthesom gardon geldes ettho copes· that hi unreht
gim(et) odrumu manne menful maco· huuand it simbla motean
scal erlo gehuuilicomu sulic so it odrumu gedod· so cumid it eft
tegegnes thar he gerno ne uuili gesehan is sundeon·
Oc scal ic iu seggean noh. huuar gi iu uuardon sculun· uuiteo mesta·
menuuerc manag. Te huui scalt thu enigan man besprekan.
brodar thinan that thu undar is brahon gesehas· halm <in HS: l aus r korrigiert> an is
ogon· endi gehuggean niuuili· thana suaran balcon the thu an
thinoro siuni habas hard endi hebig· lat thi that anthinan
hugi fallan huuo thu thana erist aloseas· than skinid thi lioht
beforan· ogun uuerdad thi geoponot· than maht thu aftar
thiu· suases mannes gesiun sidor gebotean· gehelean an is hob
de. so mag that an is hugi· mera an thesoro middilgard. manno <26v>
1712-1741gehuuilicumu uuesan anthesoro uueroldi· that hi hir uuammas ge
duot· than hi hatogea odres mannes saca· endi sundea· endi habad
im· selbo mer firin uuerco gefrumid· Ef hiuuili is fruma lestean
than scal hi ina seluon er· sundeono atomean· leduuerco loson· sidor
mag hi mid is lerun uuerdan helidun te helpu· sidor hi ina hluttran
uu(et)· sundeono sicoran· Ne sculun gi suinum teforan
iuuua meregriton macon· ettho medmo gestriuni· helag halsme
ni huuand siu it an horu spurnat suliad an sande· ne uuitun
subreas gesked· fagoro fratoo· Sulic sint hir folc manag
the iuuua helag uuord horean ne uuillead fulgangan godes le
run· neuuitun godes gesked· ac sind im lari uuord leoboron
mikilu umbitharbi thing thanna theotgodes uuerc endi uuilleo
ne sind sie uuirdige than that sie gihorean iuuua helag uuord
ef sie is ne uuillead an iro hugi thenkean ne linon nelestean
them ni seggean gi iuuuoro leron uuiht· that gi thea spraca
godes endi spel managu ne barleosan an them liudiun· thea
thar ne uuillean gilobean to uuaroro uuordo·
Oc sculun gi iu uuardon filu listiun undar thesun liudiun thar
gi aftar thesumu lande farad· that iu thea luggeon ne mugin leron
besuican ni mid uuordun nimid uuercun· sie cumad an sulicom
geuuadeon te iu fagoron fratoon· thoh hebbead sie fecnan hugi
thea mugun gi san antkennean so gi sie cuman gesead· sie spre
cad uuislic uuord· thoh iro uuerc ne dugin thero thegno
gethahti· Huuand gi uuitun that eo anthorniun ne sculun <27r>
1742-1773uuinberi uuesan eftha uuelon eouuiht· fagororo fruhteo· nec
oc figun ne lesad helidos an hiopon· that mugun gi undar hug
gean uuel· that eo the ubilo bom thar he an erdu stad goden
uuastum negibid· nec it oc god ni gescop that the godo bom· gu
mono barnun bari bittres uuiht· accumid fan alloro bamo gehui
licumu sulic uuastom te thesero uueroldi· so im fan is uurteon ge
dregid· ettha berht ettha bittar· Than menid thoh breost hugi
managoro modsebon· mancunnies· huuo alloro erlo gehuilic
ogit selbo meldod mid is mudu· huilican hemod habad· hugi
umbi is herte· thes nimag he farhelan eo uuiht accumad fan
them ubilan man inuuit rados· bara baluspraca· sulic so hi an
is breostun habad· geheftid umbi is herte· simbla is hugi cudid
is uuilleon mid is uuordun· endi farad is uuerc aftar thiu·
So cumad fan themu godan manne glau anduuordi uuislic an
is geuuittea· that hi simbla mid is uuordu gesprikid man mid is
mudu sulic so he an is mode habad· hort umbi is herte· thanan cumad
thea helagan lera suuido uunsam uuord· endi sculun is uuerc aftar
thiu theodu gethihan· thegnun managun uuerdan te uuilleon· al
so it uualdand self godun mannun fargibid· god alomahtig hi
milisc herro· huand sie ano is helpa nimugun nemid uuordun
nemid uuercun uuiht athengean godes· anthesun gardun· be
thiu sculun gumono barn an is enes craft alle gilobean·
<XXI.> Oc scal ic iu uuisean huuo hir uuegos tuena liggead
an thesumu liohte· thea farad liudeo barn al irminthiod <27v>
1773-1808thero is odar san uuid strata· endi bred· farid sie uuerodes filu· man
cunnies manag· huand sie tharod iro mod spenit· uuerold lusta
uueros thiu an thea uuirson hand liudi ledid· thar sie te farlora
uuerdad helidos an helliu· thar is het endi suart· egislic an innan
odi tharod te faranne eldibarnun· thoh it im at themu· endie ni dugi
Than ligid eft odar engira mikilu uueg anthesoro uueroldi· ferid ina
uuerodes lut faho folcskepi· Niuuilliad ina firihobarn gerno gan
gan· thoh he te godes rikea anthat euuiga lif· erlos ledea· Than nimad
gi iu thana engean thoh he so odi nesi firihon tefaranne· thoh scal
hi te frumu uuerdan· so huuemu so ina thurh gengid· so scal is geld
niman· suuido langsam lon· endi lif euuig· diurlican drom· Eo gi
thes sculun drohtin uualdand biddien· that gi thana uueg motin
fan foran antfahan· endi ford thurh gigangan· an that godes riki·
He ist garu simbla uuidar thiu te gebanne the man ina gernobidid
fergot firihobarn· Sokead fadar iuuuan uppan themu euuigon rikea·
than motun gi ina aftar thiu te iuuuoru frumu fithan· cudead iuuua
fard tharod at iuuuas drohtines durun· than uuerdad iu andon
aftar thiu himilpostun anthlidan· that gi anthat helage lioht· an
that godes riki gangan motun· sin lif sehan·
Oc scal ic iu seggean noh far thesumu uuerode allun uuarlic
bilidi· That alloro liudeo so huilic· so thesa mina lera uuili gehaldan
an is herton· endi uuil iro an is hugi athenkean· lestean sea an thesu
mu lande· the gilico duot uuisumu manne the giuuit habad·
horsca hugiskefti· endi hus stedi kiusid anfastoro foldun <28r>
1808-1841endi an felisa uppan uuegos uuirkid· thar im uuind nimag neuuag
neuuatares strom uuihtiu getiunean· acmag im thar uuid· ungi
uuidereon· allun standan· anthemu felise uppan· huand it so fasto
uuard gistellit anthemu stene· anthabad· it thiu stedi nidana· uure
did· uuidar uuinde· that it uuican nimag· So duot eft manno so
huilic· so thesun minun niuuili lerun horien· ne thero lestien uuiht
so duot the unuuison erla gelico ungeuuittigon uueron· thea im be
uuatares stade ansande uuili· selihus uuirkean· thar it uuestrani
uuind· endi uuagos strom sees udeon teslaad· Nemag im sand
endi greot geuuredien uuid themu uuinde ac uuirdid teuuorpan
than· tefallen anthemu flode· huand it anfastoro erdu niuuas
getimbrod· So scal alloro gehues uuerc gethihan uuidar thiu
the hi thius min uuord frumid· haldid helag gebod·
Tho bigunnun an iro hugi uundron meginfolc mikil· gehor
dun mahtiges godes lioblica lera· Ne uuarun anthemu lande
geuuno· that sie eo fan sulicun er seggean gehordin· uuordun
ettho uuercun· farstodun uuise man that he so lerde liudeo
drohtin uuarun uuordun· so he geuuald habde allun them unge
lico the thar anerdagun undar them liudskepea lereon uuarun aco
ran undar themucunnie· Ne habdun thiu cristes uuord gemacon
mid mannun the he far thero menigi sprac gebod uppan themu
berge· <XXII.> He im tho bethiu befal ge te seggennea sinom uuordun·
huuo man himilriki gehalon scoldi uuid bredan uuelan· gia he
im geuualt fargab· that sie mostin helean halte endi blinde· <28v>
1842-1874liudeo lefhedi legar bed manag suara suhti· giac he im selbo gebod
that sie at enigumu manne mede ne namin· diurie medmos· ge
huggead· giquad he· huand iu is thiu dad cuman that geuuit
endi the uuisdomn endi iu thea geuuald fargibid alloro firiho
fadar· so gi sie ni thurbun mid enigo feho copon medean mid
enigun medmun· so uuesat gi iro mannun ford an iuuuon <in HS: iuuuomu, letzter m-Bogen und u getilgt> hugi
skestiun· helpono mildea· leread gi liudiobarn langsamna rad
fruma ford uuardes· firinuuerc lahad· suara sundeo· nelatad
iu silobar nec gold uuihti thes uuirdig· that it eo an iuuua geuuald
cuma fagara feho scattos· it nimag iu te enigoro frumu huuergin
uuerdan te enigumu uuilleon· Ne sculun gi ge uuadeas than
mer erlos egan butan so gi than anhebbean· gumon te gareuuea
than gi gangan sculun anthat gimang· neo gi umbi iuuuan me
ti sorgot· leng umbi iuuua lifnare· huand thene lereand scu
lun fodean that folcskepi· thes sint thea fruma uuerda leob
likes lones the hi them liudiun sagad· uuirdig is the uurhteo
that man ina uuel fodea· thana man mid mosu· the so manago
ro scal seola bisorgan· endi anthana sid spanen gestos an
godes uuang· that is grotara thing that man bisorgon scal
seolun managa· huo man thea gehalde te hebenrikea· than
man thene lichamon liudi barno mosu bimorna· Be thiu
man sculun haldan thene holdlico· the im te hebenrikea thene
uueg uuisit· endi sie uuamscadun feondun uuitfahit· endi firin
uuerc lahid· suara sundeon· Nu ic iu sendean scal aftar thesumu <29r>
1874-1903landskepie. so lamb undar uulbos· so sculun gi· undar iuuua fiund
faren undar filu theodo· undar mislike man· hebbead iuuuan mod
uuidar them so glauuan tegegnes· so samo so the glauuo uurm
nadra thiu feha· thar siu· iro nidskepies uuitodes uuanit· that
man iu undar themu uuerode nemugi besuican anthemu side
far thiugi sorgon sculun that iu thea man nimugin modgethahti
uuillean auuardien· uuesat iu so uuara uuidar thiu uuidiro fecneon
so man uuidar fiundun scal· Than uuesat gi eft an iuuuon dadiun
dubon gelica· hebbead uuid erlo gehuene enfaldan hugi· mil
dean modsebon· that thar man negen thurh iuuua dadi bedrogan
ne uuerde· besuican thurh iuuua sundea· ne sculun gi anthana
sid faran an that arundi· thar sculun gi arbidies so filu getho
lon undar theru thiod· endi gethuing so samo manag endi
mislic· huand gi an minumu namon thea liudi lereat· be thiu
sculun githar ledes filu forauuerold cuningun uuiteas ant
fahan· Oft sculun gi thar for rikea thurh thius min rehtun
uuord gebundane standen endi bediu gethologean gehosc
ge harmquidi· Umbi that nelatad gi iuuuan hugi· tuiflon
sebon suicandean· gi ni thurbun an enigun sorgun uuesan
an iuuuomu hugi huergin· than man iu for thea heri ford an
thene gastseli gangan hetid· huat gi im than tegegnes sculin
godoro uuordo spahlicoro gesprecan· huand iu thiu spot
cumid helpe fon himile· endi sprikid the helogo gest mahtig
fon iuuuomu munde· bethiune andradad gi iu· thero manno <29v>
1903-1934nid ne forhteat iro fiundskepi· thoh sie hebbean iuuuas ferahes ge
uuald· that sie mugin thene lichamon libu beneotan aslaan mid
suerdu· thoh sie theru seolun nemugun· uuiht auuardean· Antdra
dad iu uualdand god· forhtead fader iuuuan· frummiad gerno is
gebodskepi· huuand hi habad bedies giuuald· liudio libes· endi oc iro
lichamon· gec thero seolon so self· ef gi iuuua anthem side tharot
farliosat thurh thesa lera· than motun gi sie eft anthemu liohte
godes beforan fithan· huuand sie fader iuuua haldid helag
god an himilrikea·
<XXIII.> Ne cumat thea alle te himile thea the hir hropat te min manno
te mundburd· managa sind thero thea uuilliad alloro dago
gehuilikes te drohtine hnigan· hropad thar te helpu endi huggead an
odar· uuirkead uuamdadi· Ne sind im than thiu uuord fruma·
Ac thea motun huerban anthat himiles lioht gangan an that
godes riki thea thes gerne sint· that sie hir gefrummien fader ala
uualdan uuerc endi uuilleon· Thea nithurbun mid uuordun so filu
hropan te helpu· huanda the helogo god uu(et) alloro manno gehues
modgethahti· uuord endi uuilleon· endi gildid im is uuerco lon·
bethiu sculun gi sorgon than gi an thene sid farad huo githat arun
di endea hebrengen· Than gi lidan sculun aftar thesumu
landskepea uuido aftar thesoro uueroldi· al so iu uuegos lediad
bred strata te burg· simbla sokiad gi iu thene bezton san man
undar theru menegi· endi cudead imu iuuuan modsebon uuarun
uuordun· ef sie than thes uuirdige sint· than sie iuuua godun <30r>
1934-1967uuerc gerno gelestien· mid hluttru hugi· than gi an themu huse mid
im <in HS: imu, u getilgt> uuonod· an uuilleon· endi imu uuel lonod· geldad im <in HS: imu, u getilgt> mid godu
endi sie te gode selbon uuordun geuuihad· endi seggead im uuissan
fridu helaga helpa heben cuninges· ef sie than so saliga thurh
iro selboro dad uuerdan nimotun that sie iuuua uuerc frummien
lestien iuuua lera· than gi fan them liudiun san farad fanthemu
folke· endi the fridu eft an iuuuoro selboro sid· endi latad sie
mid sundiun ford mid balu uuercun buan· endi sokiad iu burg
odra mikil man uuerot· endi ne latad thes melmes uuiht folgan
an iuuuom fotun· thanan man iu· antfahan ne uuili· ac scuddiat
it fan iuuuom scohun· that it im eft te scamu uuerde· themu uuero
de te geuuitskepie that iro uuillio ne dog· Than seggeo ic iu te
uuarun· so huan so thius uuerold endiad· endi the mareo dag obar
man farid· that than sodomoburg thiu hir thurh sundeon uuard
an afgrundi eldes craftu fiuru bifallen· that thiu than habad
fridu meran mildiran mundburd than theaman egin thea iu hir
uuidar uuerpat· endi ne uuilliad iuuua uuord frummien·
So hue so iu than antfahit thurh ferhtan hugi thurh mildean mod
so habad minan ford uuilleon geuuarhten· endi uualdand god ant
fangan fader iuuuan firiho drohtin rikean radgebon· thene the
al reht bican uuet uualdand self endi uuillean lonot gumo
no gehuilicumu· so huat so hi hir godes geduot· Thoh hi thurh
minnea godes manno huilicumu uuilleandi fargebe uuate
res drinkan· that hi thurftigumu manne thurst gehelie caldes brunnan· <30v>
1967-1998Thesa quidi uuerdad uuara that eo nebilibid ne hi thes lon sculi
foragodes ogun geld antfahan· meda managfalde· so huat so hi is
thurh mina minnea geduot· So hue so min than farlognid liudi
barno helido for thesoro heriu· so dom ic is an himile so self thar
uppe far them alouualdan fader endi for allumu is engilocrafte
far theru mikilon menigi· So huilic so than eft manno barno
anthesoro uueroldi ne uuili uuordun mithan ac giit far· gumske
pi that he min iungoro si· thene uuilliu ic eft ogean far godes
ogun· fora alloro firiho fader thar folc manag for thene alo
uualdon alla gangad rethinon· uuid thene rikeon· thar uuilliu ic
imu an reht uuesan mildi mundboro· so huemu sominun hir uuor
dun horid· endi thiu uuerc frumid thea ic hir an thesumu berge
uppan geboden hebbiu·
Habda tho teuuarun uualdandes sunu gelerid thealiudi· huo
sie lof gode uuirkean scoldin· Tho let hi that uuerod thanan
an allaro halba gehuilica heriskepi manno sidon te seldon hab
dun selbes uuord gehorid hebencuninges helagalera· so eo te uue
roldi sint uuordo endi dadeo mancunnies manag obar thesan mid
dilgard spracono thiu spahiron· so hue so thiu spel gefrang thea
thar anthemu berge gesprac barno rikeast·
<XXIV.> Geuuet imo tho umbi threa naht aftar thiu thesoro thiodo
drohtin angalileoland thar he te enum <in HS: enumu, u getilgt> gomun uuard gebe
dan that barn godes· thar scolda man ena brud geban mu
nalica magat· thar maria uuas mid iro suni selbo salig thiorna <31r>
1999-2032mahtiges moder· Managoro drohtin geng imu imu tho mid is iungoron
godes egan barn anthat hoha hus thar the heri dranc thea iudeon
anthemu gast seli· He im oc at them gomun uuas giac hi thar
gecudde that hi habda craft godes helpa fan himilfader helag
nagest uualdandes uuisdom· Uuerod blidode· uuarun thar
an luston liudi atsamne gumon gladmodie· gengun ambaht
man skenkeon mid scalun· drogun skirianne uuin midorcun
endi mid alofatun. uuas thar erlo drom· fagar anflettea· Tho thar
folc undar im anthem benkeon so bezt blidsea afhobun· uuarun
thar an uunneun· tho im thes uuines brast them liudiun thes lides
is niuuas farlebid uuiht huergin anthemu huse· that for thene
heri ford skenkeon drogin· ac thiu scapu uuarun lides alarid
Tho niuuas lang te thiu that it san antfunda frio sconiosta cristes
moder· geng uuid iro kind sprecan· uuid iro sunu selbon· sagda
im mid uuordun that thea uuerdos tho mer uuines nehabdun
them gestiun tegomu· Siu tho gerno bad that is the helogo crist
helpa geriedi themu uuerode te uuilleon· The habda eft is uuord
garu mahtig barn godes· endi uuid is moder sprac· Huat ist mi
endi thi quad he umbi thesoro manno lid· umbi theses uuerodes
uuin· te hui sprikis thu thes uuif so filu manos mi far thesoro meni
gi· Ne sint mina noh tidi cumana·
Than thoh gitrooda siu uuel an iro hugi skeftiun helag thior
ne· that is aftar them uuordun uualdandes barn heleandoro
bezt helpan uueldi· Het tho thea ambaht man idiso <31v>
2032-2064sconiost· skenkeon endi scap uuardos theathar scoldun thero
scolu thionon that sie thes ne uuord ne uuerc uuiht ne farletin thes
sie the helogo crist hetan uueldi lestean far them liudiun· Larea
stodun thar sten uatu sehsi· tho so stillo gebod mahtig barn godes
so it thar manno filu ne uuissa te uuarun· huo he it mit uuordu
gesprac· He het thea skenkeon tho skireas uuatares thiu fatu fullien
endi hi thar mid is fingrun tho segnade selbo sinun handun uuarh
te it te uuine· endi het is an en uuegi hladen skeppien midenoro
scalon· endi tho te them skenkeon sprac· het is thero gesteo the at
them gomun uuas themu heroston an hand geban· ful mid fol
mun· themu the thes folkes thar geuueld aftar themu uuerde
Reht so hi thes uuines gedranc· so nimahte he bemidan ne hi far
theru menigi sprac te themu brudigumon· quad that simbla
that bezte lid alloro erlo gehuilic erist scoldi geban at is go
mun· undar thiu uuirdid thero gumono hugi auuekid mid
uuinu that sie uuel blidod· druncan dromead· than mag man
thar dragan aftar thiu lihdlicora lid· so ist thesoro liudeo thau·
Than habas thu nu uunderlico uuerdskepi thinan gemarcod·
far thesoro menigi· hetis far thit manno folc alles thines uuines
that uuirsiste thine ambahtman erist brengean· geban an thi
nun gomun <in HS: o aus a korrigiert>· Nu sint thina gesti sade· sint thine druhtingos
druncane suido· is thit folc fruomod nu hetis thu hir ford
dragan· alloro lido lof samost· thero ic eo anthesumu
liohte gesah· huergin hebbean· mid thius scoldis thu us hindag <32r>
2064-2097er gebon· endi gomean· than it alloro gumono gehuilic gethige
di te thanke· Tho uuard thar thegan manag geuuar aftar
them uuordun sidor sie thes uuines gedruncun· that thar the
helogo crist anthemu huse innan tecan uuarhte truodun sie
sidor thiumer an is mundburd· that hi habdi maht godes· ge
uuald anthesoro uueroldi· Tho uuard that so uuido cud obar
galileoland iudeo liudiun huo thar selbo gededa sunu drohti
nes· uuater te uuine· That uuard thar uundro erist thero
hi thar an galilea iudeo liudeo tecno getogdi· Nemag that
getellean man geseggean te sodan· huat thar sidor uuard
uundres undar themu· uuerode· thar uualdand crist an godes
namon iudeo liudeon allan langan dag· lera sagde· gihet im
hebenriki· endi helleo gethuing uueride mid uuordun· het sie
uuara godes sin lif sokean· thar is seolono lioht drom drohti
nes endi dagskimon· godlicnissea godes· thar gest manag
uunod· an uuillean· the hir uuel thenkid· that he hir bihalde
hebencuninges gebod·
<XXV.> Geuuet imu tho mid is iungoron fan them gomon ford
kristus te capharnaum· cuningo rikeost· te theru mareon
burg· megin samnode gumon imu tegegnes godoro manno
salig gesidi· uueldun thiu suotean uuord helag horien· than
im en hunno quam en god man angegin· endi ina gerno bad
helpan helagne· quad that hi undar is hiuuiskea enna lefna
man lango habdi seocan an is seldon· so ina enig seggeo <32v>
2097-2128nemag handun gehelien· Nu is im thinoro helpono tharf fromin
thegodo· Tho sprac im eft that fridubarn godes san aftar thiu selbo
tegegnes· quad that he thar quami· endi that kind uueldi nerean
af theru nodi· Tho im nahor geng the man far theru menigi·
uuid so mahtigna uuordun uuehslan· Ic thes uuirdig nebium
quad he herro the godo that thu an min hus cumes· sokeas mina
selida· huand ic bium so sundig man mid uuordun· endi mid
uuercun· Ic gelobiu that thu geuuald habas· that thu ina hinana
maht helan geuuirkean· uualdand fromin ef thu· it mid thinun
uuordun gesprikis· than is san thiu lefhed losot· endi uuirdid
is lichamo hel· endi hreni· ef thu im thina helpa fargibis·
Ic bium mi ambahtman· hebbiu mi odes genog· uuelono. ge
uunnen· thoh ic undar geuueldi si adalcuninges· thoh hebbiu
ic erlo getrost holde heririncos· thea mi so gehoriga sint· that
sie thes neuuord neuuerc uuiht ne farlatad thes ic sie anthesumu
landskepie lestean hete· ac sie farad endi frummiad· endi eft
te iro frohan cumad holde te iro herron· Thoh ic at minumu
hus egi uuidbredene uuelon endi uuerodes genog helidos hugi
derbie· thoh ni gidar ic thi so helagne biddien· barn godes
that thu an min bu gangas sokeas mina selida huand ic so
sundig bium· uuet mina faruurhti·
Tho sprac eft uualdand crist the gumo uuid is iungoron
quad that hi an iudeon huergin undar israheles aboron
nefundi gemacon thes mannes· the io mer te gode anthemu <33r>
2128-2164landskepi gelobon habdi than hluttron te himile· Nu latu
ic iu thar horien to· thar ic it iu te uuarun hir uuordun seggeo
that noh sculun elitheoda ostane endi uestane mancunnies cuman
manag tesamne· helag folc godes· an hebenriki· thea motun thar
anabrahames endi an isaakes so self· endi oc an iacobes godoro man
no barmun restien· endi bethiu gethologean uuelon endi uuilleon
endi uuonotsam lif god lioht mid gode· than scal iudeono filu
theses rikeas suni berobode uuerden· bedelide sulicoro diurtho en
di sculun an dalun thiustron anthemu alloro ferristan ferneliggen
thar mag man gehorien helidos quithean· thar sie iro torn manag
tandon bitad· thar ist gristgrimmo endi gradag fiur hard helleo
gethuing· het endi thiustri· suarht sinnahti sundea te lone uure
doro geuurhteo· so huemu so thes uuilleon nehabad that he is alosie
er hi thit lioht agebe uuendie fanthesoro uueroldi· Nu maht thu
thi anthinan uuilleon ford sithon te seldun· than findis thu ge
sund at hus mago iungan man· mod is imu anluston· that barn
is gehelid· sothu bedi te mi· It uuirdid al so gilestid sothu gelobon
habas an thinumu hugi hardo· Tho sagde hebencuninge the
ambahtman alouualdon gode thanc for thero thiodo thes he
imu at sulicun tharbun halp· Habda tho giarundid a so he uuelde
saliglico· Giuuet imu an thana sid thanan· uuende an is uuillean
thar he uuelon ehte· bu endi bodlos· fand thar barn gesund·
kindiungan man· kristes uuarun tho uuord gefullot· hi geuuald
habda te togeanna tecan· so that nimag gitellien man· geahton <33v>
2164-2198obar thesoro erdu· huat he thurh is enes craft anthero middil
gard maritha gefrumide· Uundres geuuarhte· huand al an is
geuueldi stad himil endi erde·
<XXVI.> Tho geuuet imu the helogo crist forduuardes faren· fremide alo
mahtig alloro dago gehuilikes· drohtin the godo· liudeo barnun
leof lerde mid uuordun· godes uuilleon gumun· habda imu iungoro
no filu simbla te gisidun· salig folc godes· manno megincraft mana
goro theodo helag heriskepi· Uuas is helpono god· mannun mildi·
Tho hi mid theru menigi quam mid thiu brathmu that barn godes
teburg theru· hohon· the neriendo te naim· thar scolde is namo· uuer
den mannun gemarid· Tho geng mahtig to neriendo crist antat
he ginahid uuas heleandero bezt· Tho sahun sie thar en hreo dra
gan enan liflosan lichamon thea liudi forien· beran an enarubaru
ut at thera burges dore· magu iungan man. thiu moder aftar geng
an iro hugi hriuuig· endi handun. slog· carode endi cumde iro kin
des dod· idis armscapan· It uuas ira egan barn· siu uuas iru uuido
uua· Nehabda uunnea than mer· bi uten te themu enagun sunie·
algelaten· uunnea endi uuillean· anttat ina iru uurht benam
mari metodo gescapu· Megin folgode burgliudeo gebrac· thar
man ina anbaru drog· iungan man te graue thar uuard imu the
godes sunu mahtig mildi· endi tetheru moder sprac· het that thiu
uuidouua uuop farleti· cara aftar themu kinde· Thu scalt craft
sehan hir uualdandes giuuerc thi scal hir uuilleo gestanden fro
fra far thesumu folke· Netharft thu ferah caron barnes thines <hier Blattverlust, Vv. 2199-2255 fehlen in HS> <34r>
2256-2289uuedar uunsam· Tho hi te uuinde sprac· ge te themu seuua so
self· endi sie smultro het bedea gebarean· Sie gibod lestun
uualdandes uuord· uueder stillodun fagar uuard an flode
Tho bigan that folc undar im uuerod uundraian· endi suma mid
iro uuordun sprakun· huilic that so mahtigoro manno uuari
that imu so the uuind endi the uuag uuordu hordin· bedea is
gibodskepies· Tho habda sie that barn godes· ginerid fan theru
nodi· the naco furdor skreid hohurnidskip· helidos quamun
liudi· telande· <in HS: telande· liudi·, Umstellung durch vorgesetzte Zeichen markiert> sagdun lofgode· maridun is megincraft·
quam thar manno filu angegin themu godes sunie· hesie gerno
antfeng· <in HS: nach antfeng begonnenes o getilgt> sohuene sothar mid hluttru hugi helpa sohte· lerde
sie iro gilobon· endi iro lichamon handun helde· Nio the
man so hardo niuuas gisenit mid suhtiun· thoh ina satanases
feknea iungoron fiundes craftu habdin undar handun endi is
hugiskefti geuuiht auuardid· that he uuodiendi fori· undar
themu folke· thoh im simbla fargab ferh· helandeo crist· ef
he te is handun quam· dref thea diublas thanan drohtines craftu·
uuarun uuordun· endi im is geuuit fargab· let ina than helan
uuider het teandun· gaf im uuid thie fiund fridu· endi im ford
giuuet anso huilic thero lando· so im leobost uuas·
<XXVIII.> So deda the drohtines sunu dago gehuilikes goduuerk mid is
iungeron· so neo iudeon umbi that an thea is mikilun craft
thiumer negelobdun that he alouualdo alles uuari· landes
endi liudio· thes sie noh lon nimat· uuidana uuracsid· thes sie <34v>
2289-2318thar that geuuin dribun· uuid selban thene drohtines sunu
Tho he im mid is gesidon giuuet eft angalilaeoland· godes egan
barn· for im te them friundun thar he afodid uuas endi· al· undar
is· cunnie kind iung auuohs· the helago heleand· Vmbi ina
heriskepi theoda thrungun· thar uuas thegan manag so salig
undar them geside· thar drogun enna seocan man erlos an iro
armun· uueldun ina for ogun kristes· brengean for that barn
godes· uuas im botono tharf that ina geheldi hebenes uualdand
manno mundboro· The uuas er so managan dag lidu· uuaft
mon bilamod· Nimahte is lichamon uuiht geuualdan· than
uuas thar uuerodes so filu· that sie ina fora that barn godes
brengean nimahtun gethringan thurh thea thioda· that sie
so thurftiges sunnea gesagdin· Tho giuuet imu an enna
seli innan heleando crist· huarf uuard thar umbi· megin
theodo gemang· Tho bigunnun thea man spreken the
thene lefnalamon lango fordun barun mid is beddiu· huo
sie ina gedrogin fora that godes barn anthat uuerod innan
thar ina uualdand crist selbo gisauui Tho gengun
thea gesidos to hobun ina mid iro handun· endi uppan that
hus stigun slitun thene seli obana· endi ina mid selun letun
an hene rakud innan· thar the rikeo uuas· cuningo crafti
gost· Reht so he ina thoh kuman gisah thurh thes huses
hrost· so he tho an iro hugi farstod· anthero manno mod
sebon· that sie mikilana te imu gelobon habdun· Tho he for <35r>
2318-2348then liudiun sprak· quad that he thene siakonman sundeono
tomean latan uueldi· Tho sprakun im eft thea liudi angegin
gramharde iudeon· thea thes godes barnes uuord aftar uuaro
dun· quadun that that nimahi gi uuerden so grimuuerc
fargeben· biutan godeno uualdand thesaro uueroldes·
Tho habda eft is uuord garu mahtig barngodes· Ikgidon
that quad he anthesumu manne skin the hir so siak ligid an
thesumu seli innan teuundron giuuegid· that ik geuuald
hebbiu· sundea te fargebanne· endi oc seokan man te gehelean
ne· so ik ina hrinan ni tharf· Manoda ina tho the mareo
drohtin liggeandean lamon het ina far them liudiun astan
dan up alohelan· endi het ina an is ahslun niman is bed
giuuadi te baka· He that gibod leste sniumo <in HS: u übergesetzt ergänzt> for themu
gisidea· endi geng imu eft gesund thanan· hel fan themu
huse· Tho thes so manag hdin man uueros uundradun
quadun that imu uualdand self god alomahtig fargeban
habdi meron mahti· than elcor enigumu mannes sunie· craft
endi custi· sie niuueldun antkennean thoh iudeo liudi that
he god uuari· ne gelobdun is leran ac habdun im ledan strid
uunnun uuidar is uuordun thes sie uuerk hlutun ledlic
longeld· endi so noh lango sculun· thes sie niuueldun ho
rien hebencuninge cristes lerun thea he cudde obar· al
uuido aftar thesaro uueroldi· endi let sie is uuerk sehan
allaro dago gehuilikes· is dadi scauuon horien is helag uuord <35v>
2348-2380the he te helpu gesprak manno barnun· endi so manag mahtig
lic tecan getogda that sie gitruodin thiubet· gilobdin an is lera·
He so managan lichamon balusuhteo antband· endi bota ge
skeride· fargaf fegiun ferah them the fusid uuas helid an
helsid· Than gideda ina the heland self crist thurh is
craft mikil quican aftar doda· let ina anthesaro uueroldi ford
uunneono neotan· <XXIX.> So helde he thea haltun man· endi thea ha
bon so self· botta them thar blinde uuarun· let sie that berhte
lioht sinsconi sean· sundea losda gumono grimuuerk· Niuuas
gio iudeono bethiu lethes liudskepies gilobo thiu betara·
anthene helagon crist· ac habdun im hardene mod· suido
starkan strid· farstandan niuueldun· that sie habdun for
gangan fiundun an uuillean· liudi mid iro gelobun· Niuuas
gio thiu latoro be thiu sunu drohtines· ac he sagde mid uuordun
huo sie scoldin gehalon himiles riki· lerde aftar themu lande
habde imu thero liudio so filu giuuenid· mid is uuordun· that
imu uuerod mikil folc folgoda· endi he im filu sagda be bili
diun that barn godes· thes sie nimahtun an iro breostun far
standan· undarhuggean an iro herton· er it im the helago crist
obar that erlo folc oponun uuordun thurh is selbes craft seggean
uuelda· marean huat he mende· Thar ina megin umbi thioda
thrungun· uuas im tharf mikil tegihorienne hebencuninges
uuarfastun uuord· He stod imu tho bi enes uuatares stade·
Niuuelde tho bi themu gethringe obar that thegno folc· an <36r>
2380-2412themu lande uppan thea lera cudean· ac geng imu tho the godo
endi is iungaron mid imu fridu barn godes themu flode nahor an
en skip innan· endi it scalden het lande rumur that ina thea liudi
so filu thioda nithrungi· Stod thegan manag uuerod bithemu
uuatare· thar uualdand crist obar that liudio folc lera sagde·
Huat ik iu seggean mag quad he gesidos mine· huo imu en erl bi
gan an erdu sehan hrencorni mid is handun· Sum it an hardan
sten obanuuardan fel erdon nihabda· that it thar mahti uuahsan
eftha uurteo gifahan· kinan eftha bicliben· ac uuard that corn
farloren· that thar antheru leian gilag· Sum it eft an land
biuel an erdun adalcunnies· bigan imu aftar thiu uuahsen
uuanlico endi uurteo fahan· hlod an lustun· uuas that land so god
franisco gifehod· Sum it eft biuallen uuard an ena starca stra
tun· thar stopon gengun hrosso hofslaga endi helido trada
uuard imu thar an erdu· endi eft up gigeng· bigan imu an
themu uuege uuahsen· tho it eft thes uuerodes farnam thes
folkes fard mikil· endi fuglos alasun· that is themu ecsan
uuiht aftar nimoste uuerdan te uuillean thes thar anthene
uueg biuel· Sum uuard it than biuallen· thar so filu sto
dun thicchero thorno· an themu dage uuard imu thar an
erdu· endi eft up gigeng· ken imu thar endi cliuode· Tho
sluggun thar eft crud angimang· uueridun imu thene uuastom
habda it thes uualdes hlea forana forgangan· that it ni mahte
te enigaro frumu uuerden· ef it thea thornos· so thringan <36v>
2412-2446mostin· Tho satun endi suigodun gesidos cristes· uuordspaha
uueros· uuas im uundar mikil· be huilicun bilithiun that barn
godes· sulic sodlic spel seggean bigunni· Tho bigan is thero
erlo en fragoian· holdan herron· hneg imu tegegnes tulgo uuerd
lico· Huat thu geuuald habas ia an himile ia an erdu he
lag drohtin uppa endi nidara· bist thu alouualdo gumono
gesto· endi uui thine iungaron sind an usumu hugi holde
herro thegodo· ef it thin uuilleo si lat us thinaro uuordo
thar endi gihorien· that uui it aftar thi al cristin folc cudean
motin· Vui uitun that thinun uuordun· uuarlic bilidi ford
folgoiad· endi us is firinun tharf· that uui· thin uuord endi
thin uuerk· huand it fan sulicumu geuuittea cumid· that uui
it an thesumu lande at thilinon motin·
<XXX.> Tho im eft tegegnes gumono bezta anduuordi <in HS: r übergesetzt ergänzt> gesprak·
nimende ik elcor uuiht te bidernienne dadio minaro·
uuordo eftha uuerco· thit sculun giuuitun alle iungaron mine
huand iu fargeben habad· uualdand thesaro uueroldes. that gi
uuitan motun an iuuuom hugiskeftiun· himilisc geruni· them
odrun scalman be bilidiun that gibod godes uuordun uuisien· Nu
uuilliu ik iu te uuarun hier marien· huat ik mende· that gi
mina thiubet obar al thit landskepi· lera farstandan· That sad
that ik iu sagda that is selbes uuord thiu helaga lera· hebencuninges·
huo man thea marien scal obar thene middilgard· uuido aftar
thesaro uueroldi· Uueros sind im gihugide man mislico· sum <37r>
2446-2480suncan mod dregid harda hugiskefti· endi hrean sebon· that
ina ni geuuerdod that he it be iuuuon uuordun duae that he
thesa mina lera ford lestien uuillie· ac uuerdad thar so farlora
na lera mina godes ambusni· endi iuuuaro gumono uuord an
themu ubilon manne· so ik iu er sagda· that that korn faruuard
that thar mid kithun nimahte anthemu stene uppan· stedihaft
uuerdan· So uuirdid al farloran edilero spraka arundi godes
so huat so man themu ubilon manne uuordun geuuisid· endi he it
anthea uuirson hand· undar fiundo folc fard gekiusid· an godes
unuuillean endi an gramono hrom· endi an fiures farm ford scal he
hetean mid is breost hugi bredalogna· Nio gi anthesumu lande
thiu les lera mina uuordun niuuisiad· Is theses uuerodes so filu
erlo aftar thesaro erdun· bisted thar odar man· the is imu iung
endi glau endi habad imu godan mod sprakono spahi· endi
uuet iuuuaro spello gisked· hugid is than an is herton endi ho
rid thar mid is orun to· suido niudlico· endi nahor sted
an is breost hledid that gibod godes· linod endi lestid· Is is gilo
bo so god· talod imu huo he odrana eft gihuerbie mendadigan
man· that is mod draga hluttra treuua· te hebencuninge· Than
bredid an thes breostun that gibod godes· thie lubigo gilobo
so anthemu lande duod that korn mid kithun· thar it gikrund
habad· endi imu thiu uurd bihagod endi uuederes gang. regin
endi sunne· that it is reht habad· So duod thiu godes lera
anthemu godun manne· dages endi nahtes· endi gangid imu <37v>
2480-2514dibual <in HS: l aus t korrigiert> fer uureda uuihti endi the uuard godes nahor mikilu
nahtes endi dages anttat sie ina brengead that thar bethiu uuirdid
ia thiu lera te frumu liudio barnun· the fan is mude cumid·
iac uuirdid the man gode· Habad so giuuehslod· te uuerold
stundu· mid is hugiskeftiun· himilrikeas gidel uuelono thene
mestan· farid imu an giuuald godes· thanon atomid treuua sind·
so goda gumono gehuilicumu· so nis godes hord gelik sulicumu gilobon
Uuesad iuuuaro lerono ford mancunnie mildie· sie sind so mislika <in HS: a aus e korrigiert>
helidos gehugda· sum habad iro hardan strid· uuredan uuillean· uuan
colnahugi· is imu feknes ful· endi firinuuerko· Than biginnid imu
thunkean than he undar theru thiodu stad· endi thar gihorid obar
hlust mikil thea godes lera· than thunkid imu that he sie ford gerno
lestien uuillie· than biginnid imu thiu godes lera an is hugi
hafton anttat imu than eft an hand cumid· feho te gi forea·
endi fremidi scat· than farledead ina letha uuihti· than he
imu farfahid an fehogiri· ales kid thene gilobon· than
uuas imu that luttil fruma that he it gio an is hertan gehugid
ef he it halden ne uuili· that is so the uuastom the anthemu uue
ge began liodan anthemu lande· tho farnam ina eft thero
liudio fard· Soduot thea megin sundeon anthes mannes hugi·
thea godes lera· ef he is nigomid uuel· elcor bifelliad sia ina ferne
te bodme· an thene hetan hel· thar he hebencuninge niuuir
did furdur te frumu· ac ina fiund sculun uuitoga uuara
gean· Simla gi mid uuordun ford leread anthesumu lande <hier Blattverlust, Vv. 2515-2575 fehlen in HS> <38r>
2576-2608mari mahtig crist· menean uueldi· boknien mid thiu bilidiu
barno rikeost· badun tho so gerno godan drohtin· antlucan thea
lera· that sie mostin thea liudi ford· helaga horean· Tho sprak im
eft iro herro angegin mareo mahtig crist· that is quad he
mannes sunu· Ik selbo bium that thar saiu· endi sind thesa
saligaman that hluttra hrencorni· thea mi her horead uuel
uuirkiad minan uuillean· Thius uuerold is the akkar· thit breda
buland barno man cunnies· Satanas selbo is that thar said aftar
so ledlica lera· habad thesaro liudeo so filu uuerodes auuardid· that
sie uuam frummien· uuirkead aftar is uuilleon· Thoh sculun
sie her uuahsen ford thea forgriponon gumon· so samo so thea
godun man· anttat <an dieser Stelle: Zeichen für Nachtrag, der sich in letzter Zeile der Seite wiederfindet, Text des Nachtrages: mudspelles megin obar man ferid· endi thesaro uueroldes· Than is> allaro accaro gehuilic geripod· anthesumu ri
kea sculun iro regangiscapu frummien firihobarn· than tefarid
erda· that is allaro beuuo bredost· than kumid the berhto drohtin
obana mid is engilo crafta· endi cumad alle tesamne liudi the io
thit lioht· gisaun· endi sculun than lon antfahan ubiles endi go
des· Than gangad engilos godes helage hebenuuardos· endi lesat
thea hluttron man sundor tesamne· endi duat sie an sinsconi
hoh himiles lioht endi thea odra an hellia grund uuerpad thea
faruuarhton an uuallandi fiur· thar sculun sie gibundene bit
tra logna· thra uuerk tholon· endi thea odra thioduuelon an
hebenrikea· huitaro sunnon liohtean gelico· Sulic lon nimad
uueros· uualdadeo· So hue so giuuit egi gehugdi an is hertan ettha <38v>
2608-2640gihorien mugi· erl mid is orun· so lata imu thit an innan sorga
an is modsebon· huo he scal anthemu mareon dage uuid thene
rikeon god an rethiu standen· uuordo endi uuerko allaro the he
anthesaro uueroldi giduod· That is egislicost allaro thingo
forhtlicost firiho barnun· that sie sculun uuid iro frahon mahlien
gumon uuid thene godan drohtin· Than uueldi gerno gehue
uuesan· allaro manno gehuilic menes tomig· slidero sacono
Aftar thiu scal sorgon er allaro liudeo gehuilic er he thit
lioht afgebe the than egan uuili alungan tir hoh hebenriki·
endi huldi godes
<XXXII.> So gifragn ik that tho selbo sunu drohtines allaro barno
bezt· bilideo sagda· huilic thero uuari an uuerold rikea
undar helidcunnie himilrikie gelich· quad that oft lutti
les huat liohtora uurdi so hoho afhuobi· so duot himilriki
that is simla mera than is man enig uuanie· anthesaro
uueroldi· Ok is imu that uuerk gelich· that man an
seo innan segina uuirpit· fisknet an flod· endi fahit
bediu ubile endi gode tiuhid up te stade· lidod sie te lande·
Lisit aftar thiu thea godun an greote· endi latid thea odra
eft an grund faran· an uuidan uuag· So duod uualdand god
an hemu mareon dage· menniscono barn· brengid· irminthiod·
alle tesamne· lisit imu than thea hluttron· an hebenriki·
latid thea fargriponon angrund faren helliefiures· Niuuet
helido man thes uuities uuidar laga· thes thar uueros thiggeat <39r>
2641-2671an themu inferne irmin thioda· Than hald nimag thera
medan man· gimacon fiden· Nithes uuelon nithes uuilleon
thes thar uualdand skerid· gildid god selbo gumono so huili
cumu so ina her gihaldid· that he an hebenriki· anthat langsa
me lioht lidan moti· So lerda he tho mid listiun· than forun
thar thea liudi to· obar al galilaeoland· that godes barn sehan
dadun it bi themu uundre· huanen imu sulic mahti uuord cu
men so spahlico gisprokan· that he spel godes gio so sodlico
seggean consti· so craftiglico giqueden· He is theses kunnies hi
nen quadun sie the man thurh magskepi· her is is moder mid us
uuif undar thesumu uuerode· Huat uui the her uuitun alle
so kud is us is kuniburd· endi is knosles gehuati· auuohs al
undar thesumu uuerodae· Huanen scolde imu sulic geuuit cuman
meron mahti than her odra man egin· So far munste ina that man
no folc· endi sprakun im gimedlic uuord· farhogdun ina so helagna
horien niuueldun is gibodskepies· Ni he thar ok bilideo filu thurh
iro ungilobon ogean niuuelde· torhtero tecno· huand he uuisse iro
tuiflean hugi iro uuredan uuillean· that ni uuarun uueros odra
so grimme under iudeon so uuarun umbi galilaeoland· so hardo
gehugide so thar uuas the helago krist giboren· that barn godes·
sie niuueldun is gibodskepi thoh· antfahan ferhtlico· Acbigan
that folc undar im rincos radan· huo sie thene <in HS: erstes e aus a korrigiert> rikeon krist
uuegdin te uundron· Hetun tho iro uuerod cumen <in HS: e aus a korrigiert> gesidi te
samne· sundea uueldun an thene godes sunu gerno gitellien <39v>
2672-2703uuredes uuilleon· Niuuas im is uuordo niud spaharo spello· Ac sie
bigunnun sprekan undar im· huo sie ina so craftagne fan enu
mu clibe uurpin· obar enna burges uual· uueldun that barn godes
libu bilosien· Tho he imu mid them liudiun samad frolico for·
Niuuas imu foraht hugi· uuisse that imu nimahtun mennisconobarn
bi theru godcundi iudeoliudi er is tidiun uuiht teonon gifrummien
ledaro gilesto· Ac he imu mid them liudiun samad steg uppen thene
stenholm· ant that sie te theru stedi quamun· thar sie ine fanthemu
uualle nider uuerpen hugdun· fellien te foldu that he uurdi is
ferhes los· is aldres at endie· Tho uuard thero erlo hugi anthemu
berge uppen· bittar githahti· iudeono tegangen· that iro enig ni
habde so grimmon sebon· niso uureden uuilleon that sie mahtin
thene uualdandes sunu krist antkennien· He niuuas iro er cud
enigumu that sie ina tho undar uuissin· so mahte he undar· iro uue
rode standen· endi an iro gimange middiumu gangen· faren undar
iro folke He dede imu thene fridu selbo mundburd uuid therume
negi· endi giuuet imu thurh middi thanan thes fiundo folkes· for imu
tho thar he uuelde· an ene uuostunnie uualdandes sunu· cuningo
craftigost· habde thero custes giuuald· huar imu an themu lande
leobost uuari· te uuasanne an thesaru uueroldi·
<XXXIII.> Than for imu anuueg odran iohannes mid is iungarun
godes ambahtman· lerde thealiudi langsamane rad·
het that sie frume fremidin firina farletin· men endi
morduuerk· he uuas thar managumu liof· godaro <40r>
2703-2736gumono· He sohte imu tho thene iudeono cuning thene herito
gon at hus· the heten uuas herodes aftar is eldiron· obar
modig man· buide imu be theru brudi· thiu er sines broder
uuas· Idis antehti· anttat he ellior skoc· uuerold uues lode·
Tho imu that uuif ginam the cuning te quenun· er uuarun iro
kind odan· barn be is broder· Tho bigan imu theabrud lahan
iohannes the godo· quad that it gode uuari uualdande uuider
mod· that it enig uuero frumidi· that broder brud an is bed
nami· hebbie sie imu te hiuun· Ef thu mi horien uuili gilobien
minun lerun· Ni scalt thu sie leng egan· Ac mid ire anthinumu
mode· Nihaba thar sulica minnea to· Nisundeo thi tesuido·
Tho uuard an sorgun hugi thes uuibes· aftar them uuordun·
andred that he thene uueroldcuning spracono gesponi endi
spahun uuordun· that he sie farleti· Began siu imu tho ledes
filu raden an runon· endi ine rinkos het unsundigane erlos
fahan· endi ine an enumu karkerea klustar bendiun lido
cospun· be them liudiun ne gidorstun ine ferahu bilosien·
huand sie uuarun imu friund alle· uuissun ine so goden endi
gode uuerden· Tho uurdun at themu ger tale iudeocuninges
tidicumana so thar gitald habdun frode folcuueros huo he
gifodid uuas an lioht cuman· so uuas thero liudio thau· that
that er[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> gehuilic obean scolde iudeono mid gomun· The uuard
thar anthene gastseli megincraft mikil manno gesamnod· heri
togono an that hus thar iro herro uuas an is kuning stole· quamun <40v>
2736-2769managa iudeon anthene gastseli· Uuard im thar gladmod hugi
blidi aniro breostun· gisahun iro bag gebon uuesen an uunneon
drog man uuin an flet skiri mid scalun· skenkeon huurbun
gengun mid goldfatun· gaman uuas thar inne· hlud anthero hallu·
helidos drunkun· Vuas thes an lustun landes hirdi huat he themu
uuerode mest te uunniun gifremidi· het he tho gangen ford
gela thiornun· is broder barn thar he an is benki sat uuinu gi
uulenkid· endi tho te themu uuibe sprac grotte sie fora themu
gumskepie· endi gerno bad that siu thar fora them gastiun gaman
afhobi· fagar an flettie· lat thit folc sehan huo thu gelinod habas
liudio menegi te blidzeanne an benkiun· Ef thu mi thera bede tugi
thos· min uuord for thesumu uuerode· than uuilliu ik it her te
uuarun gequeden liahto fora thesun liudiun· endi ok gilestien so
that ik thi than aftar thiu eron uuilliu· so hues so thu mi bidis
for thesun minun bag uuiniun· thoh thu mi thesaro heridomo
halbaro fergos· rikeas mines· thoh gidon ik that it enig rinko
nimag uuordun giuuendien· endi it scal giuuerden so·
Tho uuard thera magad aftar thiu mod gihuorben hugi
aftar iro herron· that siu anthemu huse innen an themu gast
seli gamen up ahuof. al so thero liudio landuuise gidrog· thero
thiodo thau· thiu thiorne spilode hror aftar themu huse
hugi uuas an lustun· managaro modsebo· Tho thiu magad
habda githionod te thanke thiodcuninge· endi allumu the
mu erlskepie· the thar inne uuas godaro gumono· Siu <41r>
2769-2801uuelde tho ira geba egan· thiu magad for theru menegi· geng tho
uuid iro modar sprekan· endi fragode sie firiuuitlico· hues siu
thene burges uuard· biddien scoldi· Tho uuisde siu aftar iro uuil
leon· het that siu uuihtes than er nigerodi for themu gumskepi bi
utan that man iru iohannes antheru hallu innen hobid gabi alosid af
is lichamon· that uuas allun them liudiun harm them mannun an
iro mode· tho sie that gihordun theamagad sprekan· So uuas it ok
themu kuninge· he ni mahte is quidi liagan· is uuord uuendien· het
tho is uuepan berand· gangen fan themu gastseli· endi het thene godes
man libu bilosien· Tho niuuas lang te thiu that man anthea halla ho
bid brahte thes thiod gumon· endi it thar theru thiornun fargaf
magad for theru menegi· siu· drog it theru moder ford· Tho uuas
endago allaro manno thes uuisoston thero the gio anthesa uue
rold quami· thero the quene enig kind gibari· idis fan erle· let
man simla then enon biuoran the thiu thiorne gidrog· the gio
thegnes niuuard uuis an iro uueroldi· biutan so ine uualdand god
fan heben uuange helages gestes gimarcode mahtig· the ni habde
enigan gimacon huergin er nec aftar· Erlos huurbun gumon
umbi iohannen is iungaron managa· salig gesidi· endi ine an san
de bigrobun leobes lichamon· uuissun that he lioht godes diur
licandrom mid is drohtine samad· up odas hem egan moste
salig sokean·
<XXXIV.> Tho geuuitun imthea gesidos thanen iohannes giungaron
giamer mode· helag feraha· Uuas im iro herron dod <41v>
2802-2833suido ansorgun· Geuuitun im tho sokean antheru uuostunni uual
dandes sunu· craftigana crist· endi imu kud gidedun godes mannes
forgang· huo habde the iudeono kuning mareostan makeas
eggiun hobdu bihauuuan· He niuuelde is enigen harm spreken
sunu drohtines· he uuisse that thiu seole uuas helag gihalden·
uuider hettiandeon· anfride uuider fiundun· Tho so gifragi
uuard aftar them landskepiun· lereandero bezt· antheru uuostun
ni· uuerod samnode· for folcun to· uuas im firiuuit mikil uui
saro uuordo Imu uuas ok uuilleo sosamo sunu drohtines· that
he sulic gesido folc anthat lioht godes ladoian mosti· uuennien
mid uuilleon· Uualdand lerde allan langandag liudi managa
elitheodige man anttat an aband seg sunne te sedle· Tho gen
gun is gesidos tueliui gumon tethemu godes barne· endi sagdun
iro godumu herron· mid huilicu arbediu thar thea erlos lebdin
quadun that sie is era bithorftin· uueros an themu uuofteon lande·
Sie ni mugun sie her mid uuihti anthebbien helidos bi hun
gres gethuinge· Nu lat thu sie herro the godo sidon thar sie
selida fiden· Nah sind her gesetana burgi managa midmegin
thiodun· thar sidad sie meti te kope· uueros aftar them uui
keon· Tho sprak eft uualdand crist thioda drohtin
quad that thes eniga thurusti niuuarin· that sie thurh meti
losi mina farlatan leoblica lera· Gebad gi thesun liudiun
ginog· uuenniad sie her mid uuilleon· Tho habde is uuord
garu philippus frod gumo· quad that thar so filu uuari manno <42r>
2833-2865menigi· thoh uui her temeti habdin garu im te gebanne so uui
mahtin fargelden mest· ef uui her gisaldin· siluber scatto tue
hund samad· tueho uuari is noh than that iro enig thar enes
ginami· so luttic uuari· that thesun liudiun· Tho sprak eft
the landes uuard· endi fragode sie firiuuitlico manno drohtin
huand sie thar te meti habdin uuisses geuunnin· Tho sprak
imu eft mid is uuordun angegin andreas fora them erlun· endi
themu alouualdon selbumu sagde· that sie an iro gisidie than
mer garouues nihabdin biutan girstin brod fiui an usaru
ferdi· endi fiscos tuene· Huat mag that thoh thesaru menigi
Tho sprak imu eft mahtig krist the godo godes sunu· endi het
that gumono folc skerien endi skeden· endi het thea scola settien
erlos aftar theru erdu irminthioda an grase gruonimu endi
tho te is iungarun sprak allaro barno bezt· het imu thiu brod
halon· endi thea fiscos ford· That folc stillo bed· sat gesidimikil
undar thiu he thurh is selbes craft manno drohtin thene meti
uuihide helag hebe cuning· endi mid is handun brak· gaf it is
iungarun ford· endi it sie undar themu gumskepie het dragan
endi delien· Sie lestun iro drohtines uuord· is geba gerno drogun
gumono gihuemu helaga helpa· It undar iro handun uuohs meti
manno gihuemu· theru megin thiodu uuard lif an lustun· thealiudi
uurdun alle sade salig folc so huat so thar gisamnod uuas· fanallun
uuidun uuegun· Tho het uualdand krist gangen is iungaron
endi het sie gomien uuel that thiu leua thar farloren niuurdi <42v>
2866-2898Het sie tho samnon tho thar sade uuarun man kunnies manag
thar moses uuard brodes te lebu that man birilos gilas tueliui
fulle· That uuas tecan mikil· grot craft godes· huand thar
uuas gumono gitald ano uuif endi kind· uuerodes atsamne
fif thusundig· That folc al farstod thea man an iro mode· that
sie thar mahtigna herron habdun· Tho sie hebencuning thea
liudi lobodun· quadun that gio ni uurdi anthit lioht cuman
uuisaro uuarsago· eftha that he giuuald midgode· an thesa
ru middilgard meron habdi· enualdaran hugi· Alle gispra
kun that he uuari uuirdig uuelono gehuilikes· that he
erdriki egan mosti· uuidene uuerold uuelon· Nu he sulic ge
uuit habad· so grote craft mid gode· Thea gumon alle· giuuard
that sie ine gihobin te herosten gicurin ine te cuninge· that
kriste niuuas uuihtes uuirdig huand he thit uueroldriki
erde endi up himil thurh is enes craft selbo giuuarhte· endi
sidor giheld land endi liudskepi· thoh thes enigan gilobon
nidedin uurede uuidersacon· that al an is giuualde stad
cuning rikeo craft endi kesur domes· megin thiodo mahal
be thiu niuuelde he theroh <in HS: e und o ausradiert, aber erkennbar> thero manno spraka hebbian
enigan herdom· helag drohtin uuerold kuninges namon
Ni tho mid uuordun strid uuid that folc furdur· ac for
imu tho thar heuuelde an en gebirgi uppan floh that
barn godes· gelaro gelpquidi endi is iungaron het obar
enne seo sidon· endi im selbo gibod· huar sie im eft te <43r>
2898-2927gegnes gangen scoldin·
<XXXV.> Tho telet that liud uuerod aftar themu lande allumu·
tefor folc mikil sidor iro fraho giuuet an that gebirgi uppan
barno rikeost· uualdand an is uuilleon· Tho he thes uuatares
stade samnodun thea gesidos cristes· the he imu habde selbo gi
corane· sie tueliui thurh iro treuua goda· Ni uuas im tueho
nigiean· nebu sie an that godes thio nost gerno uueldin obar
thene seo sidon· Tho letun sie suide an strom hoh hurnid
skip· hluttron udeon· skedan skir uuater· Skred lioht
dages sunne uuard an sedle the seo lidandean naht nebu
lo biuuarp· Nathidun erlos forduuardes an flod· Uuard
thiu fiorthe tid thera nahtes cuman· Neriendo crist uuarode
thea uuag lidand· Tho uuard uuind mikil hoh uueder
afhaben· hlamodun udeon storm an strome· stridiun feri
dun thea uueros uuider uuinde· uuas im uured hugi sebo
sorgono ful· selbon niuuandun lagu lidandea an land
cumen· thurh thes uuederes geuuin· Tho gisahun sie
uualdand krist anthemu see uppan selbun gangan· faran
an fadion· Ni mahte anthene flod innan anthene seo
sincan· huand ine is selbes craft helag anthabde· Hugi
uuard an forhtun thero manno modsebo· andredun that
it im mahtig fiund· te gidroge dadi·
Tho sprak im iro drohtin to· helag hebencuning· endi
sagde im that he iro herro uuas· mari endi mahtig· <43v>
2927-2957Nu gi modes sculun fastes fahen· ne si iu forht hugi· gibariad
gi baldlico· Ik bium that barn godes· is selbes sunu· the iu uuid
thesumu see scal mundon· uuid thesan meristrom· Tho sprac
imu enthero manno anegin· obar bord skipes· baruuirdig gumo
petrus the· godo· Niuuelde pine tholon uuatares uuiti· Ef thu
it uualdand sis quad he herro the godo so mi an minumu hugi
thunkit· het mi· than tharod gangan te thi· obar thesen ge
benes strom· drokno obar diap uuater· ef thu min drohtin
sis managoro mundboro· Tho het ine mahtig crist gangan
imu tegegnes· he uuard garu sano· stop af themu stamne· endi
stridiun geng ford te is froiaen· thiu flod anthabde thene man
thurh maht godes· antat he imu an is mode bigan andraden· diap
uuater· tho he driben gisah thene uueg mid uuindu· uundun ina
udeon umbi· ho strom umbi hring· Reht so he tho an is hugi
tuehode· so uuek imu that uuater under· endi he anthene
uuag innan sank an thene seostrom· endi he hriop san aftar
thiu gahahom te themu godes sunie· endi gerno bad that he
ine tho he annodiun uuas· thegan an gethuinge· thiodo droh
tin antfeng ine mid is fadmun endi fragode sana· te hui he
tho getuehodi· huat thu mahtes getruoian uuel uuiten that
te uuarun· that the uuatares craft anthemu see innen thines
sides nimahte lagustrom gilettien· so lango so thu habdes ge
lobon te mi anthinumu hugi hardo· Nu uuilliu ik thi an
helpun uuesen· nerien thi anthesaru nodi· Tho nam ine <44r>
2957-2988alomahtig helag bihandun· Tho uuard imu eft hlutter uuater
fast under fotun· endi sie anfadi samad bedea gengun antat
sie obar bord skipes· stopun fan themu strome· endi anthemu
stamne gesat allaro barno bezt· Tho uuard bred uuater stro
mos gestillid endi sie te stade quamun lagu lidandea an land
samen· thurh thes uuateres geuuin· Tho sagdun sie uualdan
de thanc diurdun iro drohtin· dadiun endi uuordun fellun
imu te fotun· endi filu sprakun· uuisaro uuordo· quadun that
sie uuissin garo that he uuari selbo sunu drohtines· uuar anthe
saru uueroldi· endi geuuald habdi obar middilgard endi that
he mahti allaro manno gihues ferahe giformon· Al so he imu
an themu flode dede· uuid thes uuatares geuuin·
<XXXVI.> Tho giuuet imu uualdand crist sidon fan themu see
sunu drohtines enag barn godes elithioda quam imu gu
mono tegegnes· uuarun is godun uuerk ferran gefragi·
that he so filu sagde uuaroro uuordo· Imu uuas uuillio mi
kil that he sulic folcskepi frummien mosti· that sie simla ger
no gode thionodin· uuarin gehorige hebencuninge mankunnies
manag· Tho giuuet he imu obar thea marka iudeono· sohte
imu sidono burg· habde gesido mid imu gode iungaron
Thar imu tegegnes quam enidis fanadrom thiodun· siuuuas
iru adali geburdeo cunnies· fan cananeolande· siu bad thene
craftagan drohtin helagna· that he iru helpe geredi· quad
that iru uuari harmo gistanden soroga at iru selbaru dohter <44v>
2988-3020quad that siu uuari mid suhtiun bifangen· bedrogan habbiad sie
dernea uuihti· Nu is iru dod atendi· thea uuredon habbiad sie
geuuitteu benumane· Nu biddiu ik thi uualdand fromin selbo
sunu dauides· that sie af sulicun suhtiun atomies· that thu sie so
arma egroht fullo uuam scadon biuueri· Ni gaf iru tho noh
uualdand crist enig anduuordi· siu imu aftar geng· folgode
fruokno· antat siu te is fotunquam· grotte ina greatandi· Giun
garon cristes badun iro herron that he an is hugea mildi uurdi themu
uuibe· Tho habde eft is uuord garu sunu drohtines· endi te is gesi
dun sprak· Erist scal ik israheles aboron uuerden folcskepi te
frumu· that sie ferhtan hugi hebbian te iro herron· Im is helpo
no tharf· thealiudi sind farlorane· farlaten habbiad uualdandes
uuord· that uuerod is getuiflid· dribad imdernean hugi· Ne
uuilliad iro drohtine horien israhelo erlskepi· ungilobiga
sind· helidos iro herron· thoh scal thanen helpe cumen· allun
elithiodun· Agaleto bad that uuif midiro uuordun that
iru uualdand krist an is modsebon mildi uurdi that siu iro barnes
ford brukan mosti· hebbian sie hele· Tho sprak iru herro ange
gin mari mahtig· Nis that quad he mannes reht gumono nigenum
god te gifrummiene· that he is barnun brodes aftihe uuernie
imu obar uuilleon· late sie uuiti tholean· hungar hetigrimmen
endi fodie is hundos mid thiu· Uuar is that uualdand quad
siu that thu mid thinun uuordun sprikis· sodlico sagis· Huat thoh
oft an seli innen undar iro herron diske huelpos huerbad· <45r>
3021-3051brosmono fulle· thero fan themu biode nider antfallan iro froian·
Tho gihorde that fridubarn godes· uuillean thes uuibes· endi
sprak iru mid is uuordun to· Uuela that thu uuif habes uuillean
goden· Mikil is thin gilobo anthea maht godes anthene liudio
drohtin· Al uuirdid gilestid so umbi thines barnes lif· so thu badi
temi· Tho uuard siu san gihelid· so it the helago gesprac uuordun
uuarfastun· That uuif fagonode· thes siu iro barnes ford brukan
moste· habde iru giholpen heleando crist· habde sie farfangane
fiundo craftu· uuam scadun biuuerid· Tho giuuet imu uualdand
ford barno that bezte· sohte imu burg odre· thiu so thicco uuas
mid theru thiodu iudeono· mid sudar liudiun giseten· Thar
gifragn ik that he is gesidos grotte the iungaron the he imu hab
de be is gode gicorane that sie mid imu gerno geuunodun· Uue
ros thurh is uuison spraka· Alle scal ik iu quad he mid uuor
dun fragon iungaron mine· huat quedat these iudeoliudi· mari
meginthioda· huat ik manno si· Imu anduuordidun frolico·
is friund angegin· Iungaron sine· Nis thit iudeono folc erlos
enuuordie· Sum sagad that thu elias sis· uuis uuarsago· the
her giu uuas lango· god undar thesumu gumskepie· Sum
sagad that thu iohannes sis diurlic drohtines bodo· the her dopte
iuu· uuerod an uuatere· Alle sie mid uuordun sprekad that
thu enhuilic sis edilero manno· thero uuarsagono· the her
mid uuordun· giuu· lerdun these liudi· endi that thu sis eft
an thit lioht cumen· te uuiseanne thesumu uuerode· <45v>
3051-3082Tho sprak eft uualdand krist· Hue quedad gi that ik si quad he
iungaron mine· liobon liud uueros· Tho te lat niuuard simon
petrus· sprak san angegin· eno for im allun· habde imu ellien god·
thristea githahti· uuas is theodone hold·
<XXXVII.> Thu bist the uuaro uualdandes sunu libbiendes godes· the thit
lioht giscop· crist cuning euuig· so uuilliad uui queden alle iun
garon thine that thu sis god selbo· heleandero bezt· Tho sprac
imu eft is herro angegin Salig bist thu simon quad he sunu
iohanneses· Nimahtes thu that selbo gehuggean· gimarcon an
thinun modgithahtiun· Ne it ni mahte thi mannes tunge uuordun
geuuisien· Acdede it thi uualdand selbo· fader allaro firiho barno
that thu so ford gispraki. so diapo bi drohtin thinen· diurlico scalt thu
thes lon antfahen· hluttro habas thu anthinan herron gilobon· hugi
skefti sind thine stene gelica· so fast bist thu so felis the hardo· heten
sculun thi firiho barn s(an)c(t)e peter· Obar themu stene· scal man minen
seli uuirkean helag hus godes· thar scal is hiuuiski to salig samnon
nimugun uuid them thinun suideun craftae· anthebbien hellie
portun· Ik fargibu thi himiles slutilas· that thu most aftar mi
allun giuualdan kristinum folke· kumad alle te thi gu
mono gestos· Thu habe grote giuuald· huene thu her anerdu
eldibarno gebinden uuillies· themu is bediu giduan himilriki
biloken· endi hellie sind imu open brinnandi fiur· So huene so
thu eft antbinden uuili· antheftien is hendi· themu is himilriki
antloken liohto mest· endi lif euuig groni godes uuang· <46r>
3082-3116Mid sulicaru ik thi gebu uuilliu lonon thinen gilobon· Ni uuilliu ik
that githesun liudiun noh marien thesaru menigi· that ik bium mah
tig crist godes egan barn· Mi sculun iudeon noh unsculdigna erlos
binden· uuegean mi te uundrun· uuapnes eggiun· Innan hierusalem
geres ordun· ahtien mines aldres eggiun scarpun· bilosien mi
libu· Ik anthesumu liohte scal thurh uses drohtines craft· fan dode
astanden· an thriddiumu dage· Tho uuard thegno bezt suido ansor
gun· simon petrus· uuard imuhugi hriuuig· endi te is herron sprak
rink anrunun· Ni scal that riki god quad he uualdand uuillien·
that thu eo sulic uuiti mikil githolos· undar thesaru thiod· Nis thes
tharf nigiean helag drohtin· Tho sprak imu eft is herro angegin
mari mahtig crist· uuas imu an is mode hold· Huat thu nu
uuideruuard bist quad he uuilleon mines thegno bezto· huat
thu thesaro thiodo canst menniscan sidu· thu niuuest the maht
godes· the ik gifrummien scal· Ik mag thi filu seggean uuarun
uuordun· that her undar thesumu uuerode standad gesidos
mine· thea nimotun suelten er huerben an hinen fard· er sie hi
miles lioht godes riki sehat· Cos imu iungarono tho· san
aftar thiu· simon petrus· iacob endi iohannes· gumon tuene
bedea thea gibroder· endi imu tho uppen thene berg giuuet·
sunder mid them gesidun· salig barn godes· mid them thegnun thrim·
thiodo drohtin uualdand thesaro uueroldes· uuelde im thar uundres
filu tecno togean· that sie gitruodin thiu bet· that he selbo uuas
sunu drohtines· helag hebencuning· Tho sie anhohan uuall· <46v>
3117-3148stigun sten endi berg· antat sie te theru stedi quamun· uueros
uuider uuolcan· thar uualdand krist cuningo craftigost gico
ren habde· that he is godkundi iungarun sinun thurh is enes
craft ogean uuelde Berhtlic bilidi·
<XXXVIII.> Tho imu thar te bedu gihneg· tho uuard imu thar uppe odar
licora· uuliti endi giuuadi· uurdun imu is uuangun liohte bli
candi so thiu berhte sunne· so sken that barn godes· liuhte is
lichamo liomon stodun uuanamo fanthemu uualdandes barne
uuard is geuuadi so huit· so sneu te sehanne· Tho uuard thar
seldlic thing giogid aftar thiu· elias endi moyses quamun thar
te criste uuid so craftagne uuordun uuehslean· thar uuard so
uunsam spraka so god uuord undar gumun· thar the godes su
nu uuid thea marean man mahlien uuelde· So blidi uuard
uppan themu berge· sken that berhte lioht· uuas thar gard god
lic endi groni uuang· paradise gelic· Petrus tho gimahalde
helid hardmodig endi te is herron sprac· grotte thene godes
sunu· God is it her te uuesanne ef thu it gikiosan uuili
crist alouualdo· that manthi her anthesaru hohe en hus ge
uuirkea· marlico gemaco· endi moysese oder endi eliase thrid
dea· thit is odas hem· uuelono uunsamost· Reht so he
tho that uuord gesprak so tilet thiu luft an tue· lioht uuol
can· sken· glitandi glimo· endi thea godun man uuliti
sconi beuuarp· Tho fan themu uuolcne quam helag stemne
godes· endi them helidun thar selbo sagde· that that is sunu uuari <47r>
3149-3181libbiendero liobost· an themu mi licod uuel an minun hugiskeftiun
themu gi horien sculun· fulgangad imu gerno· Tho nimahtun thea
iungaron cristes thes uuolcnes uuliti· endi uuord godes thea is
mikilon maht thea man antstanden· ac sie bifellun tho ford
uuardes· ferhes niuuandun· lengiron libes· Tho geng im to the
landes uuard· behren sie mid is handun· heleandero bezt· het that
sie im niandredin· Ni scal iu her derien eouuiht· thes gi her
seldlikes giseen habbiad· meriaro thingo· Tho eft them mannun
uuard hugi at iro herton· endi gihelid mod· gibade an iro breostun
gisahun that barn godes enna standen· uuas that oder tho be
hliden himiles lioht· Tho giuuet imu the helago crist fan themu
berge nider· gibod aftar thiu iungarun sinun· that sie obar iudeo
no folc nisagdin thea gisioni· er than ik selbo suido diurlico fan
dode astande· arise fan theru restu· sidor mugun gi it rekkien
ford· marien obar middilgard· managun thiodun· uuido
aftar thesaru uueroldi <in HS: ·sopita ·LUX, am Ende der Zeile, von anderer Hand>
<XXXIX.> Tho giuuet imu uualdand crist eft an galileoland· sohte is
gadulingos· mahtig is mago hem sagde thar manages huat
baerhtero bilideo· endi that barn godes them is saligun ge
sidun sorg spell ni forhal· Ac he im openlico allun sagde·
them is godun iungarun· huo ine scolde that iudeono folc
uuegean te uundrun· thes uurdun thar uuise man suuido
an sorgun· uuard im ser hugi· hriuuig umbi iro herte· gihor
dun iro herron tho uualdandes sunu uuordun tellien huat he· <47v>
3181-3213undar theru thiodu tholoian scolde· uuilliendi undar themu uue
rode· Tho giuuet imu uualdand crist gumo fan galilea· sohte
imu iudeono burg· quamun im te cafarnaum· thar fundun sie
enan kuninges thegn uulankan undar themu uuerode· quad
that he uuari giuueldig bodo adalkesures· He grotte aftar
thiu simon petrusen· quad that he uuari gisendid tharod that
he thar gimanodi manno gehuiliken thero hobid scatto the sie
te themu hobe scoldin tinsi gelden· Nis thes tueho enig gumo
no nigienumu· ne sie ina fargelden san medmo kusteon· biuten
iuuue mester eno· he habad it farlaten· Ni scal that licon uuel
minumu herron· so man it imu at is hobe kudid· adalkesure
Tho geng aftar thiu simon petrus· uuelde it seggian tho herron
sinumu· He uuas is an is hugi iu than giuuaro· uualdand crist·
imu nimahte uuord enig biholen uuerden· he uuisse hugiskefti
manno gehuilikes· Het tho thene is marean thegan simon pe
trus anthene seo innen angul uuerpen· Suliken so thu thar
erist mugis fisk gifahen quad he· so teoh thu thene fan themu flo
de tethi· antklemmi imu theakinni· thar maht thu undar them
kaflon nimen guldine scattos· that thu fargelden maht themu man
ne· tegimodea minen endi thinen· tinseo so huilican so he us to
sokid· He ni dorfte imu tho aftar thiu odaru uuordu furdur
gibioden· geng fiscari god simon petrus uuarp an thene seo
innen· angul an udeon· endi up gitoh fisk an flode· mid is
folmun tuem· teklof imu thea kinni· endi undar them kaflun <48r>
3213-3244nam guldine scattos· dede al so imu the godes sunu uuordun
geuuisde· Thar uuas tho uualdandes megincraft gimarid huo
scal manno gehuilic suido uuilliendi is uueroldherron sculdi en
di scattos· thea imu giskeride sind gerno gelden· Ni scal ine far
gumon eouuiht· Ni farmuni ine an is mode· Acuuese imu mildi
an is hugi· thiono imu thiolico· An thiu mag he thiod godes uuillean
geuuirkean· endi ok is uuerold herron huldi habbien·
<XL.> So lerde the helago crist thea is godon iungaron· Ef enig
gumono uuid iu quad he sundea geuuirkea· than nim
thu ina sundar te thi thene rink an runa endi imu is rad·
saga· uuisi imu mid uuordun· Ef imu than thes uuerd nesi that
he thi gihorie· hala thar odara to· godaro gumono· endi lah imu
is grimmun uuerc· sak ina sod uuordun· Ef imu than is sundea
aftar thiu los uuerc niledon· giduo it odrun liudiun cud· mari
it than for menegi· endi lat manno filu uuiten is far uurhti·
Odo beginnad imu than is uuerk tregan· an is hugi hreuuen than
he it gihorid helido filu ahton eldibarn· endi imu is ubilon dad·
uueread mid uuordun· Ef he than ok uuendien neuuili· Ac
far modat sulica menegi· than lat thu thene man faren· haba ina
than far hethinen· endi lat ina thi anthinumu hugi leden
mid is anthinumu mode· nesi that imu eft mildi god her heben
cuning· helpe farlihe· fader allaro firiho barno· Tho fragode
petrus allaro thegno bezt· theodan sinan· Huo oft scal ik them
mannun the uuid mi habbiad led uuerk giduan leobo drohti[n] <in HS: ausradiert, aber erkennbar> <48v>
3245-3278Scal ik im sibun sidun iro sundea alaten uuredaro uuerko· er than
ik is eniga uureka frummie· ledes te lone· Tho sprak eft the landes
uuard angegin· the godes sunu godumu thegne· Ni seggiu ik
thi fan sibuniun so thu selbo sprikis· mahlis midthinu mudu
Ik duom thi mera thar to sibun sidun sibuntig· so scalt thu sundea
gehuemu ledes alaten· so uuilliu ik thi te lerun geben uuordun
uuar fastun· Nu ik thi sulica giuuald fargaf· that thu mines hiuuiskes
herost uuaris· manages mannkunnies· Nu scalt thu im mildi uue
sen liudiun lithi· Tho thar te themu lereande quam en iung
man angegin· endi fragode thene iesu crist· Mester the godo quad
he· huat scal ik manages duan· anthiu the ik hebenriki gehalan moti·
Habde imu oduuelon allen geuunnen· medomhord manag· thoh
he mildean hugi bari an is breostun· Tho sprak imu that barn godes
huat quidis thu umbi godon· Nis that gumono enig· biutan the
eno the thar al gescop uuerold endi uunnea· Ef thu is uuillean ha
bas that thu an lioht godes lidan motis than scalt thu bihalden thea
helagon lera· the thar anthemu aldon euua gebiudid· that thuman
nislah· nithu menes nisueri· far legarnessi farlat· endi luggi
geuuitskepi· strid endi stulina· ne uuis thu te stark an hugi· ne
nidin· nehatul ninodrof nifremi· abunst alla farlat· uuis
thinun eldirun god· fader endi moder· endi thinun friundun
hold· them nahistun ginathig· than thu giniodo most himil
rikeas· ef thu it bihalden uuili fulgangan godes lerun· Tho
sprak eft the iungo man· Al hebbiu ik so gilestid quad he· <49r>
3278-3311so thu mi leris nu· uuordun uuisis· so ik is eouuiht nifarlet fan
minero kindiski· Tho bigan ina crist sehan an mid is ogun· En is
thar noh nu quad he uuan thero uuerko· ef thu is uuilleon habas
that thu thurh fremid thionon motis· herron thinumu· than scalt
thu thu that thin hord nimen· scalt thinan oduuelon allan farcopien·
diurie medmos· endi delien het armun mannun· than habas thu
aftar thiu an <in HS: an getilgt> hord an himile· cum thithan gehalden temi· folgo
thi minaro ferdi· than habas thu fridu sidur· Tho uurdun kristes
kind iungumu manne· suido an sorgun· uuas imu ser hugi mod
umbiherte· habde medmo filu· uuelono geuunnen· Uuende imu
eft thanen· uuas imu unodo an is breostun· an is sebon suaro· Sah
imu aftar tho krist alouualdo· quad it tho thar he uuelde· te
them is godun iungarun· geginuuardun· that uuari an godesriki
unodi· odagumu manne up te cumanne· Odur mag man
olbundeon thoh he si unmet grot thurh nadlan gat thoh it si
naru suido saftur thurh slopien· than mugi cuman thiu siole
te himile· thes odagan mannes the her alhabad· giuuendid· an
thene uueroldscat· uuilleon sinen· Modgithahti· endi nihugid
umbi thie maht godes·
<XLI.> Imu anduuordiade er thuungan gumo· simon petrus· endi
seggean bad leoban herron· Huat sculun uui thes te lone nimen
quad he godes tegelde· thes uui thurh thin iungardom egan
endi erbi al farletun hobos endi hiuuiski· endi thi te herron
gicurun· folgodun thinaru ferdi· Huat scal us thes te frumu <49v>
3311-3344uuerden langes te lone Liudeo drohtin sagde im tho selbo· Than
ik sittien kumu quad he· anthie mikilan maht anthemu marean
dage· thar ik allun scal irminthiodun domes adelien· than motun
gi mid iuuuomu drohtine· thar selbon sittien· endi motun thera
saca uualdan· motun gi israhelo edili folcun adelien aftar iro dadiun·
so motun githar gidiuride uuesen· Than seggiu ik iu te uuaran·
so hue so that anthesaru uueroldi giduot· that he thurh mina min
nea mago gesidli liof farletid· thes scal hi her lon niman· tehan
sidun tehin fald· ef he it mid treuuon duot· mid hluttru hugi·
Obar that habad he ok himiles lioht· open euuig lif· Bigan imu
tho aftar thiu allaro barno bezt· en bilidi seggian· Quad that thar
enodag man an erdagun uuari· undar themu uuerodae· the habde
uuelono genog· sinkas gisamnod· endi imu simlun uuas garu mid
goldu endi mid godo uuebbiu· fagarun fratahun· endi imu so filu
habde godes an is gardun· endi imu at gomun sat allaro dago gehui
likes· habde imu diurlic lif blitzea an is benkiun· Than uuas thar
eft en biddiendi man gilebod an is lichamon· lazarus uuas he heten
lag imudago gehuilikes at them durun foren· thar he thene oda
gan man· inne uuisse an is gestseli gome thiggean· sittien at
sumble· endi he simlun bed giarmod thar ute· Nimoste thar in
cuman· ne he nimahte gebiddien· that man imu thes brodes tha
rod gidragan uueldi· thes thar fanthemu diske nider antfel
undar iro foti· nimahte imu thar enig frumu uuerden fan the
mu heroston the thes huses giuueld· biutan that thar gengun <50r>
3344-3380to is hundos· likko dun is likuundon thar he liggiandi hungar
tholode· niquam imu thar te helpu uuiht· fanthemu rikeon manne·
Tho gifragn ik that ina is regano giscapu· thene armon man is en
dago gimanodun mahtiun suid· that he manno drom ageben scolde·
Godes engilos antfengun is ferh· endi leddun ine ford thanen·
that sie an abrahames barm thes armon mannes siole gisettun· thar
moste he simlun ford uuesen an uunniun· Tho quamun ok uurde
giscapu· themu odagan man orlag huile· that he thit lioht farlet
letha uuihti· besinkodun is siole· an thene suaston hel· anthat fern
innen fiundun te uuillean· begrobun ine angramono hem· thanen
mahte he thene godan scauuon abraham gesehen· thar he· uppe uuas
libes an lustun· endi lazarus sat blidi an is barme· berht lon antfeng
allaro is armmodio· endi lag the odago man· heto antheru helliu·
hriop up thanen· Fader abraham quad he mi is firinun tharf· that
thu mi anthinumu modsebon mildi uuerdes· lidi anthesaru lognu·
Sendi mi lazarus herod· that he mi geforea anthit fern innan
caldes uuateres· Ik her quic brinnu heto anthesaru helliu· Nu is
mi thinaro helpono tharf· that he mi aleskie mid is lutticon fingru
tungon mine· Nu siu tekan habad ubil arbedi· inuuidrado ledaro
spraka· alles is mi· nu thes lon cumen· Imu anduuordiade tho abra
ham· that uuas aldfader· Gehugi thu an thinumu herton quad he
huat thu habdes iu uuelono an uueroldi· huat thu thar alle thine
uunnea farsliti· godes angardun· so huat so thi gibidig ford
uuerden scolde· uuiti tholode lazarus anthemu liohte habde <50v>
3380-3414thar ledes filu· uuiteas an uueroldi· Bethiu scal ne nu uuelon egan
libbien an lustun· thu scalt thealogna tholan· brinnendi fiur· ni
mag is thi enig bote kumen· hinana te helliu· It habad the helago
god· so gifastnod mid is fadmun· nimag thar faren enig thegno
thurh that thiustri· It is her so thikki undar us· Tho sprac eft abra
hame the erl tegegnes· fan theru hetan hell· endi helpono bad that
he lazarus an liudio drom selbon sandi· that he giseggea thar bro
darun minun· huo ik her brinnendi thrauuerk tholon· Sie thar
undar theru thiod sind· sie fiui undar themu folke· Ik an forhtun
bium· that sie im thar faruuirkien that sie sculin ok anthit uuiti
temi anso gradag fiur· Tho imu eft tegegnes sprak abraham ald
fader· quad that sie thar eo godes anthemu landskepi liudi habdin
moyseses gibod· endi thar managaro to· uuarsaguno uuord· ef sie
is uuillige sind that sie that bihalden· than nidurbun sie an thea
hell innen· anthat fern faren· ef sie gefrummien so so thea ge
biodad· the thea bok lesat· them liudiun telerun· Ef sie thes than
niuuilliad lestien uuiht· thanne nihoriad sie ok themu the astad
man fandode· late man sie an iro modsebon selbon keosen hueder
im suotiera thunkie· tegiuuinnanne so lango so sie anthesaru
uueroldi sind· that sie eft ubil ettha god aftar habbien·
<XLII.> So lerde he tho thealiudi liohton uuordon· allaro barno bezt
endi bilidi sagde manag mankunnie mahtig drohtin·
Quad that imu en salig gumo samnon bigunni man anmorgen
endi im meda gihet· the herosto thes hiuuiskeas· suido <hier Blattverlust, Vv. 3414-3489 fehlen in HS> <51r>
3490-3517nun uuard thea thar te nonu dages an thea nigunda tid· an thene
uuingardon uuirkean quamun· Sum uuirdid than so suido gefrodot
so he niuuili is sundea botien· ac he okid sie mid ubilu gehuilicu·
antat imu is aband nahid· is uuerold endi is uunnea farslitid· than
beginnid he imu uuiti andreden· is sundeon uuerdad imu sorga an
mode· gehugid that he selbo gefrumide grimmes than lango the he
moste is iugudeo neoten· Nimag than mid odru godu gibotien
thea dadi thea he so derbea gefrumide. ac he slehit allaro dago
gehuilikes an is breost mid bethiun handun· endi uuopit sie mid
bittrun trahnun· hludo· he sie mid hofnu kumid· bidid thene hela
gon drohtin mahtigne· that he imu mildi uuerde· Ni latid imu
sidor is mod gituiflien· so egroht ful is the thar alles geuueldid·
he ni uuili enigumu irminmanne far uuernien· uuillean sines·
fargibid imu uualdand selbo· helag himilriki· than is imu giholpen
sidur· Alle sculun sie thar era antfahen· thoh sie tharod te enaru
tidi nikumen that kunni manno· thoh uuili imu the craftigo droh
tin· gilonon allaro liudio so huilicumu so her is gilobon antfahit·
en himilriki gibid· he allun theodun· mannun te medu· That mende
mahtig krist barno that bezte· tho he that bilidi sprak· huo thar
te them uuingardun· uurhteon quamin· man mislico· thoh
nam is mede gehue fulle te is froian· So sculun firiho barn
at gode selbumu geld antfahen· suido leoblic lon· thoh sie sume
[so late uuerdan] <in HS: letzte drei Worte ausradiert>
<XLIII.> Het imu tho thea is godan iungaron nahor tuelibi gangan· <51v>
3517-3549thea uuarun imu triuuuiston· man obar erdu· sagde im mahtig
selbo· oder sidu· huilic imu thar arbedi touuard uuarun· thes ni
mag enig tueho uuerden quad he· quad that sie tho te hierusalem
anthat iudeono folc lidan scoldin· Thar uuirdid all gilestid so ge
frumid undar themu folke· so it an furndagun uuise man bemi
uuordun gesprakun· Thar sculun mi farcopon undar thea crafti
gon thiod helidos te theru heri· thar uuerdat mina hendi gebun
dana· fadmos uuerdad mithar· gefastnod· filu scal ik thar githo
loian· hoskes gihorien endi harmquidi· bismer spraka· endi· bi
het uuord manag· Sie uuegeat mi te uundron uuapnes eggiun·
bilosiad milibu· Ik te thesumu liohte scal thurh drohtines craft·
fan dode astanden· an thriddeon dage· Ni quam ik undar
thesa theoda herod tethiu that min eldibarn arbed habdin
that mi thionodi thius thiod· Ni uuilliu ik is sie thiggien nu
fergon thit folcskepi· ac ik scal imu te frumu uuerden· theonon
imu theolico· endi for alla thesa theoda geben seole mine· Ik
uuilliu sie selbo nu losien mid minu libu· thea her lango bidun
man kunnies manag· minara helpa· For imu tho forduuar
des habde imu fasten hugi· blidean an is breostun barn droh
tines· uueldun· im te hierusalem iudeo folkes· uuilleon uuisan·
he conste thes uuerodes so garo heti grimmen hugi endi hardan
strid· uuredan uuilleon· Uuerod sidodae furi hiericho burg·
uuas the godes sunu mahtig undar [...] <in HS: ausradiert>
tuenie man bi uuege· blinde uuarun sie bethie· uuas im botono <52r>
3549-3584tharf· that sie geheldi hebenes uualdand· huand sie so lango liohtes
tholodun· managa huila· Sie gihordun tho that megin faren· endi
fragodun san· firiuuitlico· reginblindun· huilic thar rikiman
undar themu folcskepi furista uuari herost an hobid· Tho sprac
im en helid angegin· quad that thar hiesu crist· fan galilealan
de· heleandero bezt· herost uuari· fori mid is folcu· Tho uuard
frah mod hugi· bethiun them blindun mannun· tho sie that barn
godes uuissun undar themu uuerode· hreopun im tho midiro
uuordun to· hludo te themu helagon criste· badun that he im
helpe geredi. drohtin dauides sunu. uuis us mid thinun dadiun
mildi· neri us af thesaru nodi· so thu ginoge dos manno kunnies·
thu bist managun god hilpis endi helis· Tho bigan im that heli
do folc uuerien mid uuordun· that sie an uualdand krist so hludo
ni hriopin· Sie niuueldun im horien te thiu· ac sie simla mer
endi mer obar that manno folc hludo hreopun· Heleand gestod
allaro barno bezt· het sie tho brengien te imu· ledien thurh thea
liudi· sprak im listiun to mildlico for theru menegi· Huat uuilliad
git minaro her quad he helpono habbien· Sie badun ina helagna
that he im iraogon opana gidadi farliuui theses liohtes· that sie
liudio drom suikle sunnun lioht gisehen mostin· uulitisconie
uuerold· Uualdand frumide hren sie tho mid is handun dede
is helpe thar to· that them blindun tho bedium uurdun ogon
gioponod· that sie erde himil thurh craft godes· antkien
nien mahtun· lioht endi liudi· Tho sagdun sie lof gode diurdun <52v>
3584-3619usan drohtin· thes sie dages liohtes brucan mostun· Geuuitun im
bedie mid· imu· folgodun is ferdi· uuas im thiu fruma gibidig· endi
ok uualdandes uuerk uuido gekudid· managun gimarid·
<XLIV.> Thar uuas so mahtiglic bilidi giboknid· thar the blindon man
bi themu uuege satun· uuiti tholodun· liohtes lose· that menid
thoh liudio barn· al man cunni· huo sie mahtig god· anthemu ana
ginne· thurh is enes craft· sinihun tue selbo giuuarhte· adam endi
euan· fargaf im up uuegos himilriki· Ac tho uuard im the hatola
te nah· fiund mid feknu endi mid firinuuerkun· bisuek sie
mid sundiun. that sie sinsconi· lioht farletun. uurdun an ledaron
stedi· anthesen middilgard man faruuorpen· tholodun her an
thiustriu man arbedi· uunnun uuracsidos· uuelon tharbodun·
fargatun godes rikies· gramon theonodun· fiundo barnun· sie
guldun is im mid fiure lon· antheru heton helliu· bethiu uuarun
siu an iro hugi blinda· anthesaru middilgard· menniscono barn·
huand siu ine ni antkiendun· craftagne god· himilisken herron·
thene the sie mid is handun giscop· giuuarhte an is uuillion·
Thius uuerold uuas tho so farhuerbid· bithuungen anthiustrie·
anthiod arbidi· an dodes dalu· Satun im tho bi theru drohtines
stratun· iamarmode· godes helpe bidun· Siu ni mahte im tho
er uuerden· er than uualdand god an thesan middilgard· mah
tig drohtin· is selues sunu sendien uueldi· that he lioht antluki
liudio barnun· oponodi im euuig lif· that sie thene alouualdon·
mahtin antkennien· uuel craftagna god· Ok mag ik giu <53r>
3619-3651gitellien. of gi thar to uuilliad· huggien endi horien· that gi thes
heliandes· mugun craft antkennien· huo is kumi uurdun anthe
saru· middilgard· managun te helpu· Iahuat he mid them dadiun
drohtin selbo manages mende· Ia be huiu thiu marie burg· hieri
cho hetid· thiu thar an iudeon stad· gimacod mid murun· Thiu
is aftar themu manen ginemnid· aftar themu torhten tungle·
he ni mag is tidi bemiden· ac he dago gehuilikes duod oder
uueder· uuanod ohtho uuahsid· So dod anthesaru uueroldi
her· anthesaru middilgard menniscono barn· farad endi folgod
frode sterbad· uuerdad eft iunga· aftarkumane· uueros auuah
sane· unttat sie eft uurd farnimid· That mende that barn
godes· thohe fontheru burgi for the godo fan hiericho· that ni
mahte er uuerden gumono barnun thiu blindia gibotid· that sie
that berhte lioht gisahin· sin sconi er than he selbo her an thesaru
middilgard menniski antfeng· flesk an lichamon· Tho uurdun
thes firihobarn· giuuar anthesaru uueroldi· the her an uuitie er
satun· an sundiun gisiunies lose· tholodun anthiustrie· sie afsobun
that uuas thesaru thiod· kuman heleand te helpu· fan hebenrikie·
crist allaro cuningo best· sie mahtun is antkennien san· gifolien
is fardio· tho sie so filu hriopun the man te themu mahtigon gode
that im mildi aftar thiu uualdand uurdi· Than uueridun suido
thia suarun sundeon· the sie im er selbon gidadun· lettun sie thes
gilobon· sie nimahtun them liudiun tho biuuerien iro uuilleon·
ac sie an uualdand god hludo hriopun· antat he im iro heli fargaf· <53v>
3652-3683that sie sinlib gisehen mostin· Open euuig lioht· endi anfaren
anthiu berhtun bu· That mendun thea blindun man· the
thar bi hiericho burg· te themu godes barne· hludo hriopun
that he im iro heli farlihi· liohtes anthesumu libe· than im thea
liudi so filu uueridun· mid uuordun· theathar anthemu uuege
forun· bi foren endi bi hinden· So dot thea firin sundeon an
thesaru middilgard· mankunnie· Horiad nu huo thie blin
dun sidur· im gibotid uuard· that sie sunnun lioht gesehen
mostun· huo sie tho dadun· Geuuitun im mid iro drohtine sa
mad· folgodun is ferdi sprakun filu uuordo· themu landes
hirdie telobe· So dod im noh liudio barn uuido aftar thesaru
uueroldi· sidur im uualdand god geliuhte· mid is lerun· endi
im lif euuig godes rikifargaf· godun mannun· hoh himiles
lioht· endi is helpe thar to· so huemu so that giuuerkod· that
he moti themu is uuege folgon·
<XLV.> Tho nahide neriendo crist the godo te hierusalem· quam
imu thar tegegnes filu uuerodes an uuilleon· uuelhuggendies·
Antfengun ina fagaro endi imu biuoren streidun theneuueg
mid iro giuuadiun· endi mid uurtiun so same mid berhtun blo
mun· endi mid bomo togun· that feld mid fagaron palmun
al so is fard geburide that the godes sunu gangan uuelde· te theru
marean burg· huarf ina megin umbi liudio anlustun· endi
lofsang hof· that uuerod an uuilleon· sagdun uualdande thank
thes thar selbo quam sunu dauides· uuison thes uuerodes· <54r>
3683-3716Tho gesah uualdand krist· the godo te hierusalem· gumono bezta
blican thene burges uual· endi bu iudeono· hoha hornseli· endi
ok that hus godes· allaro uuiho uunsamoste· Tho uuel imu an
innen hugi uuid is herte· tho nimahte that helage barn uuopu
auuisien· sprak tho uuordo filu· hriuuiglico· uuas imu is hugi
sereg· Uue uuard thi hierusalem quad he· thes thu te uuarun
niuuest· thea uurdegiskefti the thi noh giuuerden sculun· huo
thu noh uuirdis behabd heries craftu· endi thi bisittiad slidmode
man· fiund mid folcun· than nihabas thu fridu huergin mund
burd mid mannun· Lediad thi her managae to· ordos· endi eggia
orlegas uuord· far fioth thin folcskepi· fiures liomon· these
uuik auuostiad· uuallos hoha felliad· foldun· Niafstad is felis
nigiean· sten obar odrumu· Ak uuerdad thesa stedi uuostia· umbi
hierusalem iudeoliudeo· huand sie ni antkenniad that im kuma
na sind iro tidi touuardes· Ac sie habbiad im tuiflien hugi· Ni
uuitun that iro uuisad uualdandes craft· Giuuet imu tho mid
theru menegi· manno drohtin an thea berhton burg· So tho that
barn godes innan hierusalem mid thiu gumono folcu· seg mid
thiu gesidu· tho uuard thar allaro sango mest· hlud stemnie af
haben· helagun uuordun· lobodun thene landes uuard· liudio
menegi barno that bezte· Thiu burg uuard an hroru that
folc uuard an forhtun· endi fragodun san hue that uuari· that
thar mid themu uuerode quam· mid theru mikilon menegi·
Tho sprak im en man angegin· quad that thar hiesucrist· fan <54v>
3716-3753galileo lande fan nazareth burg· neriand quami· uuitig uuarsago·
themu uuerode te helpu· Tho uuas them iudiun the imu er grame
uuarun unholde an hugi· harm an mode· that imu thea liudi so
filu lofsang uuarhtun· diurdun iro drohtin· tho gengun dolmode·
that sie uuid uualdand crist uuordun sprakun· badun that he that
gesidi suigon heti· letti thealiudi· that sie imu lof so filu uuordun
niuuarhtin· It is thesumu uuerode led quadun sie thesun burgliudiun·
Tho sprak eft that barn godes· Ef gi sie amerriad quad he that
her nimotin manno barn uualdandes craft uuordun diurien· than
sculun it hropen thoh harde stenos· for thesumu folcskepi felisos
starka· er than it eo belibe neuo man is lof spraka uuido aftar the
saru uuerold· Tho he anthene uuih innen geng· anthat godes hus·
fand thar iudeono filu· mislike man manage atsamne thea im
thar copstedi gikoran habdun· mangodun im thar mid manages
hui· muniterias satun anthemu uuihe innan· habdun iro uuesl
gidago garu te gebanne· that uuas themu godes barne· al an andun
Dref sie ut thanen rumo fan themu rakude· quad that uuari rehta
ro dad· that thar te bedu forin barn israheles· endi anthesumu
minumu huse helpono biddean· than her theobas an thingstedi
halden· thea far uuarhton uueros uueh[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> driban· unreht enuald·
Ne gi eniga era ni uuitun theses godes huses iudeoliudi· so rumde
he tho endi rekode rikidrohtin that helaga hus· endi an helpun
uuas managumu mankunnie· them the is mikiloncraft ferrene
gefrugnun· endi thar gifaran quamun· obar langan uueg· Uuard <55r>
3753-3786thar lef somanag halt gihelid· endi haf sosame blindun gibo
tid· So dede that barn godes uuilliendi themu uuerode· huand al an is
giuueldi sted umbi thesaro liudio lif· endi ok umbi thit land so same
<XLVI.> Stod imu tho fora themu uuihe· uualdandeo crist· liof landes
uuard· endi imu thero liudio hugi iro uuilleon aftaruuarode·
gisah uuerod mikil anthat marie hus medmos forien gebon mid
goldu endi mid godu uuebbiu diuriun fratahun· that al drohtin
crist uuarode uuislico· Tho quam thar ok en uuido uuato· idis
armscapen· endi te themu alaha geng· endi siu an that tresurhus
tuene legde erine scattos· uuas iru enuald hugi uuillean godes·
Tho sprak uualdand crist the gumo uuid is giungaron· quad that
siu thar geba brahti <in HS: brahti geba, Umstellung durch vorgeszetzte Zeichen markiert>· meron mikilu· than elcor enig mannes sunu·
Ef her odaga man quad he era brahtun medom hord manag·
sie letun immer at hus uuelono geuunnen· Nidede thius uuidouua
so· Ac siu te thesumu alahe gaf al that siu habde· uuelono geuunnen·
so siu iru uuiht nifarlet· godes aniro gardun· Be thiu <hier in HS: ausradiertes n> sind ira
gebameron· uualdande uuerda· huand siu it mid sulicumu
dede te thesumu godes huse· thes scal siu geld niman suido lang
sam lon· thes siu sulican gilobon habad· So gifragn ik that thar
anthemu uuihe uualdandeo crist allaro dago gehuilikes drohtin
manno uuisde mid uuordun· stod ine uuerod umbi grot folc
iudeono· gihordun is· godan uuord <in HS: uuord godan, Umstellung durch vorgesetzte Zeichen markiert> suotea seggian·
Sum so salig uuard manno· undar theru menegi· that it
bigan an is mod hladen· linodun im thea lera· the the landes <55v>
3786-3820uuard· al be bilidiun sprak barn drohtines· Sumun uuarun
eft so leda lera cristes· uualdandes uuord· uuas im uuidermod
hugi· allun them the anthemu heriskepi herost uuarun· furiston
anthemu folke· fares hugdun uureda mid iro uuordun· habdun
im uuidersakon gihaloden te helpu· thes heroston man hero
deses thegan the thar anduuard stod· uuredes uuillean that he iro
uuord obar hordi· ef sie ina for fengin that sie ina than fetero san
thea liudi lido bendi leggien mostin· sundea losan· Tho gengun
im thea gesidos to bittra gihugde· that sie uuid that barn
godes· uureda uuidersakon· uuordun sprakun· Huat thu bist
eosago quadun sie· allun thiodun uuisis uuares so filu· Nis thi
uuerd eo uuiht te bimidanne· manno nienumu· umbi is rikidom·
Neuo thu simlun that reht sprikis· endi an thene godes uueg
gumono gesidi ledis mid thinun lerun· Nimag thi laster man
fidan undar thesumu folke· Nu uui thi fragon sculun riki
thiodan· huilic reht habad the kesur fan rumu· the imu te thesu
mu kunnie herod tinsi sokid· endi gitald habad huat uui imu
gelden sculin gero gehuilikes hobid scattos· Saga huat thi thes
an thinumu hugi thunkea· is it reht the nis· Rad for thinun
landmegun uuel· us is thinaro lerono tharf· Sie uueldun that
he it antquadi· than mahte he thoh antkennien uuel iro uuredon
uuilleon· Te hui gi uuarlogon quad he· fandot min so frokno
Niscal iu that te frumu uuerden· that gi dreogerias darnungo
nu uuilliad mi farfahen· Het he tho ford dragan te scauuonne <56r>
3820-3850the scattos· the gi sculdige sind anthat geld geben· Iudeon drogun
enna silu brinna ford· sahun manage to· huo he uuas gemuni
tod· Uuas anmiddien skin thes kesures bilidi· that mahtun sie
antkennien uuel· iro herron <in HS: herrom, letzter m-Bogen getilgt> hobidmal· Tho fragode sie the
helago crist· aftar huemu thiu gelicnessi gilegid uuari· Sie
quadun that it uuari uuerold kesures fan rumuburg· the
alles theses rikes habad geuuald· anthesaru uueroldi· Than
uuilliu ik iu te uuarun quad he selbo seggian· that gi imu sin
gebad uuerold herron is geuunst· endi uualdand gode selliad
that thar sin ist· that sculun iuuua seolon uuesen gumono gestos·
Tho uuard thero iudeono hugi geminsod an themu mahle· Ni
mahtun the men scadon uuordun geuuinnen· so iro uuilleo geng
that sie ina farfengin· huand imu that fridubarn godes uuar
dode· uuid the uuredon· endi im uuar angegin sod spel sagde·
thoh sie niuuarin so salige te thiu· that sie it so fargengin· so
it iro fruma uuari·
<XLVII.> Sie ni uueldun it thoh farlaten· ac hetun thar ledien ford
en uuif for themu uuerode· thiu habde uuam gefrumid
unreht enuald· thiu idis uuas bifangen an farlegarnessi· uuas
iro libes scolo. that sie firiho barn· ferahu binamin. ehtin iro
aldres· so uuas an iro eu gescriben· Sie bigunnun ina tho
fragon fruokne liudi· uureda mid iro uuordun· huat sie scoldin
themu uuibe duan· hueder sie sie quelidin the sie sie quica letin
the huat he umbi sulica dadi· adelien uueldi· Thu uuest huo <56v>
3850-3884thesaru menegi· quadun sie moyses gibod uuarun uuordun· that
allaro uuibo gehuilic· an farlegarnessi· libes far uuarhti· endi that
sie than auurpin uueros mid handun starkun stenun· Nu maht
thu sie sehan standen her an sundiun biuangan· saga huat thu is
uuillies· Uueldun ine uuidersakon uuordun farfahen· Ef he
that giquadi that sie sie quica letin· fridodi ira ferahe· than uueldi
that folc iudeono queden that he iro aldiron eo uuidersagdi· thero
liudio landreht· Ef he sie than heti libu binimen· thea magad fur
theru menegi· than uueldin sie queden that he so mildiene hugi·
nibari an is breostun· so scoldi habbien barn godes· Uueldun sie
so huederes helagne crist thero uuordo geuuitnon· so he thar for
themu uuerode gespraki· adeldi te dome· Than uuisse drohtin
krist· thero manno so garo modgithahti· iro uuredon uuilleon·
Tho he te themu uuerode sprak te allun them erlun· So huilik so
iuuuar ano si quad he slidearo sundeon· soganga iru selbo to endi
sie at erist erl mid is handun sten anauuerpe· So stodun iudeon
thahtun endi thagodun· Nimahte thegan nigiean· uuid them uuord
quidi uuidersac finden· gehugde manno gehuilic mengithahti·
is selbes sundea· niuuas iro so sikur enig· that he bi themu uuorde·
themu uuibe gedorsti· sten an uuerpen· Ac letun sie standen thar
enan thar inne· endi im ut thanen gengun gramharde iudeoliudi
en aftar odrumu· antat iro thar enig niuuas· thes fiundo folkes·
the iro ferhes to theru idis aldarlago ahtien uueldi· Tho gifragn
ik that sie fragode· fridubarn godes· allaro gumono bezt· Huar <57r>
3884-3919quam thit iudeono folc quad he thine uuidersakon thea thi her
uurogdun te mi· Ne sie thi hiudu uuiht harmes negidedun· thea
liudi ledes· the thi uueldun libu beniman uuegean te uundrun·
Tho sprak imu eft that uuif angegin· quad that iru thar nioman
thurh thes neriandan helaga helpa· harm ne gifrumidi uuammes
telone· Tho sprak eft uualdand crist· drohtin manno· Ne ik thi
geth nideriu neouuiht· quad he· acgang thi hel hinen· lat thi an
thinumu hugi sorga· that thu nio sid aftar thius sundig niuuerdes·
Habde iru tho giholpen helag barn godes· gefridod iro ferahe·
Than stod that folc iudeono· ubiles an mod so fan eristan uuredes
uuillean· huo sie uuord heti uuid that fridubarn godes frummien
mostin· habdun thea liudi an tue mid iro gilobon gifangan· uuas
thiu smale thiod sines uuillean gernora mikilu· thes godes barnes·
uuord te gefrummienne· so im iro fraho gibod· romodun rehta
bet than thie rikeon man· habdun ina far iro herron· ia far heben
cuning· fulgengun imu gerno· Tho giuuet imu the godes sunu
an thene uuih innan· huarf ina uuerod umbi· meginthiodo gimang·
he an middien stod· lerde thea liudi liohtun uuordun· hludero
stemnun· uuas hlust mikil· thagode thegan manag· endi he theru
thiod gibod· so hue so thar mid thurstu bithuungan uuari· soganga
imu herod drincan temi· quad he dago gehuilikes suoties brunnan·
Ik mag seggian iu· so hue so her gilobid te mi liudio barno fasto
undar thesumu folke· that imu than flioten sculun· fan is lichamon
libbiendi flod· rinnandi uuater· aho spring mikil· kumad <57v>
3919-3950thanen quica brunnon· Thesa quidi uuerdad uuara· liudiun gilestid·
so huemu so her gilobid te mi· Than mende mid thiu uuataru uual
dandeo crist· her hebencuning· helagna gest· huo thene firiho barn
antfahen scoldin· lioht endi lif euuig· hoh hebenriki· endi huldi godes·
<XLVIII.> Vurdun tho thea liudi umbi thea lera cristes· umbi thiu
uuord an geuuinne· stodun uulanca man· gelmode·
iudeon sprakun gelpmikil· habdun it im te hosca· quadun
that sie mahtin gihorien uuel· that imu mahlidin frammodaga
uuihti unholde ut· Nu he an auu lerid quadun sie uuordu gehui
licu· Tho sprak eft that uuerod odar· Niduruun gi thene leriand·
lahan quadun sie· kumad libes uuord mahtig fan is mude· he
uuirkid manages huat uundres anthesaru uueroldi· Nis that
uuredaro dad fiundo craftes· Nio it than te sulicaru frumu uurdi
ac it gegnungo fan gode alo uualdon kumid· fan is crafte· that
mugun gi antkennien uuel anthem is uuarun uuordun· that he
giuuald habad alles obar erdu· Tho uueldun ina the andsacon
thar an stedi fahen· eftha sten anauuerpen· ef sie im thero manno
menigi niandredin· Ni forhtodin that folcskepi· Tho sprak that
fridubarn godes· Ik toiu iu godes so filu quad he fan gode selbumu
uuordo endi uuerko· Nu uuilliad gi mi uuitnon her thurh iuuuan
starkan hugi· sten anauuerpen bilosien mi libu· Tho sprakun
imu eft thea liudi angegin uureda uuidersakon· Neuui it be thi
nun uuerkun niduat that uui thi aldres to ahtien uuilliad· ac
uui duat it be thinun uuordun· huand thu sulik uuah sprikis· <hier Blattverlust, Vv. 3951-4016 fehlen in HS> <58r>
4017-4051uuif uueldun uuordun fruobrean· that sie so nikarodin kindiungas
dod· lazaruses farlust· So tho the landes uuard· geng an thiu
gardos· so uurdun thes godes barnes· kumi thar gikudid· that he
so craftig uuas bitheru burg uten· Tho im bediun uuas them uuibun
sulik uuillio that sie im uualdand krist to that fridubarn godes·
farandien uuissun· <XLIX.> Tho them uuibun uuas uuilleono mesta
cumi drohtines· endi cristes uuord te gihorienne· Heouandi geng
martha mo[ ]karag <in HS: ausradiert> uuid so mahtigne uuordun uuehslan· endi
uuid uualdand sprak· an iro hugi hriuuig· Thar thu mi herro
min quad siu· neriendero bezt· nahor uuaris· heleand the godo·
than nidorfti ik sulic harm tholon· bittra breostkara· than ni
uuari nu min broder dod lazarus· fan thesumu liohte· ac he imu
mahti libbien ford· ferahes gefullid· Ik thoh frominte thi liohto
gilobiu· leriandero bezt· so hues so thu biddien uuili berhton droh
tin· that he it thi san fargibid· god alomahtig· giuuerdot thinan
uuillean· Tho sprak eft uualdand krist· theru idis anduuordi·
Ni lat thu thi an innan thes quad he· thinan suebon suerkan·
Ik thi seggian mag uuarun uuordun· that thes nis giuuandenig
nebu thin broder scal thurh gibod godes· thurh drohtines craft
fan dode astanden· an is lichamon· All hebbiu ik gilobon so
quad siu· that it so giuuerden scal· so huan so thius uuerold endiod·
endi the mareo dag obar man ferid· that he than fan erdu scal up
astanden· an themu domos daga· than uuerdad fan dode quica·
thurh maht godes mankunnies gehuilic arisad fan restu· <58v>
4051-4086Tho sagde rikeo krist theru idis alomahtig oponun uuordun
that he selbo uuas sunu drohtines· bediu ia lif ia lioht liudio
barno te astandanne· Nio the sterben niscal lif farliosen· the
her gilobid te mi· Thoh ina eldibarn erdu bithekkien diapo bi
delben· Nis he dod thiu mer· that flesk is biuolhen that ferah is
gihalden· is thiu siola gisund· Tho sprak imu eft san angegin that
uuif mid iro uuordun· Ik gilobiu that thu the uuaro bist quad siu·
krist godes sunu· that mag man antkennien uuel uuiten anthinun
uuordun· that thu giuuald habes· thurh thiu helagon giscapu·
himiles endi erdun· Tho gefragn ik that thar theru idisiu· quam
odar gangan maria modkarag· gengun iro managa aftar iudeo
liudi· tho siu themu godes barne· sagde seragmod· huat iru te sorgun
gistod· an iro hugi harmes· Hofnu kumde lazaruses farlust liabes
mannes griat gornundi· antat themu godes barne· hugi uuard
gihrorid· hete trahni uuopu auuellun· endi tho te them uuibun
spra[ ] <in HS: ausradiert> het ina tho ledien thar lazarus uuas· foldu bifolhen· lag
thar en felis bi ouan· hard sten behliden· Tho het the helago crist
antlucan thea leia· that he mosti that lik sehan· hreo scauuoien
Tho ni mahte an iro hugi midan· martha for theru menegi uuid
mahtigne sprak· Fromin the godo quad siu ef man thene felis
nimid thene sten antlukid· than uuaniu ik that thanen stank
kume unsuoti suek· huand ik thi seggian mag uuarun uuordun
that thes nis giuuand enig· that he thar nu bifolhen uuas fiuuuar
naht endi dagos anthemu erdgrabe· Anduuordi gaf uualdand <59r>
4086-4117themu uuibe· huat sagde ik thi te uuarun er quad he· ef thu gilobien
uuili· than nis nu lang te thiu that thu her antkennien scalt craft
drohtines· the mikilon maht godes· Tho gengun manage to afho
bun harden sten· tho sah the helago crist up mid is ogun· olat
sagde themu the these uuerold giscop· thes thu min uuord gihoris·
quad he sigidrohtin· selbo ik uuet· that thu so simlun duos· Ac ik
duom it be thesumu groton iudeono folke· that sie that teuuarun
uuitin that thu mi an these uuerold sendes· thesun liudiun telerun·
Tho he te lazaruse hriop starkaru stemniu· endi het ina upstanden·
Ia fanthemu grabe gangan· Tho uuard the gest kumen· an thene
lichamon· hebigan is lidi hrorien· antuuarp undar themu giuue
die· uuas imu so beuunden tho noh· an hreobeddion bihelid· het
imu helpen tho uualdandeo krist· Uueros gengun· to· antuun
dun that geuuadi uuanu up ares lazarus te thesumu liohte·
uuas imu is lif fargeben that he is aldarlagu egan mosti· fridu
forduuardes· Tho fagonadun bedea maria endi martha ni
mag that man odrumu giseggian te sode· huo thea gesuest(er)
tuo mendiodun an iro mode· Maneg uundrode iudeo
liudio tho sie ina fanthemu grabe sahun· sidon gesunden·
thene the er suht farnam· endi sie bidulbun diapo undar erdu
libes losen· tho moste imu libbien ford hel an hemun· So mag
hebenkuninges thiu mikile maht godes manno gehuilikes
ferahe giformon· endi uuid fiundo nid helag helpen· so huemu
so he is huldi fargibid· <59v>
4118-4150<L.> Tho uuard thar so managumu manne mod aftar kriste gihuor
ben· hugiskefti· sidor sie is helagon uuerk· selbon gisahun·
huand eo er sulic niuuard· uunder an uueroldi· Than uuas eft thes
uuerodes so filu· so modstarke man· niuueldun the maht godes
antkennien kudlico· ac sie uuid is craft mikil uunnun· mid iro
uuordun· Uuarun im uualdandes lera so leda· sohtun liudi odra
an hierusalem thar iudeono uuas hereo endi handmahal endi
hobidstedi· grot gumskepi· grimmaro thioda· Sie kuddun im
kristes uuerk· quadun that sie quican sahin thene erl mid iro
ogun· the an erdu uuas foldu bifolhen· fiuuuar naht endi dagos·
dod bidolben· antat he ina mid is dadiun selbo mid is uuordun
auuekide· that he mosti these uuerold sehan· Tho uuas that
so uuideruuord uulankun mannun· iudeoliudiun· hetun iro
gumskepi tho uuerod samnoian· endi huuarbos fahen megin
thioda gimang· an mahtigna krist· riedun an runun· Nis
that rad enig quadun sie that uui that githoloian· uuili thesaro
thioda te filu· gilobien aftar is lerun· than us liudio farad
an eorid folc· uuerdat us obar hobdun· rinkos fan rumu·
than uui theses rikies sculun lose libbien· eftha uui sculun uses
libes tholon· helidos usaro hobdo· Tho sprak thar en gierod
man oboruuard uuero· the uuas thes uuerodes tho antheru
burg innan· biscop thero liudio· Kaiphas uuas he heten·
habdun ina gicoranen te thiu· antheru gertalu iudeoliudi·
that he thes godes huses gomien scoldi· Uuardon thes uuihes· <60r>
4150-4182Mi thunkid uunder mikil quad he· mari thioda gi kunnun ma
nages gisked· hui gi that te uuarun niuuitin· uuerod iudeono·
that her is betera rad· barno gehuilicumu that man her enne
man aldru bilosie· endi that he thurh iuuua dadi droreg sterbe·
for thesumu folcskepi· ferah farlate· than al thit liuduuerod
farloren uuerde· Niuuas it thoh is uuillean that he so uuar ge
sprak· so ford for themu folke· frume mankunnies gimende
for theru menegi· ac it quam imu fan theru maht godes· thurh
is helagan hed· huand he that hus godes thar an hierusalem
bigangan scolde· uuardon thes uuihes· be thiu he so uuar gisprak
biscop thero liudio· huo scoldi that barn godes alla irminthiod·
mid is enes ferhe· mid is libu alosien· That uuas allaro the
saro liudio rad· huand he gihalode mid thiu hethina liudi·
uueros an is uuilleon· uualdandio crist· Tho uurdun enuuor
die obarmodie man· uuerod iudeono endi an iro huarbe gispra
kun mari thioda· that sie im ni letin iro mod tuehon·
so hue so ina undar themu folke finden mahti that ina san gi
fengi· endi ford brahti· an thero thiodo thing· quadun that
sie nimahtin githoloian· that sie the eno man so uueldi alla uue
rod faruuinnen· Than uuisse uualdand krist thero manno
so garo mod githahti· heti grimmon hugi· huand imu niuuas
biholen eouuiht· anthesaru middilgard· He niuuelde tho·
anthie megin innen sidur openlico under that erlo folc gan
gan under thea iudeon· bed the godes sunu thero torohteon· <60v>
4182-4215tidio· the imu touuard uuas· that he far thesa thioda tholoian uuel
de· far thit uuerod uuiti· uuisse imu selbo that dagthingi
garo Tho giuuet imu use drohtin ford· endi imu tho an effre(m)·
alouualdo krist antheru hohon burg helag drohtin uunode·
undar themu uuerode· antat he an is uuillean huarf· eft te b(et)ha
nia brahtmu· thiu mikilun· mid thiu is godum gumscepi· Iudeon
bisprakun that tho· uuordu gehuilicu tho sie imu sulic uuerod
mikil folgon gisahun· Nis frume enig quadun sie· uses rikies gi
radi· thoh uui reht sprekan· ni thiit uses thinges uuiht· thius
thiod uuili uuendien after is uuillean· Imu all thius uuerold fol
got· liudi bi them is lerun· that uui imu ledes uuiht for thesumu
folcscepi gifrummien nimotun·
<LI.> Giuuet imu tho that barn godes· innan bethania sehs nahtun
er than thiu samnunga thar an hierusalem iudeo liudio an
them uuihdagun uuerden scolde· that sie scoldun thea helagon
tidi iudeono pascha· bed the godes sunu mahtig under theru
menegi· uuas thar manno craft uuerodes bithem is uuordun·
Thar gengun tue uuif umbi maria endi martha· mid mildiu hugi·
thionodun imu theolico· thiodo drohtin gaf im langsam lon·
alet sea ledes gihues· sundeono sikora· endi selbo gibod that sea
an fride forin· uuider fiundo nid· thea idisa mid is orlobu godu·
habdun iro ambaht scepi biuuendid an is uuilleon· Tho giuuet
imu uualdand krist ford· mid thiu folcu firiho drohtin innan
hierusalem· thar iudeono uuas hetelic hardburi· thar sie thea· <61r>
4215-4249helagon tid uuarodun· at themu uuihe· uuas thar uuerodes so filu
craftigaro kunnio· thie ni uueldun cristes uuord gerno horien
ni te themu godes barne· an iro modsebon minnie ni habdun
ac uuarun im so uureda uulanka thioda· modeg man kunni
habdun im mord hugi inuuid an innan· an auuh farfengun
kristes lere· uueldun ina craftigna uuitnon thero uuordo· Ac
uuas thar uuerodes so filu· umbi erlscepi antlangana <in HS: letztes a übergesetzt ergänzt> dag· habde
ine thiu smale thiod· thurh is suotiun uuord· uuerodu biuuorpen
that ine thie uuidersakon· under themu folcscepi fahen ne gi
dorstun· ac midun is bi theru menegi· Than stod mahtig krist
an themu uuihe innan· sagde uuord manag· firiho barnun te
frumu· uuas thar folc umbi allan langan dag· antat thiu liohte gi
uuet sunne te sedle· Tho te selidun for man cunnies manag·
Than uuas thar en mari berg bitheru burg uten· the uuas bred
endi hoh· groni endi sconi· hetun ina iudeo liudi oliu(et)i binamon·
thar imu up giuuet neriendeo krist· so thiu naht bifeng· uuas
imu thar mid is iungarun so ine thar iudeono enig niuuisse·
ti uuarun· huand he anthemu uuihe stod liudio drohtin· So lioht
ostene quam antfeng that folcscepi· endi im filu sagde <in HS hier: ausradiertes Wort>
uuaroro uuordo· so nis anthesaru uueroldi enig anthesaru middil
gard manno so spahi liudio barno nigen· that thero lerono mugi
endi gitellien the he thar· an themu alahe gisprak· uualdand an
themu uuihe· endi simlun mid is uuordun gibod· that sie sie
gereuuidin te godes rikie· allaro manno gehuilic· that sie mostin· <61v>
4249-4284an themu mareon daga· iro drohtines diurida· antfahen· sagde im
huat sie ti sundiun frumidun· endi simlun gibod that sie thea leskidin·
het sie lioht godesminnion an iro mode· men farlaten· auoh obar
hugdi· odmodi niman· hladen that an iro hertan· quad that im
than uuari hebenriki garu godo mest· Tho uuard thar gumonoso
filu giuuendid aftar is uuillion· sidur sie that uuord godes helag
gihordun hebencuninges· antkendun craft mikil kumi drohtines
herron helpe· Ia that hebenriki uuas neriendi ginahid· endi natha
godes manno barnun· Sum so modeg uuas iudeofolkes· habdun
grimman hugi· slidmoden sebon· Niuueldun is uuorde gilobien·
ac habdun im geuuin mikil· uuid thea cristes craft· kumen nimostun
thea liudi thurh leden strid· that sie gilobon te imu fasto gifengin·
Niuuas im thiu frume gibidig· that sie hebenriki habbien mostin·
Geng imu tho the godes sunu endi is iungaron mid imu uualdand
fan themu uuihe· all so is uuillio geng· Iac imu uppen thene berg
gisteg· barn drohtines· sat imu thar mid is gesidun· endi im sagde
filu uuaroro uuordo· Sie bigunnun im tho umbi thene uuih
sprekan· thie gumon· umbi that godes hus· quadun that niuuari
godlicora· alah obar erdu· thurh erlo hand· thurh mannes giuuerk·
mid megincraft rakud arihtid· Tho the rikio sprak her heben
cuning· hordun the odra Ik mag iu gitellien quad he· that noh
uuirdid thiu tid kumen that is afstanden niscal sten obar odru
mu· ac it fallid ti fodu· endi it fiur nimid· gradag logna·
thoh it nu so godlic si so uuislico giuuarht· endi so dod <62r>
4284-4318thesaro uueroldes giscapu· teglidid groni gang·
Tho gengun imu is iungaron to fragodun ina so stillo· Huo lango
scal standen noh quadun sie thius uuerold an uunniun· er than
that giuuand kume· that the lastodag liohtes skine· thurh uuolcan
skion· eftho huan is eft thin uuan kumen anthenne middilgard·
mankunni te adomienne· dodun endi quikun· fromin the godo us is
thes firiuuit mikil uualdandeo krist· huan that giuuerden sculi·
<LII.> Tho im anduuordi alouualdo krist godlic fargaf· them gumun selbo·
That habad so bidernid quad he· drohtin the godo· Iac so hardo farholen·
himilrikies fader uualdand thesaro uueroldes· so that uuiten nimag
enig mannisc barn huan thiu marie tid giuuirdid· anthesaru uueroldi·
Ne it ok te uuaran nikunnun godes engilos· thie for imu geginuuarde
simlun sindun· sie it ok giseggian <in HS: zweites i übergesetzt ergänzt> nimugun· teuuaran mid iro uuor
dun· huan that giuuerden sculi· that he uuillie anthesan middilgard·
mahtig drohtin firiho fandon· Fader uuet it eno helag fan himile
elcur is it biholen allun· quikun endi dodun huan is kumi uuerdad·
Ik mag iu thoh gitellien huilic her tecan bi uoran giuuerdad uunderlic·
er he anthese uuerold kume· anthemu mareon daga· that uuirdid her
er anthemu manon skin· Iac antheru sunnon so same· Gisuerkad
siu bethiu mid finistre uuerdad bifangan· fallad sterron· huit heben
tungal· endi hrisid erde· Biuod thius brede uuerold· uuirdid sulicaro
bokno filu· grimmid the groto seo· uuirkid thie gebenes strom· egison
mid is udiun erdbuandiun· Than thorrot thiu thiod· thurh that
gethuing mikil· folc thurh thea forhta· than nis fridu huergin· <62v>
4319-4353ac uuirdid uuig so maneg· obar these uuerold· alla· hetilic afhaben·
endi heri ledid· kunni obar odar· uuirdid kuningo giuuin· meginfard
mikil uuirdid managoro qualm· open urlagi· that is egislic thing·
that io sulik mord sculun man afhebbien· Uuirdid uuol somikil
obar these uuerold alle· mansterbono mest· thero thegio anthesaru
middilgard· suulti thurh suhti· liggiad seoka man· driosat endi
doiat· endi iro dag endiad fulliad mid iro ferahu· ferid unm(et)
grot hungar· hetigrim obar helido barn· metigedeono mest· Nis
that minniste thero uuiteo· anthesaru uueroldi· the her giuuerden
sculun· er domosdage <in HS: a aus e korrigiert>· So huan so gi thea dadi gisean giuuerden
anthesaru uueroldi· so mugun gi than teuuaran farstanden· that than
the lazto dag liudiun nahid mari te mannun· endi maht godes·
Himilcraftes hrori· endi thes helagon kumi drohtines· mid is
diuridun· Huat gi thesaro dadeo mugun bithesun bomun bilidi
antkennien· than sie brustiad endi bloiat endi bladu togeat·
lob antlukid· than uuitun liudiobarn· that than is san aftar
thiu· sumer ginahid· uuarm endi uunsam· endi uueder sconi·
So uuitun gi ok bithesun teknun the ik iu talde her· huan the
lazto dag liudiun nahid· Than seggio ik iu te uuaran that er
thit uuerod nimot· tefaran thit folcscepi· er than uuerde gefullid·
so minu uuord giuuarod· Noh giuuand kumid· himiles endi
erdun· endi steid min helag uuord· fast forduuardes· endi uuir
did al gefullod· so· gilestid anthesumu liohte· so ik for thesun
liudiun gespriku· Uuacot gi uuarlico· iu is uuis cumo duom <63r>
4353-4387dag the mareo· endi iuuues drohtines craft· thiu mikilo meginstrengiu
endi thiu marie tid· giuuand thesaro uueroldes· fora thiu giuuardon
sculun· that he iu slapandie an suefrestu· farungo nibifahe· anfirin
uuercun· menes fulle· Mutspelli cumit an thiustrea naht also thiof
ferid darno mid is dadiun· so kumid the dag mannun the lazto· theses
liohtes so it er these liudi niuuitun· so samo so thiu flod deda anfurn
dagun· the thar mid lagustromun· liudi farteride· binoeas tidiun·
biutan that ina neride god· mid is hiuuiskea· helag drohtin· uuid thes
flodes farm· So uuard ok that fiur kuman· het fan himile· that thea
hohon burgi· umbi sodomoland· suart logna bifeng· grim endi
gradag· that thar nenig gumono niginas biutan loth eno ina ant
leddun thanen drohtines engilos· endi is dohter tua· an enan berg
uppen· that odar al brinnandi fiur· ia land ia liudi· logna farteride·
So farungo uuard that fiur kumen. so uuard er the flod so samo
so uuirdid the lazto dag· For thiu scal allaro liudio gehuilic then
kean for athemu thinge· thes is tharf mikil· manno gehuilicumu
be thiu latad iu an iuuuan mod sorga·
<LIII.> Huand so huan so that geuuirdid that uualdand krist· mari
mannes sunu mid theru maht godes· kumit mid thiu craftu
kuningo rikeost· sittean an is selbes maht· endi samod mid imu
alle thea engilos· the thar uppa sind· helaga anhimile· Than
sculun tharod helido barn elitheoda kuman alla tesamne· libbean
dero liudio· so huat so io anthesumu liohte· uuard firiho afodid·
Thar he themu folke scal allumu mankunnie mari drohtin· <63v>
4388-4413adelien aftar iro dadiun· Than skedid he thea farduanan man
thea faruuarhton uueros· an thea uuinistron hand· So duot he ok
thea saligon anthea suitheron half· grotid he than thea godun endi
im tegegnes sprikid· Kumad giquidid he thea thar gikorene
sindun· endi antfahad thit craftiga riki that gode that thar gi
gereuuid stendid· that thar uuard gumono barnun giuuarht
fan thesaro uueroldes endie· Iu habad geuuihid selbo· fader allaro
firiho barno· gimotun thesaro frumono neotan· geuualdon theses
uuidon rikeas· huand gi oft minan uuilleon frumidun· fulgen
gunmi gerno· endi uuarun mi iuuuaro gebo mildie· than ik
bithuungan uuas thurstu· endi hungru· frostu bifangan· eftho
an feteron lag· biklemmid an karkare· oft uurdun mi kumana
tharod· helpa fan iuuun handun· gi uuarun mi an iuuuomu hugi
mildie· uuisodun min uuerdlico· Than sprikid imu eft that uuerod
angegin· Fromin the godo quedat sie· huan uuari thu bifangan
so· bethuungan ansulicun tharabun· so thu for athesaru thiod telis
mahtig menis· Huan gisah thi man enig bethuungen an sulicun
tharabun· huat thu habes allaro thiodo giuuald· Iac sosamo thero
medmo· thero the io manno barn· geuunnun an thesaro uueroldi·
Than sprikid im eft uualdand god· So huat sogi dadun quidit he
an iuuues drohtines namon· godes fargabun an godes era· them
mannun the her minniston sindun· thero nu undar thesaru menegi
standid· endi thurh odmodi arme uuarun· uueros huand sie
minan uuilleon fremidun· so huat so gi im iuuuaro uuelono· <64r>
4413-4440far gabun· gidadun thurh diurida that antfeng iuuua drohtin
selbo· thiu helpe quam te hebencuninge· be thiu uuili iu the helago
drohtin lonon iuuuomu gilobon· gibid iuu lif euuig·
Vuendid ina than uualdand· anthea uuinistron hand· the drohtin
te them farduanvn <in HS: farduanan, letztes a getilgt und durch übergesetztes v korrigiert> mannun· sagad im that sie sculin· thea dad ant
gelden· thea man iro men giuuerk· Nu gi fan minun sculun qui
dit he faran so forfloca[ ]ne <in HS: ausradiert>· an that fiur euuig· that thar giga
reuuid uuard godes andsacun· fiundo folke be firinuuerkun·
huand gi mi ni hulpun than mi hunger endi thurst· uuegde
te uundrun· eftha ik geuuadies los geng· iamermod· uuas mi
grotun tharf· than ni[h]abde <in HS: zweiter Zug des h ausradiert> ik thar enige helpe· than Ik ge
heftid uuas· an litho kospun bilokan· eftha mi legar bifeng·
suara suhti· than niuueldungi min siokes thar uuison mid
uuihti· Niuuas iu uuerd eo uuiht· that gi min gehugdin· Be thiu
gi an hellie sculun· tholon anthiustre· Than sprikid imu eft
thiu thiod angegin· Uuola uualdand god quedad sie· hui uuilt
thu so uuit thit uuerod sprekan· mahlien uuid these menegi
huan uuas thi io manno tharf· gumono godes· huat sie it al
be thinun gebun ehtun uuelon anthero uueroldi· Than sprikid
eft uualdand god· Than gi thea ar mostun quidid he eldibar
no manno thea minniston· an iuuuomu modsebon helidos
farhugdun· letun sea iu an iuuuomu hugi lethe· bedeldun sie
iuuuaro diurda· than dadun gi iuuuomu drohtine sosama· gi uuer
nidun imu iuuuaro uuelono· be thiu ni uuili iu uualdand god <64v>
4441-4475antfahen fader iuuua ac gi anthat fiur sculun anthene diopun dod
diublun thionon· uuredun uuidersakun· huand gi so uuarhtun biuoran
Than aftar them uuordun· skedit that uuerod an tue· thea godun
endi thea ubilon· farad thea fargriponon man· an thea hetan hel hriuuig
mode· thea faruuarhton uueros uuiti antfahat· ubil endilos· Ledid
up thanen her hebencuning· thea hluttaron theoda· anthat langsame
lioht· thar is lif euuig· gigareuuid godes riki· godaro thiado·
<LIV.> So gefragn ik that them rinkun tho riki drohtin umbi thesaro <a.l.R. in Höhe der Initiale von anderer Hand: PASSIO in untereinander stehenden Buchstaben>
uueroldes· giuuand uuordun talde· huo thiu ford ferid than
lango the sie firiho barn ardon motun· Ia huo siu anthemu endie
scal tegliden endi tegangen· He sagde ok is iungarun thar uua
run uuordun· huat gi uuitun alle quad he· that nu obar tua naht·
sind tidi kumana· giudeono pascha· that sie sculun iro gode thio
non· uueros anthemu uuihe· thes nis geuuand enig· that thar uuir
did mannes sunu te theru megin thiodu craftag farkopot· endi
an cruce aslagan· tholod thiad quala· Tho uuard thar thegan ma
nag· slidmod gisamnod· sudarliudi iudeono gumscepi· thar sie
scoldun iro gode thionon· uurdun eosagon alle kumane· an huuarf
uueros the sie tho uuisostun undar theru menegi manno taldun
[cra]ftag <in HS: cra ausradiert, aber erkennbar> kuniburd <in HS: iburd halb ausradiert, aber erkennbar>· Thar caiphas uuas biscop thero liudio· sie
redun tho an that barn godes huo sie ina asluogin sundealosan·
quad that sie ina anthemu helagon daga hrinen niscoldin·
undar thero manno menegi· that niuuerde thius meginthioda
helidos an hroru· huand ina thit heriscepi uuili farstanden· <65r>
4475-4508mid stridu· Uui so stillo sculun freson is ferahes· that thit folc iudeono
anthesun uuihdagun· uuroht niafhebbien· Tho geng imu thar
iudas ford iungaro kristes· en thero tuelibio that that <sic> adali sat· iu
deono gumscepi· quad that he is im godan rad seggian mahti· Huat
uuilliad gimi sellien her quad he· medmo te medu· ef ik iu thene
man gibu· ano uuig endi ano uuroht· Tho uuard thes uuerodes
hugi thero liudio anlustun· ef thu uuili gilestien so quadun sie
thin uuord giuuaron· than thu giuuald habes· huat thu at thesaru
thiodu thiggean uuillies· godaro medmo· Tho gihet imu that
gumscepi thar an is selbes dom silubar scatto· thritig atsamne· endi
he te theru thiodu gisprak derebeun uuordun· that he gabi is drohtin
uuid thiu· Uuende ina tho fan themu uuerode· uuas im uured hugi
talode im so treulos· huan er uurdi imu thiu tid kuman· that
he ina mahti faruuisien· uuredaro thiodo· fiundo folke· Than uuisse
that fridubarn godes· uuar uualdand krisst· that he these uuerold
scolde ageben these gardos· endi sokien imu godes riki· gifaren
is fader odil· Tho nigisah enig firiho barno meron minnie· than
he tho te them mannun ginam te them is godun iungaron· gome
uuarhte· sette sie suaslico· endi im sagde filu uuaroro uuordo·
Skred uuester dag sunne te sedle· tho he selbo gibod· uualdand mid
is uuordun· het im uuater dragan hluttar te handun· endi res tho
the helago crist the godo at them gomun· endi thar is iungarono
thuog foti· mid is folmun· endi suarf sie mid is fanon aftar· druk
nide sie diurlica· Tho uuid is drohtin sprak simon petrus· Ni <65v>
4508-4540thunkid mi thit somi thing quad he· fromin the godo· that thu mine
foti thuahes· mid them thinun helagun handun· Tho sprak imu eft
is herro angegin· uualdand mid is uuordun· Ef thu is uuillean ni
habes quad he· te antfahanne that ik thine foti thuahe· thurh sulica
minnea· so ik thesun odrun mannun her dom thurh diurda· than
ni habes thu enigan del mid mi· an hebenrikea· Hugi uuard tho
giuuendid· simon petruse· thu haba thi selbo giuuald fromin the
godo· foto endi hando· endi mines hofdes sosama· thiadan te thua
hanne· te thiu that ik moti· thina ford huldi hebbian· endi heben
rikies sulic gideli· sothu mi drohtin uuili· fargeben thurh thina godi·
Iungaron kristes thene ambahtscepi erlos tholodun· thegnos mid
githuldi· so huat so im iro thiodo dede mahtig thurh thea minnea·
endi mende imu al mera thing·
Firihon te gifrummienne· <LV.> fridubarn godes· Geng imu tho eft
gisittien undar that gesido folc· endi im sagda filu langsamna
rad· Vuard eft lioht kuman morgen te mannun· mahtigne crist·
grottun is iungaron· endi fragodun huar sie is goma tho an themu
uuihdage· uuirkien scoldin· huar he uueldi halden· thea helagon
tidi· selbo mid is gesidun· Tho he sie sokien het thea gumon hieru
salem· So gi than gangan kumad quad he· an thea burg innan· thar
is braht mikil· meginthiodo gimang· thar mugun gi enan man
sehan· an is handun dragen hluttres uuatares· fullien mid folmun·
themu gi folgon sculun· an so huilike gardos so gi ina gangan gisehat
ia gi than themu herron· the thie hobos egi· selbon seggiad· that ik <66r>
4540-4575iu sende tharod· te gigaruuuenne mina goma· Than togid he iu
en godlic us· hohan soleri· the is bihangan al fagarun fratahun· thar
gi frummien sculun· uuerdscepi minan· thar bium ik uuis kumo·
selbo mid minun gesidun· Tho uurdun san aftar thiu thar te hie
rusalem iungaron kristes· forduuard anferdi· fundun allso he
sprak uuord tecan uuar· Niuuas thes giuuand enig· thar gereuuidun
sie thea goma· uuard the godes sunu helag drohtin anthat hus cuman
thar sie the landuuise lestien scoldun· fulgangan godes gibode· al
so iudeono uuas eo· endi aldsidu an erdagun· Giuuet imu tho an
themu abande alouualdand krist· an thene seli sittien· het thar is
gesidos te imu tuelibi gangan thea im gitriuuiston an iro modsebon
manno uuarun· biuuordun endi bi uuisun· uuisse imu selbo iro hugi
skefti· helag drohtin· grotte sie tho obar them gomun· Gern bium
Ik suido quad he that ik samad mid iu sittien moti· gomono neoten
iudeono pascha· delien mid iu so diuriun· Nu ik iu iuuues <in HS: e aus a korrigiert> drohtines
scal uuilleon seggian· that ik an thesaro uueroldi nimot· midman
nun mer moses anbiten· furdur mid firihun er than gifullod uuir
did himiloriki· Mi is an handun nu uuiti· endi uunderquale·
thea ik for thesumu uuerode scal· tholon for thesaru thiod· So he tho
so te them thegnun sprak· helag drohtin· so uuard imu is hugi drobi
uuard imu gisuorken sebo· endi eft te them gesidun sprac the godo
te them is iungarun· Huat ik iu godes riki quad he· gihet himiles
lioht· endi gi mi holdlico iuuuan theganskepi· Nu ni uuilliat gi
athengean so [a]c <in HS: ausradiert, aber erkennbar> uuenkeat thero uuordo· Nu seggiu ik iu te <66v>
4575-4607uuaran her· that uuili iuuuar tuelibio en treuuan asuikan· uuili
mi farcopon undar thit kunni iudeono gisellien uuider silubre·
endi uuili imu ther sinc niman· diurie medmos· endi geben is
drohtin uuit thiu· holdan herran· that imu thoh te harme scal
uuerdan te uuitie· be that he thea uurdi farsihit· endi he thes arbe
dies endi scauuot· than uuet <in HS: erstes u aus l korrigiert> he that te uuaran· that imu uuari
uuodiera thing· betera mikilu· that he gio giboran niuurdi lib
biendi te thesumu liohte· than he that lon nimid ubil arbedi
inuuiddrado· Tho bigan thero erlo gehuilic· te odrumu scauuon·
sorgondi sehan· uuas im ser hugi hriuuig umbi iro herta· gihor
dun iro herron tho gornuuord sprekan· thea gumon sorgodun
huilican he thero tuelibio te thiu tellien uueldi· sculdignascadon·
that he habdi thea scattos thar· gethingod attheru thiod· Ni uuas
thero thegno enigumu sulikes inuuiddies othi te gehanne· men
githahtio antsuok thero manno gehuilic· uurdun alle an forh
tun fragon negidorstun· er than tho geboknide· baruuirdig
gumo· simon petrus· Negidorste it selbo sprekan· te iohanne
themu godon· he uuas themu godes barne anthem dagun· thegno
liobost mest an minniun· endi moste thar tho anthes mahtiges
kristes· barme restien· endi an is breostun lag· hlinode mid is
hobde· thar nam he so manag helag geruni· diapa githahti·
endi tho te is drohtine sprac· began ina tho fragon· Hue scal
that fromin uuesen quad he that thi farcopon uuili cuningo
rikeost· undar thinaro fiundo folc· us uuari thes firiuuit <67r>
4607-4641mikil uualdand te uuitanne· Tho habde eft is uuord garu· helean
do crist· Seh thi huemu ik her an hand gebe· mines moses for thesun
mannun· the habed· men githat· birid bittran hugi· the scal mi an
banono geuuald· fiundun bifelhen· thar man mines ferhes scal al
dres ahtien· Nam he tho aftar thiu thes moses· for them mannun·
endi gaf is themu menscaden· iudase an hand· endi imu tegegnes
sprac· selbo for them is gesidun· endi ina sniumo het faran· fanthemu
is folke· frumi so thu thenkis quad he· do that thu duan scalt· thu
nimaht bidernien leng· uuilleon thinan· thiu uurd is at handun·
thea tidi sind nu ginahid· So tho the treulogo that mos antfeng
endi mid is mudu anbet· so afgaf ina tho thiu godes craft· gra
mon in geuuitun· anthene lichamon ledauuihti· uuard imu sa
tanas sero bitengi· hardo umbi is herte· sidur ine thiu helpe godes·
farlet anthesumu liohte· so is themu liudio [ ]uue <in HS: ausradiert>· the so undar
thesumu himile scal herron uuehslon·
<LVI.> Giuuet imu tho ut thanen· inuuideas gern iudas gangan· habde
imu grimmen hugi· thegan uuid· is thiodan· uuas tho iu thiustri
naht· suido gisuorken· sunu drohtines uuas imu at them gomun
ford· endi is iungarun thar uualdand uuin endi brod· uuihide bethiu·
helagode hebencuning· mid is handun brak· gaf it undar them is
iungarun· endi gode thancode· sagde them olat the tharal giscop·
uuerold endi uunnea· endi sprak uuord manag· Gilobiot githes
liohto· that thit is min lichamo· endi min blod so same· gibu ik iu
her bethiu samad· etan endi drinkan· thit ik an erdu scal geban· <67v>
4641-4675endi geotan· endi iu te godes rikie· losien mid minu lichamen· an lif
euuig· anthat himiles lioht· Gihuggeat gi simlun· that gi thiu fulgan
gad· thiu ik anthesun gomun don· mariad thit for menegi· thit is
mahtig thing· mid thius sculun gi iuuuomu drohtine diurida frum
mien· habbiad <in HS: i übergesetzt ergänzt> thit min te gihugdiun· helag bilidi· that it eldibarn
aftar lestien· uuaron anthesaru uueroldi· that that uuitin alle man·
obar thesan middilgard· that it is thurh mina minnea· giduan· herron
te huldi· Gehuggiad gi simlun· hueo ik iu her gebiudu· that gi iuuuan
broderskepi· fasto frummiad· habbiad ferhtan hugi· minniod iu
an iuuuomu mode· that that mannobarn· obar irminthiod alle far
standen· that gi sind gegnungo iungaron mine· Ok scal ik iu cudien
huo her uuili craftag fiund· hetteand herugrim umbi iuuuan
hugi niusien· satanas selbo he cumid iuuuaro seolono herod· frok
no freson· simlun gi fasto te gode berad iuuua breost githaht·
Ik scal an iuuuaru bedu standen· that iu nimugi the menscado· mod
getuiflean· Ik fullestiu iu uuider themu fiunde· Ok quam he
herod giu freson min· thoh imu is uuilleon her uuiht negistodi·
liobes anthemu minumu lichamon· Nu ni uuilliu ik iu leng helen
huat iu her nu sniumo scal· te sorgu gistanden· gi sculun mi gesui
kan gesidos mine· Iuuues theganscepies· er than thius thiustrie
naht· liudi farlitha endi eft lioht cume· morgan te mannun·
Tho uuard mod gumon· suido gisuorken· endi ser hugi· hriuuig
umbi iro herte· endi iro herron uuord· suido ansorgun· Simon
petrus tho thegan uuid is thiodan thrist uuordun sprac· bi huldi <hier Blattverlust, Vv. 4676-4739 fehlen in HS> <68r>
4740-4776gerno biddien· that he im thero costondero craft farstodi uuredaro
uuilleon· that im the uuidersaco· nimahti the menscado mod gi
tuiflean· Iak imu tho selbo gihneg· sunu drohtines· craftag an
kniobeda· kuningo rikeost· forduuard te foldu· fader alothiado·
godan grotte· gornuuordun sprac· hriuuiglico· uuas imu is hugi
drobi· bi theru menniski mod gihrorid· Is flesk uuas anforhtun·
fellun imo trahni. drop is diurlic suet. al so dror kumid. uuallan
fan uundun· uuas angeuuinne tho· anthemu godes barne· the
gest· endi the lichamo· odar uuas fusid· an forduuegos· the gest an
godes riki· odar giamar stod· lichamo cristes· Niuuelde thit lioht
ageben· acdrobde· for themu dode· Simla he te drohtine ford
thiu mer aftar thiu· mahtigna grotte· hohan himilfader· helagna
god· uualdand mid is uuordun· Ef nu uuerden nimag quad he
mankunni generid· Nesi that ik minan gebe lioban lichamon·
for liudio barn· te uuegeanne te uundrun· it si than thin uuilleo so·
ik uuilliu is than gicoston· ik nimu thene kelik an hand· drinku
ina thi te diurdu drohtin fromin· mahtig mundboro· Niseh thu
mines her· fleskes gifories· Ik fullon scal· uuilleon thinen· thu
habes geuuald obar al· Giuuet imu tho gangen thar he er is
iungaron let· bidan uppan themu berge· fand sie that barn godes
slapen sorgandie· uuas im ser hugi· thes sie fan iro drohtine
delien scoldun· So sind that modthraca manno gehuilicumu·
that he farlaten scal liabane herron afgeben thene so godene·
Tho he te is iungarun sprak· uuahte sie uualdand endi uuordun <68v>
4776-4811grotte· hui uuilliad gi so slapen quad he· nimugun samad mid
mi uuacon ene tid· thiu uurd is at handun· that it so gigangen
scal· so it god fader gimarcode mahtig· Mi nis anminumumo
de tueho· min gest is garu an godes uuillean· fus te faranne· min
flesk is ansorgun· letid mik min lichamo· ledis imu suido uuiti
te tholonne· Ik thoh uuillean <in HS: uuilleen, zweites e getilgt und durch übergesetztes a korrigiert> scal· mines fader gefrummien· hebbiad
gi fasten hugi· Giuuet imu tho eft thanen· oder sidu· antheneberg
uppen te bedu gangan· mari drohtin· endi thar somanag gisprac·
godoro uuordo· godes engil quam· helag fan himile· is hugi fast
node· beldide te them bendiun· he uuas antheru bedu simla ford·
an flite· endi is fader grotte· uualdand mid is uuordun· Ef
it nu uuesen nimag quad he· mari drohtin· nebu ik for thit
manno folc· thiod quale tholoie· ik an thinan scal uuillean uunon·
Giuuet imu tho ef thanen sokean is gesidos fand sie slapandie·
grotte sie gahun· geng imu eft thanen· thriddeon sidu tebedu·
endi sprak thiod kuning· al thiu selbon uuord sunu drohtines·
te themu alouualdon fader so he er dede· manode mahtigna
manno frumana· suido niutlico neriando crist· Geng imu tho
eft te them is iungarun· grotte sie sano· Slapad gi endi restiad
quad he· Nu uuirdid sniumo herod· cuman midcraftu· the mi
farcopot habad· sundealosan gisald· Gesidos cristes· uuacodun
tho aftar them uuordun· endi gisahun tho that uuerod kuman·
an thene berg uppen· brahtmu thiumikilon·
Uureda uuapan berand· <LVIII.> Vuisde im iudas gramhugdig man· <69r>
4811-4843iudeon aftar sigun· fiundo folcscepi drog man fiur an gimang·
logna an lioht fatun· ledde man faklon· brinnandea fan burg· thar
sie an thene berg uppan· stigun mid stridu· thea stedi uuisse iudas
uuel· huar he thea liudi to ledean scolde· Sagde imu tho te tekne·
tho sie thar to forun· themu folke biuoran· te thiu that sie nifarfen
gin thar· erlos odren man· Ik gangu imu at erist to quad he· cussiu
ine endi queddiu· that is crist selbo· thene gifahen sculun folco craftu·
binden ina uppan themu berge· endi ina te burg hinan· ledien un
dar thea liudi· he is libes habad mid is uuordun faruuerkod· Uue
rod sithode tho· antat sie te criste kumane uurdun· grimfolc iudeo
no· thar he mid is iungarun stod· mari drohtin· bed metodo giscapu
torhtero tideo· Tho geng imu treulos man· iudas tegegnes· endi
te themu godes barne· hneg mid is hobdu· endi is herron quedde·
custe ina craftagne· endi is quidi leste· uuisde ina themu uuero
de· al so he er mid uuordun gehet· That tholode al mid githul
diun· thiodo drohtin· uualdand thesara uueroldes· endi sprak imu
mid is uuordun to· fragode ine frokno· Be hui kumis thu so
mid thius folcu te mi· be hui ledis thu mi so these liudi to· thesare
ledan thiode· farcopos mid thinu kussu· under thit kunni iudeo
no· meldos mi te thesaru menegi· Geng imu tho uuid thea man
sprekan· uuid that uuerod odar· endi sie mid is uuordun fragn·
huene sie mid thiu gesidiu sokean quamin· so niutlico an naht·
so gi uuillead nod frummien· manno huilicumu· Tho sprak
imu eft thiu menegi angegin· quadun that im heleand thar· an <69v>
4843-4877themu holme uppan· geuuisid uuari· the thit giuuer frumid·
iudeoliudiun· endi in godes sunu selbon hetid· Ina quamun uui
sokean herod· uueldin ina gerno bigeten· he is fan galileolande·
fan nazarethburg· So im tho the nerendio <in HS: i übergesetzt ergänzt> crist sagde <in HS: e aus a korrigiert> to sodan
that he it selbo uuas· so uurdun tho anforhtun folc iudeono· uur
dun underbadode· that sie under bacfellun· alle efno san erde
gisohtun· uuider uuardes· that uuerod nimahte that uuord godes·
thie stemnie antstanden· Uuarun thoh so stridige man ahlio
pun eft up anthemu holme· hugi fastnodun· bundun briostgi
thaht· gibolgane gengun nahor mid nithu· anttat sie thene ne
riendion crist· uuerodo biuurpun· stodun uuise man· suido gor
nundie· giungaron kristes· biuoran theru derebeon dadi· endi
te iro drohtine sprakun· Uuari it nuthin uuillio quadun sie·
uualdand fromin· that us her an speres ordun· spildien mostin·
uuapnun uunde· than niuuari us uuiht so god· so that uui her for
usumu drohtine· doan mostin bendiun bleka· Tho gibolgan
uuard· snel suerdthegan simon petrus· uuel imu innan hugi
that he nimahte· enig uuord sprekan· so harm uuard imu an is
hertan· that man is herron thar binden uuelde· Tho he gibol
gan geng· suido thrist mod thegan for is thiodan standen· hard
for is herron· Niuuas imu is hugi tuifli· bloth an is breostun·
ac he is bil atoh· suerd bi sidu stop imu tegegnes· anthene furiston
fiund folmo crafto· that tho malchus uuard makeas eggiun
an thea suidaron half suerdu gimalod· Thiu hlust uuard imu <70r>
4877-4909farhauuan· he uuard an that hobid uund· that imu heru drorag
hlear· endi ore· beni uundun brast· blod aftar sprang uuell fan
uundun· Tho uuas an is uuangun scard· the furisto thero fiundo
tho stod that folc anrum· andredun im thes billes biti· Tho sprak
that barn godes· selbo te simon petruse· het that he is suerd dedi
skarp an skedia· Ef ik uuid thesa scola uueldi quad he· uuid
theses uuerodes geuuin· uuigsaca frummien· than manodi
ik thene mareon mahtigne god· helagne fader an himilri
kea· that he mi so managan engil· herod obana sandi· uui
ges so uuisen· so ni <in HS: aus m korrigiert> mahtin iro uuapan treki man adogen <in HS: adrogen, r getilgt>· iro
nistodi gio sulic megin samad· folkes gifastnost· that im
iro ferh aftar thiu· uuerden mahti· Ac it habad uualdand god·
alomahtig fader· an odar gimarkot· that uui githoloian sculun·
so huat so us thius thiod· to bittres brengit· Nisculun us belgan
uuiht· uuredean uuid iro geuuinne· huand so hue so uuapno
nid· grimman gerheti uuili gerno frummien· he suiltit imu
oft suerdes eggiun· dot im bidroregan· Uui mid usun dadiun
nisculun· uuiht auuerdian· Geng he tho te themu uundon
manne· legde mid listiun lik tesamne· hobiduundon· that siu
san gihelid uuard· thes billes biti· endi sprak that barn godes·
uuid that uurede uuerod· Mi thunkid uunder mikil quad he·
ef gi mi ledes uuiht lestien uueldun· hui gi mi tho ni fengun
than ik undar iuuuomu folke stod· anthemu uuihe innan· endi
thar uuord manag· sodlic sagde· than uuas sunnon skin· diurlic <70v>
4909-4942lioht dages· than niuueldun gi mi doan eouuiht· ledes an
thesumu liohte· endi nu lediad mi iuuua [ ]liudi <in HS: ausradiert> to· an thiustrie
naht· al so man thiobe dot than man thene fahan uuili· endi he
is ferhes habad far uuerkot uuamscado· Uuerod iudeono gripun
tho anthene godes sunu· grimma thioda· hatandiero hop· huurbun
ina umbi· modag manno folc· menes nisahun· heftun heruben
diun handi tesamne· fadmos mid fitereun· Im niuuas sulicaro
firinquala tharf te githolonne· thiod arbedies· teuuinnanne·
sulic uuiti· Ac he it thurh thit uuerod deda· huand he liudio barn
losien uuelda· halon fan helliu· an himilriki· anthene uuidon uue
lon· bethiu he thes uuiht nebisprak· thes sie imu thurh inuuid
nid ogean uueldun· <LIX.> Tho uurdun thes so malcse· modag folc
iudeono· thiu heri uuard thes so hromeg· thes sie thena helagon
krist· fordun an fitereun· Thie fiund eft geuuitun· fan themu
berge te burg· geng that barn godes· undar themu heriscepi·
handun gebunden drubondi te dale· Uuarun imu thea is diurion
tho gesuikane· al so he im er selbo gisprak· Niuuas it thoh be eni
garu blodi that sie that barn godes· lioben farletun· ac it uuas
so lango biuoren uuarsagono uuord· that it scoldi giuuerden so
bethiu nimahtun sie is bemithan· Than aftar theru menegi
gengun· iohannes endi petrus thie gumon tuene· folgodun fer
rane· uuas im firi uuit mikil· huat thea grimmon iudeon themu
godes barne· uueldin iro drohtine doen· Tho sie te dale quamun·
fan themu berge te burg· thar iro biscop uuas· iro uuihes uuard· <71r>
4942-4974thar leddun ina uulanke man erlos undar ederos· thar uuas
eld mikil· fiur an fridhobe themu folke tegegnes· geuuarht for
themu uuerode· thar gengun sie im uuermien to· iudeoliudi· letun
thene godes sunu bidon an bendiun· uuas thar braht mikil· gelmo
digaro galm· Iohannes uuas er themu heroston cud· be thiu moste
he an hene hof· innan thringan mid theru thiod· Stod allaro
thegno bezto petrus thar ute· Nilet ina the portun uuard folgon
is froen· er it at is friunde abad· iohannes at enumu iudeon· that man
ina gangan let· ford an thene fridhof· thar quam im en fekni uuif·
gangan tegegnes· thiu enas iudeon uuas iro theodanes thiuu endi
tho te themu thegne sprac· magad unuuanlic· Huat thu mahtis
man uuesan quad siu giungaro fan galilea· thes the thar genouuer
sted· fadmun gifastnod· Tho an forhtun uuard simon san
slac an is mode· quad that he thes uuibes uuord ni bikonsti· nithes
theodanes thegan niuuari· med is tho for theru menegi· quad that
he thena man niantkendi· nisind mi thine sidi kude quad he· uuas
imu thiu craft godes· thea herdislo fan themu hertan huarabondi·
Geng ford undar themu folke· antat he te themu fiure quam· gi
uuet ina tho uuarmien· Thar im ok en uuif bigan felgian firin
spraka· Her mugun gi quad siu an iuu[ ]an <in HS: ausradiert> fiund sehan· thit is
gegnungo giungaro kristes· is selbes gesid· Tho gengun imu san
aftar thiu nahor nidhuata· endi ina niudlico fragodun fiundo
barn huilikes he folkes uuari· Nibist thu thesoro burgliudio· that
mugun uui an thinumu gibarie gisehan· anthinun uuordun· <71v>
4974-5006endi an thinaru uuison <in HS: o aus u korrigiert> that thu theses uuerodes nibist· ac thu bist
galileisk man· He niuuelda thes tho gehan eouuiht· ac stod tho
endi stridda· endi starkan ed suidlico gesuor· that he thes gesides
niuuari· Nihabda is uuordo giuuald· it scolde giuuerden so· so it
the gemarcode· the mancunnies faruuardot· anthesaru uueroldi·
Tho quam imu ok anthemu huuarbe to· thes mannes maguuini the
he er mid is makeo giheu· suerdu thiu scarpon· quad that he ina sahi
thar· an hemu berge uppan· thar uui anthemu bomgardon herron
thinumu hendi bundun· fastnodun is folmos· He tho thurh forhtan
hugi· forlognide thes is liob <in HS: liobes, es getilgt> get herron· quad that he uueldi uue
san thes libes scolo ef it mahti enig thar irmin manno· giseggian
te sodan that he thes gesides uuari· folgodi theru ferdi· Tho uuard
anthena formon sid· hanocrad afhaben· Tho sah the helago crist
barno that bezte· thar he gebunden stod· selbo te simon petruse·
sunu drohtines· te themu erle obar is ahsla· Tho uuard imu an
innan san simon petruse· ser an is mode· harm an is hertan· endi
is hugi drobi· suido uuard imu an sorgun· that he er selbo gesprak·
gihugde thero uuordo tho· the imu er uualdand krist· selbo sagda·
that he antheru suartan naht· er hanocradi is herron scoldi thriuuo
farlognien· Thes thram imu innan mod· bittro an is breostun·
endi geng imu tho gibolgan thanen theman fantheru menigi an
modkaru suido an sorgun endi is selbes uuord uuamscefti uueop·
antat imu uuallan quamun· thurh thea hertcara· hete trahni·
blodage fan is breostun· He niuuande that he is mahti· gibotien· <72r>
5006-5043uuiht· firinuuerk furdur· eftha te is frahon kuman· herron huldi·
Nis enig helido so ald· that io mannes sunu mer gisahi· is selbes uuord
serur hreuuan· karon eftha kumien· Vuola crafteg god quad he· that
ik hebbiu mi so foruuerkot· so ik minaro uueroldes nitharf olat seg
gean· ef ik nu te aldre scal huldeo thinaro endi hebenrikeas theo
den tholoian· than nitharf mi thes enig thanc uuesan· liobo droh
tin· that ik io te thesumu liohte quam· Ni bium ik nu thes uuirdig
uualdand fromin· that ik under thine iungaron gangan moti· thus
sundig under thine gesidos· ik iro selbo scal midan an minumu
mode· nu ik mi sulic men gesprac· So gornode gumono bezta
hrau im so hardo that he habde is herron tho leobes farlognid·
Than ni thurbun thes liudio barn uueros uundroian behui it
uueldi god that so lioben man led gistodi that he so honlico herron
sines· thurh thera thi uuord· [ ]thegno <in HS: ausradiert> snellost· farlognide so
liobes· It uuas al bithesun liudiun giduan· firiho barnun te
frumu· He uuelde ina te furiston doan· herost obar is hiuuiski·
helag drohtin· let ina gekunnon hullike craft· habet the men
nisca mod· ano the maht godes· let ina gesundion· that he sidor
thiu bet liudiun gilobdi· huo liof is that manno huilicumu than
he men gefrumit· that man ina alate ledes thinges sacono en
di sundeono· so im tho selbo dede· hebenrikies god· harmgeuurhti·
<LX.> Be thiu nis mannes bag mikilun biderbi hagustaldes hrom·
ef imu thiu helpe godes gesuikid· thurh is sundeo· than is imu
san aftar thiu breosthugi blothora· thoh he er bihet spreca· hromie <72v>
5043-5077fan is hildi endi fan is handcrafti· the man fan is megine· That
uuard thar an themu mareon skin· thegno bezton tho imu is thio
danes gisuek helag helpe· Bethiu niscoldi hromien man te suido
fan imu selbon· huand imu thar suikid oft uuan endi uuilleo· ef
imu uualdand god her hebenkuning· herte nisterkit·
Than bed allaro barno bezt· bendi tholode· thurh mancunni·
huurbun ina managa umbi· iudeono liudi spracun gelp mikil·
hafdun ina te hosca· thar he gieftid stod· tholode mid gethuldiun·
so huat so imu thiu thiod deda liudi ledes· Tho uuard eft lioht
cuman· morgan te mannun· manag samnoda heri iudeono·
habdun im hugi uulbo· Inuuid an innan· Uuard thar eosago
an morgantid· manag gisamnod· irri endi enhard· inuuideas
gern· Uuredes uuillean· gengun im an huarf samad· rinkos
an runa· bigunnun im radan tho· huo sie geuuisadin mid uuar
losun mannun· men geuuitun an mahtigna crist· te giseggian
ne sundea thurh is selbes uuord· that sie ina than te uunderqua
lu· uuegean mostin· adelien te dode· Sie nimahtun anthemu
dage finden so uured geuuitscepi· that sie imu uuiti be thiu ade
lien mostin· eftha dod frummien· libu bilosien· Tho quamun
thar atlaztan ford· anthena huarf uuero uuarlose man· tue
ne gangan· endi bigunnun im tellien an· quadun that sie ina
selbon seggian gihordin· <in HS: gihordin seggian·, Umstellung durch vorgesetzte Zeichen markiert> that he mahti teuuerpen thena uuih
godes· allaro huso hohost· endi thurh is handmegin· thurh is
enes craft up arihtien· an thriddion daga so is helcor nidorfti <73r>
5077-5107bethihan man· He thagoda endi tholoda· nisprak imu io thiu
thiod so uilu· thea liudi mid luginun· that he it mid ledun an
gegin uuordun uurachi· Tho thar undar themu uuerode ares·
baluhugdig man biscop thero liudio· the furisto thes folkes·
endi fragode krist· Iac ina be imu selbon bisuor· suithon ethun·
grotte ina an godes namon· endi gerno bad that he im that gi
sagdi· ef he sunu uuari thes libbiendies goden godes· thes thit
lioht gescop· krist cuning euuig· Uui nimugun is antkiennien
uuiht· ne anthinun uuordun· ni anthinun uuerkun· Tho sprak
imu eft the uuaro angegin· the godo godes sunu· Thu quidis
it for thesun iudeon nu sodlico segis that ik it selbo bium· thes ni
gilobiad mi these liudi· Niuuilliad mi forlatan bethiu· Nisind im
min uuord uuirdig· Nu seggiu ik iu te uuarun thoh· that gi noh
sculun sittien gisehan· an the suidaron half godes marean mannes
sunu an megincrafte· thes alouualden fader· endi thanan eft
kuman an himiluuolcnun herod· endi allumu helido cunnie· mid
is uuordun adelien· al so iro geuurhti sind· Tho balg ina the biscop
habde bittren hugi· uuredida uuid themu uuorde· endi is giuuadi
slet· brak for is breostun· Nu ni durbun gi bidan leng quad he
thit uuerod geuuitscepies· nu im sulic uuord farad men spraca fan
is mude· that gihorid her nu manno filu· rinko an thesumu rakude
that he ina so rikean telit· gihid that he god si· huat uuilliad gi iudeon
thes adelien tedome is he dodes sunu uuirdig be sulicun uuordun
<LXI.> That uuerod al gesprac folc iudeono· that he uuari tho thes ferhes scolo· <73v>
5108-5140Vuities so uuirdig· Niuuas it thoh he is geuurhtiun gidoen·
that ine thar an hierusalem· iudeoliudi· sunu drohtines· sundea
losen adeldun te dode· Tho uuas thero dadio hrom· iudeoliudiun
huat sie themu godes barne mahtin so haftemu mest harmes ge
frummien· Beuurpun ina tho mid uuerode· endi ina an is uuan
gon slogun· an is hleor mid iro handun· Al uuas imu that te hosce
gidoen· felgidun imu firinuuord· fiundo menegi· bismerspraka
stod that barn godes· fast under fiundun· uuarun imu is fadmos
gebundene· tholode mid githuldiun· so huat so imu thiu thiod to
bittres brahte· Nibalg ina neouuiht· uuid thes uuerodes geuuin·
Tho namun ina uurede man so gibundanan that barn godes·
endi ina tho leddun thar thero liudio uuas· there thiade thinghus·
thar thegan manag huurbun umbi iro heritogon· thar uuas
iro herron bodo· fan rumuburg· thes the tho thes rikeas giuueld
kumen uuas he fan themu kesure· gisendid uuas he undar that
cunni iudeono te rihtiene that riki· uuas thar radgebo· pilatus
uuas he heten· he uuas fan ponteolande· cnosles kennit· habde
imu craft mikil· anthemu thinghuse thiod gisamnod· an huarf
uueros uuarlose man· Agabun tho thena godes sunu· iudeoliudi
under fiundo folc· quadun that he uuari thes ferhes scolo· that
man ina uuitnodi uuapnes eggiun· scarpun scurun· Niuuelde
thiu scole iudeono· thringan an that thing hus· Ac thiu thiod ute
stod· mahlidun thanen uuid thea menegi· niuueldun anthat
gimang faren· elilandige man· that sie thar unreht uuord· an <74r>
5141-5173[...] <in HS: fast gesamte erste Zeile ausradiert> quadun that sie
im sohluttra helaga tidi uueldin iro pascha halden· Pilatus ant
feng at them uuamscadun· uualdandes barn sundealosen· Tho
an sorgun uuard iudases hugi tho he ageban gisah is drohtin te dode·
tho bigan imu thiu dad aftar thiu an is hugea hreuuan· that he habde
is herron er sundealosen gisald· Nam imu tho that silubar anhand
thritig scatto· that man imu er uuid is thiodane gaf· geng <in HS: gengun, un getilgt> imu
tho te them iudiun· endi im is grimmon dad sundeon sagde· endi
im that silubar bod· gerno te agebanne· Ik hebbiu it so griolico
quad he mid mines drohtines drore gicopot· so ik uuet that it
mi ni thiit· Thiod iudeono niuueldun it tho antfahan· ache
tun ina ford aftar thiu· umbi sulica sundea· selbon ahton huat he
uuid is frahon gefrumid habdi· Thu sahi thi selbo thes quadun
sie· huat uuili thu thes nu soken te us· Neuuit thu that thesumu
uuerode· Tho giuuet imu eft thanan iudas gangan te themu
godes uuihe· suido an sorgun· endi that silubar uuarp· anthena
alah innan· Negidorste it egan leng· For imu tho so an forhtun
so ina fiundo barn modage manodun habdun thes mannes hugi
gramon undergripanen· Uuas imu <in HS: u übergesetzt ergänzt> god abolgan· that he imu selbon
tho simon uuarhte· hneg tho an herusel an hinginna uuarag
an uurgil· endi uuiti gecos· hard hellie gethuing· het endi thiustri.
diap dodes dalu· huand he er umbi is drohtin suek·
<LXII.> Than bed that barn godes bendi tholode· an themu thing huse·
huan er thiu thiod under im erlos enuuordie alle uurdin· <74v>
5174-5206huat sie imu than te ferah q[...] <in HS: Rest der Zeile ausradiert>
anthem benkiun ares bodo kesures· fan rumuburg· endi geng
imu uuid that riki iudeono modag mahlien· thar thiu menigi stod
aftar themu hobe huarbon· Niuueldun an that hus kuman an
themu paschadage· Pilatus bigan frokno fragon obar that folc
iudeono· mid huiu the man habdi mordes gisculdit· uuities gi
uuerkot· behui gi imu so uurede sind· an iuuuomu hugea hotie·
Sie quadun that he im habdi· harmes so filu ledes gilestid· Niga
uin· ina thesa liudi thi· thar sie ina er biuoran ubilan niuuissin·
uuordun faruuarhten· he habat theses uuerodes so filu· farledid mid
is lerun· endi thesa liudi merrid· doit im iro hugi tuiflien· that uui
nimotun te themu hobe kesures tinsi gelden· that mugun uui ina
gitellien an· mid uuaru geuuitscepi· He sprikid ok uuord mikil
quidit that he crist si kuning obar thit riki· begihit ina so grotes·
Tho im eft tegegnes sprak bodo kesures· Ef he so barlico quad
he· under thesaru menigi men uuerk frumid· antfahad ina than
eft under iuuue folcscepi· ef he si is ferhes scolo· endi imu so adeliad
ef he si dodes uuerd· so it an iuuuaro aldrono eo gebiode· Sie qua
dun tho that sie nimostin· manno nigenumu an the helagon tid
te hand banon uuerden· mid uuapnun anthemu uuihdage· Tho
uuende ina fanthemu uuerode· uured hugdig man· thegan kesu
res he obar thea thioda uuas· bodo fan rumuburg· het imu tho
that barn godes nahor gangan· endi ina niudlico· fragoda frokno
ef he obar that folc kuning thes uuerodes uuari· Tho habde eft <75r>
5206-5239is uuord garu· sunu drohtines· Hueder thu that fan thi selbumu spri
kis· quad he· the it thi odre her erlos sagdun· quadun umbi minan
kuningduom· Tho sprak eft the kesures bodo uulank endi uured
mod· thar he uuid uualdand krist rethiode anthem rakude·
Ni bium ik theses rikies hinan quad he· giudeoliudio· nigadoling
thin· thesaro manno maguuini· ac mi thi thius menigi biualah·
agabun thi thina gadulingos mi iudeoliudi· haftan te handun·
huat habas thu harmes giduan· that thu so bittro scalt bendi tholo
ian qualm undar thinumu kunnie· Tho sprak imu eft krist an
gegin helendero bezt· thar he giheftid stod anthemu rakude
innan· Nis min riki hinan quad he· fanthesaru uuerold stundu·
Ef it uuari so· than uuarin so starkmode uuider strid hugi· uui
der gramathioda iungaron mine· so man mi ni gabi iudeo liudiun·
hettendiun an hand· an herubendiun· te uuegeanne te uundrun·
Te thiu uuard ik anthesaru uueroldi giboran· that ik geuuit scepi
giuuuares thinges mid minun kumiun kuddi· that mugun antken
nien uuel· the uueros the sind fan uuare kumane· the mugun min
uuord farstanden· gilobien minun lerun· Tho nimahte lasteres
uuiht anthem barne godes· bodo kesures findan feknea uuord·
that he is ferhes bethiu sculdig uuari· Tho geng he im eft uuid
thea scola iudeono modag mahlien· endi theru menigi sagde· obar
hlust mikil· that he anthemu hafton manne· sulica firinspraka
finden nimahti· so he uuari is ferhes scolo· dodes uuirdig· Than
stodun dolmode iudeoliudi· endi thane godes sunu uuordun <75v>
5239-5275uurogdun quadun that he giuuer erist begunni an galileolande·
endi obar iudeon for heroduuardes thanen· hugi tuiflode manno
modsebon· so he is mordes uuerd· that man ina uuitnoie· uuapnes
eggiun· ef eo man mid sulicun dadiun mag dodes gesculdien·
<LXIII.> So uurogdun ina mid uuordun uuerod iudeono thurh hotean hugi·
Tho the heritogo slidmodig man seggian gihorde fan huili
cumu kunnie krist afodid uuas manno the bezto· he uuas fan theru
marean thiadu the god fan galilealande thar uuas gumscepi· edilie
ro manno· herodes biheld thar craftagnae kuningdom· so ina imu
the kesur fargaf· the rikeo fan rumu· that he thar rehto gehuilic ge
frumidi undar themu folke· endi fridu lesti· domos adeldi· he uuas
ok anthemu dage selbo an hierusalem· mid is gumscepi· mid is uue
rode atthemu uuihe· so uuas iro uuise than· that sie thar the land
uuisan· lestien scoldun pasca iudeono· Pilatus gibod tho that
thena hafton man helidos namin· so gibundenne that barn godes·
het that sie ina herodese erlos brahtin· haften te handun· huand
he fan is heriscepi uuas· fan is uuerodes geuuald· Uuigand frumi
dun iro herron uuord helagne krist fordun anfiteriun· for the
na folctogun· allaro barno bezt· thero the io giboren uurdi an
liudio lioht· an lithu bendiun geng· antat sie ina brahtun thar he
an is benkia sat· cuning herodes umbi huarf ina craft uuero
uulanke uuigandos· uuas im uuilleo mikil that sie thar selbon crist
gisehan mostin· uuandun that he im sum tekan thar togean scoldi
mari endi mahtig· so he managun dede thurh is godcundi· iudeo <hier Blattverlust, Vv. 5276-5969 fehlen in HS> <76r>
5969-5983[helagumu geste fan hebenuuange mid them grotun godes craft·] <in HS: Zeile ausradiert, aber erkennbar>
Nam is iungaron tho· erlos gode· ledda sie· ut thanan· antat he sie
brahte an bethania· thar hof he is hendi up· endi helegoda sie alle·
uuihida sie mid is uuordun· Giuuet imo up thanan sohta imo that
hoha himiloriki· endi thena is helagon stol· sitit imo thar anthea
suidron half godes alomahtiges fader· endi thanan all gesihit uual
dandeo crist· so huat so thius uuerold behabet· Tho antheru selbon
stedi gesidos gode te bedu fellun· endi im eft te burg thanan thar
te hierusalem iungaron (ch)ristes forun· faganondi· uuas im frah
mod hugi· uuarun im thar atthemu uuihe· uualdandes craft
<in HS: vier ausradierte Schlusszeilen>